

I would up after the mighty turn which made me open my eyes, I had done it unconsciously but it disturbed me that I opened them. I opened them slowly as the sun rays beamed inside the room beautifully, t white curtains which touched the ground were undone and the sun reflected the room beautifully. I pulled the clock from the bedside table only to see that it was 11:00 am, it then but me that I was supposed to be at work three hours ago. I pulled the white sheets off me and got off the bed, only to fall on the ground. I felt an excruciating sharp pain in between my legs I couldn't even stand. One more thing, I was undressed and had nothing on, it then hit me about what had happened last night. How could I even forget? It was my first time how could I dare forget about the night I'm planning to keep on reminiscing?

Wait! I've woken up just now and he is not in the room and I can't hear any showers, did he leave me? Where was he? Was he mad at me or something of the sort? It's a good thing that he wasn't in the room when I fell, i'd have been so embarrassed because I had no clothes on. But what if he is not here because he realized that we had done wrong? I took a sheet and covered myself then tried to get up though it hurt so much. I used the bed to support myself and sat on it. I needed to calm down a little and take in some heavy gulps of air because I have never felt such pain even during my periods. I've always heard that the first time is painful but I didn't think that it would be this much. It took me almost ten minutes to master the courage and energy I needed to stand and maybe walk. My eyes moved all over the place looking for the night dress I had last night, luckily I saw it on a sofa near the wall, I'm sure that was not placed there last night so this only means that he was the one who placed it here because it was neatly folded.

I needed to spread the bed right? It's not good manners to have a sleepover and then leave the bed untidy. I removed the other sheets only to see them stained with blood, and not just a drop but a lot of it. First, I stopped feeling the pain and what was on my mind was the sheets stained blood on the bed. Did he see them? This was more than embarrassing. I removed the sheets and folded them nicely and placed them on the bed, to take a shower. I locked the door because I didn't want him to come inside while I was still in the shower and get curious about the sheets.

I took a shower and grabbed a shirt from his wardrobe, it was a big one so I put it on and then took the sheets from the bed and went to the room I was in last night. I had decided to wear the dress I was in yesterday but I found Tana wide-leg jeans there on the bed with a top. They looked new and assuming that they were mine I put them on and went downstairs, not forgetting the sheets which I had now put inside a bag which I had found on one of the drawers, okay I am not touchy with other peoples things but I needed a bag to carry the sheets. I didn't even care about the other things on the drawers.

He was there, at the dining table, his hands on his head. Maybe he was thinking about something serious from the way he looked. He must have sensed that I was around that he raised his head and looked at me. Well, I was kinda shy right now and couldn't look into his eyes directly, not after what had happened last night.

"Hey, morning you hungry? I made some breakfast... Don't say no because I'm sure you are hungry..." Well, this was not a good start, he was acting weird like I even sensed that something was not okay but I didn't want to talk now, all I wanted was to eat and disappear immediately. I ate the breakfast as fast as I could, glad that he was not looking at me. First of all, I was late and I'm sure I was going to get scolded but I would take it because all I needed now was money for the hospital bills.

I was done with the breakfast now. I took the plates and stood up to take them to the kitchen. Before I could leave for the kitchen he spoke up. The silence had been broken but I don't know why I felt bad about this.

"About last night you didn't have to do that..." Told you I had a bad feeling about this. So now we are going to talk about last night this can't get better.

"Huh!..." I pretended that I had not heard anything because this was a topic that made me shiver. He looked at me with those fierce eyes and ill admit I got a little scared. He then walked to where I was standing.

"What kind of a person lets a man into her pants the night they gave met... Why did you do that? Do you realize what you have done? Are you even okay with this because it's fucking sick and I hate it... I..." Okay, I wasn't gonna let him shout at me. No way.

" I was trying to help you..." I said cutting him short. Well, this one was plain and didn't seem convincing at all. I'm just not good at arguments so I was just going to keep my mouth shut.

"Trying to help me? From what huh? Did I tell you that I needed your help? And is that how you can help someone? By seducing them and making them sleep with you? What do you get from that exactly huh? Maybe I'm the first one but what if you find someone else there and he saves you, is that what are you going to pay him with?... That was so stupid of you, actually, that is the dumbest thing that a girl can do.... and I don't mean to be rude but I regret saving you last night... I wish I never took you to my home... I would have just let you go to your house... Maybe that way I could have saved myself from all this... Do you know I never meddle in other people's business I don't know why I stopped my car in the first place..." please don't cry, please don't cry, that's what I was telling myself all the time he was yelling. But my tears didn't listen to me anyway. I don't know why it hurt so much hearing those words come out of his mouth. Maybe I didn't expect this but it was already here right?

" How much do you need?" Now, this is what hurt most and I don't know how I even dropped the plates and glass, all I heard was them make a big bang on the ground and hear the pieces separate.

"What... what do you mean?" I asked in between tears. I prayed that whatever I was thinking wasn't what I was going to hear.

"The money for your help services..... Isn't that what people like you ask in exchange for your help services?" that was it right? He thought I was a page girl. Okay, I'm not doing this anymore because I might end up screaming.

"Thanks for saving me last night.....and thank you for your offer but I don't need it..... sorry for what I did... I'm sorry for coming into your life but you have nothing to worry about because I won't ever come close to you..." that's all I could say, I then picked up the bag with the sheets then left.