
IX: Emenent

"Language!" V scolded me.

Here he goes again. I pushed him as hard as I can so his hand was off my mouth. And I tried to explain to him while yelling in anger, "I was going to say Fff... Fff... Freakin'... Assss... You... Shhh... Uggghh my freaking shirt! Language your ass!"

RR ran towards us, "Woah! What's this about?" he asked as I zipped my pants up.

"Talk to the hand!" V replied to RR with sarcasm and walked away.

"What did I miss?" Yuu wondered as he showed himself in front of me out of nowhere.

I felt my fingers pushing hard on my palms as I see my favorite shirt wet with my... Ugghh. Why is this here anyway?

And suddenly my heart seemed to stop beating. I was hardly breathing. I hurried towards the bus door and tried to open it but it was locked.

"Open iiiiiit!!!" I shouted madly while banging my arms against the door.

JM standing near the bus, asked, "What happened? Where's the new guy?"

"I don't know. Come to think of it, I didn't see him joining us inside Menya." RR replied.

Throwing the tissue he used for wiping his mouth, Yuu saw something at the trash bin and pulled up something, "Wait a minute. Is this our bus keys?"

I moved fast to get the keys from him and immediately opened the door with the smallest.

As soon as the door opened I looked at my favorite spot. Since the last row was elevated, I can clearly see it empty. While I grasped for air I searched every single seat, under each, and under each of the tables, even small compartments in all corners, the restroom and bathroom. What else? Where else I didn't look into?

I grabbed my Katana and went out the bus. I wanted to shout her name to find her quickly but realized I was not able to ask it for she was asleep the whole time.

I ran to the highway. It felt like I'm wasting time running and running, not seeing anything but endless tall grass.

Uggghhh... Seemed I've been running for like an hour now. I stopped to look around to know where am I and there were no sign of the crew. But... There's a bright light nearby aside from the moon's.

I hurried to where the light is coming from and found a very bright place with lots of cars parked.

As I was looking for the entrance, a familiar guy stepped on his cigarette to finish his smoke. Immediately, he went inside the place as he was talking to someone on his phone. Somehow, he was saying, "Yes." and nodded.

"New guy!" I called him but he was not able to hear me. He looked like Emen, our new driver.

#whitemovement #imminent #emenent