
1. Reincarnation (Edited)

(A/N: I rewrote the talent part of this chapter, I hope it's now more clear and not so misleading.)


Just how did I get in this situation. Well you may want to know what situation I mean? Well I tell you. I'm being held by a giant. Well at least from my point of view it was a giant. A giant woman to be precise, even a very beautiful woman I would say. But that is also only from my current point of view. As I am currently a baby. Not even five minutes old.

So how is a baby not even five minutes old able to think so clearly? Well I was reborn from my previous normal word in my current one, the world of One Piece.

It really went like in all those novels. After I died, from old age by the way, I met god, or one of the many gods that exist in this infinite void. And due to me giving birth to a pretty outstanding son, the hero of my old world it seems and bringing him up to be a decent human I got some of his good karma. But consider me being surprised when this mere fraction of good karma was enough to be able to reincarnate in a world of my choice with wishes. And not limited wishes but they simply can't cross a certain threshhold.

And as a die hard one piece fan that watched the show since it's first release until ist latest chapter, and that more than once or twice, but when I think about it I think I watched it at least 20 times. Well what else can an old geezer like me do if not follow his hoobys.

Ah yeah maybe it is interesting to know, that I was 86 when I died. And it's pretty uncommon for a geezer like me to love anime and stuff, come to think of it I think I started loving anime after watching the first episode of one piece that was released with my grandson at that time and since that time anime never let go of me.

But enough of my old boring life on planet earth.

Let's talk about the meeting with god at that time.

„So I'm dead, huh?" I sighed as I looked at my surroundings. A pitch black void, nothing was around me but a big glowing green ball of light that could be as gigantic as the sun as far as I could see. I on the other hand was a small blue ball of light that was around the size of a small car.

„Yeah you are dead. You are surprisingly calm for someone that died, mortal." The gentle voice of a young woman sounded directly in my head. Well at least it seemed like that.

„Well Im 86 years old and I was sick so what is there to be surprised or sad about. I lived my live to the fullest already so I have no regrets. Oh maybe not seeing the ending of one piece or not being able to see my son again. Sigh. Now that I think about it, it should have been around 7 years I last saw that son of mine. I hope he's doing fine and not spend all his time on that stupid research of his."

„Well I can't do anything about your first regret but let me tell you a bit about your son and why you are here. The research that your son did, will be a big success in 4 years and will allow humans the ability to travel the universe as they please and colonise other planets. Concurrently it will solve the issue of lacking natural resources and thus save the planet earth from dying and thus the extinction of the human race from lack of a home planet. He is a big hero of the humans. And thus has gained a massive amount of good karma.

You as his farher, also gained a fraction of his karma, since you really educated him well in his youth. And with this you will be able to reincarnate in a world of your choosing with wishes. But although there aren't a specific number of them you shouldn't go overboard."

As I heard what the goddess had to say I was first stunned then happy. On one hand my son will do very well and will even be considered a hero, letting his name resound for generations to come. Secondly I would be able to reincarnate in a world of my choosing. And I didn't ven have to think that !such about it.

„I want to be reborn in the world of one piece. As for my wishes, well first of all I want to be talented. But not only a little talented I want to have apex talent in anything, whether I know of it or not I want to be talented in all of them. Secondly I want the ability to identify any devil fruit I see. Thirdly I want to be born as the son of Whitebeard, and for the time I want to be born shortly after the god valley incident. Also I want the ability to read the poneglyphs, whether ist the voice of all thing or simply be being able to read it, I don't care. Ah also I want the ability to use all three types of haki."

Well being reborn in one piece is a no brainer, like that I can also get to know what the one piece is. And my wishes were also easy, I mean which weeb has never thought of being in this kind of situation and what they would wish for? And me having no set amount of wishes made it even easier to make my wishes.

The goddess before me seemed a big stunned that I would decide all of my wishes and my world so fast and lagged a bit. By she soon came to herself.

„Well this is a first for me. You really didn't hesitate with your wishes. And they were even kinda reasonable and not like most others in your situation that would wish for super strong cheat like abilities from the get go where they would be able to dominate the world by the age of 5. But I still have to make some adjustments.

Being the son of Whitebeard having the three types of haki and the ability to identify all devil fruits is no problem and costs not much of your karma, not even taking one thousandth. The ability to read poneglyphs would also not cost much, but the voice would take about a tenth. What do you say?"

I didn't have to think long, „Being able to read the poneglyphs is enough."

„OK then you still have nearly all your karma but it is still not enough for apex talent in everything. You don't understand what apex talent means. For example, apex talent in haki, would allow you to reach the same mastery in haki as luffy in about nine to ten months under the same circumstances. And to have apex talent in everything is simply too strong. I can at most give you one apex talent, but then your talent in other fields would be very ordinary."

„And what if it is around the talent of luffy in haki? How many fields would I be able to cover?"

„Hmm around 4. Ah… but I can see you are not satisfied with that, so how about I let you choose 2 fields with the same talent level of luffy, 2 with talent level one beneath that of luffy and 6 with 2 levels beneath that? Also let me clarify these levels a bit. at the top is Apex level talent, one below is God level, then Supreme Level, Monster Level, Hundred Years Level, Ten Years Level, Genius Level, Good Level and Ordinary Level. Luffys Talent in Haki is Supreme."

„And how long would luffy take for his haki training with these talent levels?"

„With Monster Level Talent around 3 to 3 and a half years and with Hundred Years Level Talent around 5 and a half years to 6. But you should know that luffy is a really talented individual, he is with 19 years already nearly as strong as some weak yonko and probably stronger than the admirals. And even shanks was only considered a yonko at about 33.

Also you should know that some fields like haki, swordmanship or training the body are more expensive than others, so if you were to choose two of them with Supreme Level Talent I could only give you 1 other Monster Level Talent and 4 Hundred Years Level Talent."

Hmm that was some info dump. I really have to think about it now.

15 minutes later

I finally decided.

„Give me Supreme level Talent in swordsmanship and haki Monster Level Talent in training the body, and Hundred Years Level Talent in devil fruit development, navigation, combat and strategy."

„Hmm I can see what you want. Very well all your wishes are being granted. Now then I wish good luck and a safe…"

Before the goddess could finish sending me of I interupted her. „Sorry but can I ask you a favor pls? Of course only if its OK and doesn't need any of that karma, but could you please erase my memories of my personal life except this conversation that we had, so that I know that it was my wish to erase my memories?"

This request seemed to stun the goddess again, as it again took some time for her to answer „Well it isn't anything difficult and doesn't need any karma, as it usually take some karma to keep your memories, but can I ask you why you want that?"

„Well now that I know that my son is so successful my regret of not seeing him is somehow alleviated. And even though it might sound selfish of me, but I want to enjoy my second life, and with the memory's of my personal life from my first life might hinder me from that. I simply want to focus on my new life."

I was kinda nervous how the goddess would react. I mean, what I want sounds incredibly selfish and ungrateful, as I only got this chance through my son and now here I am wanting to forget about him. But I really want to enjoy my second chance and I really have the feeling that my old feeling for earth will shackle me down.

„Well I can understand where you are getting at. Very well, I will grant your request."

And with that, a blinding light shone from the huge ball that was the goddess before me and I lost consciousness.

3rd person view

After the light shone in the darkness the giant ball of light slowly receded and one could see the true form of the giant light ball. Shockingly it wasn't a woman as the voice suggested but a middle aged man.

He had black hair and wore glasses, all in all he seemed like a shoolar.

„Sigh after a few tens of thousands of years I finally saw u again father."

The voice, now still gentle, but male sounded.

„Even though you wanted to forget about your life, about me, I can understand. Well but I'm sure we will meet again, and at that point in time you should be able to remember again."

The voice sounded sad but that soon faded replaced with its gentle tone.