
4:It happened so fast.

I was in his arms, or maybe he was in my arms, either way, it felt so good that I couldn't hold myself. I pulled from the hug and cupped his face. His eyes seemed darker than they were before. My heartbeat increased so fast as my face got closer to his. For a moment I was lost in those dark eyes but when I regained my senses I let go of his face immediately and looked down. This wasn't right at all, and it wasn't even the right time for this. What was I thinking? Was I taking advantage of his situation? Is this the right way to help someone? I was lost in my thoughts when I felt his hands cradling my face, they felt so warm, one of his hands held my chin and raised it slowly that now I was looking at him, at his dark eyes.

I don't even know how I was able to keep eye contact with him, is this what we call lust? Because the more I looked at those dark eyes the more I felt like doing something crazy. I had been carried away. He leaned closer and touched my lips. My breath quickened and my nipples hardened at the contact with his chest, within a second his mouth covered mine in a warm press and I was lost.


She had lost her breath and was fighting to catch it. "Mar...Marvin...." She called him out in a low voice, the one she could master at the moment but he didn't stop " Please....let me....let me breath" He stopped and looked at her, eyes filled with the darkness of desire. " I don't want to stop ..." He looked at her, his fingers seductively trailing her face. Why are these eyes so beautiful? Why did she make him feel things he didn't want to feel and yet can't stop? How was she able to make him forget about Elodie? She was just a mere stranger with beauty and a seductive body, right?

" Is your knee alright? " He asked now trailing his fingers feeling her face slowly to the lips.

"Yeah....yeah...It's fine...I'm fine....just swollen no pain... it's fine" she said calmly.

" l like your eyes ...." He said his gaze fixed on them.

She opened her mouth to speak but before she could say anything, his mouth covered hers again. He suckled her lower lip, introducing her to a storm of hunger, tasting his passion, feeling every single passion, making her ache for more. He carried her and straddled her, her back against the wall. He trailed kisses to the sensitive curve of her throat, making her shiver in weariness, his warm breath quickened in her ears as one of his hands dropped and gripped her thighs. The hand moved slowly, caressing her thighs, pushing the nightdress up to make way. He moved his lips back to her mouth, making her stand on her toes, his hands on her back, and without knowing it, the dress she was on, was now on the ground, he had untied the stings on the back making it loose so that it fell immediately.

The minute she realized it, she was all naked in front of that gorgeously cute man who was now staring at her as if he had just seen a ghost. Just moments ago she had felt that she had been taken to another world but now she wasn't sure anymore, with that look on his face how could she be?

She covered her breasts with her long braids and then squatted to pick up her nightdress, her fingers shaking in embarrassment. Just one second and I'm out of this room, she thought. She was about to pick it up when Marvin took her hand, she didn't look at him as she stood.

" Why are you shaking this much?? " He asked in a low calm voice. He caressed her and then lift her chin. She looked at him. The teary eyes. Was she about to cry? And why?

" Are you okay?" He asked his eyes piercing deep through hers. She looked down and then up at him.

" Well you looked at me as if you had seen a ghost....you don't like my body!" She said avoiding his eyes.

" You've got to be kidding me! Do you know that you have the most beautiful body? Beautiful curves, i'd be stupid if I don't like what I see... it's more than perfect, the curved hips...." He said moving his hands slowly from her face down to her hardened breasts.

" Beautiful little breasts, just how I like it" Then down to her flat belly to her hub, he felt the belly button ring, then to her thighs. He slid one of his hands better her legs and she gasped. He loved how she responded and the wet soft flesh, then he slid one finger in and she moaned. " I'm amazed by how beautiful you are....your beauty is rare just so you know" And with that, he covered her mouth with his once more, and this time she straddled him, with her legs locked on his back and he carried her to the bed. He lay her slowly still not letting her go. After he was done trailing kisses to almost every part of her body, he took his shirt off. She couldn't stop staring at that beautiful manly chest. Does he go to the gym frequently? Or was it natural? Because either way, it was breathtaking. The planes and the chiseled shape of his chest were just something she would never get over. She ran her fingers over his glowing satin-like skin slowly and her hands slid upward until she tangled her fingers into his hair.

He felt sparks over his skin when she touched him. He dropped his head and captures her breast with his lips and she closed her eyes, moaning as the ecstasy downed on her. His tongue circled the swollen taut flesh gazing at her with his teeth. She couldn't help but twist below him, with moans that were music to his ears. His hands slid down and found their way between her legs, and parted them. She plunged onto the bedsheets, trying as hard as she could not to moan out loud. She was already paralyzed by the fingers which were flickering across her sensitive area. He stopped only to take off the remaining clothes on his body. She had opened her eyes the minute he had stopped, and now seeing his whole awareness and his huge arousal, she just wished her eyes had remained closed. He must have seen her reaction that he slowly

moved and kissed her then whispered to her ears. " I really can't stop....but I'll control myself....are you ready?" he asked and she looked at him.

" I've never done this before ...honestly, I'm scared" That was the truth. She had thought that they would only kiss but now it was at a point where they wouldn't go back.

" Just let me in....I'll be careful.....I won't hurt you...I promise...With you, I can't control myself.....even if I get out of this room I will still find my way back..." That look on his face and those eyes. Was he begging her? What did he mean by he can't control himself with her?

He had tried so hard to stop but his inner beast couldn't let him. She nodded her head and he kissed her, this time feeling every inch of her mouth, savoring it. He slowly patted her legs his and she let him. He placed his cock at her entrance and slowly moved in, slowly being as careful as he could. He wasn't in his right senses right now but he still did not want to hurt her.

He could feel her tilt each second he moved an inch in, with her hands clutching on his back, he finally found his way in swiftly, and he married himself to the hilt tight inner muscles of her body, sheathing him, clenching him in spasms of release.