
First day

It was the first day of school you were super excited since it was your first day of school here in Seoul. That suddenly changed when you saw your old bully from when you were in Busan. You hated her, her name was Bora she was an absolute bitch to you when you were younger. " Ugh it's that bitch again" you mumbled. You tried to ignore her but then you heard her call your name. " Y/n what do you think your doing here?"she asked. " Well what do you think I'm doing here? Because I'm definitely not Fucking my best friends boyfriend?" You replied. She was shocked at your response because you actually stood up for yourself. You tried to look like you weren't scared of her but inside you had no idea what she was going to do. Her silence scared you even more, a teacher was coming and Bora saw. She pretended that you slapped her and started crying in front of him. " Y/n I was trying to help you get to your class but instead you slapped me!! Ouch Y/n it hurts so much!!" She pretended to be hurt. Ugh that bitch!you thought. " Bora I don't know what you mean I didn't do anything!!" You said almost crying. The teacher felt bad for you since everyone knows Bora has a bad reputation in this school and he knows this is your first day here so you wouldn't do such a thing. Then the teacher introduced himself to you. " Hi Y/n I'm Mr.Lee. Would you mind talking with me for a second please?" "No I wouldn't mind.." You said a little scared. You went inside a class with him, he told you to stay away from Bora because she's bad bad news... Just then the door opened. You saw a tall boy that looked your age he was wearing glasses that kind of looked like your ex-boyfriends but it wasn't his because you gave the glasses to him. " Ah Kim Taehyung there you are! I need you to do me a favour?" Mr. Lee asked." Yeah of course!" he said. " I need you to take care of Y/n for me here it's her first day here and please stay with her all the time okay?" He asked. " Yes I would love to!" He replied. Great Y/n you have a very hot bodyguard and your supposed to stay with him all the time. " Oh and Y/n he's with you in all your classes and your going to have to sit with him for all of them since we don't want Bora to hurt you or anything" he said. Great Y/n you better not get feelings for him he's just your bodyguard he's not even your friend... You thought