
when time ... stopped

a normal day ... I was going to college ... but ... the leaves stopped ... people were slowing down ... and I ...

Alezero · Anime und Comics
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19 Chs

019- love me again

Naoru woke up fully recovered to do his training again, although he had already trained in his past, but now that he had the experience of that life he could do more than just dodge and kill ...

First was the military training, which he completed first of all, the division commander didn't even see him to say something to him when he finished ...

From there he went to the specialized training ground, where he trained with the exoskeleton ... but this time it was completely different by increasing the level of the cranes, making red (nickname of the red queen) if the system identifies red as something that is part of naoru's body so when she returned she had her memories too so she hacked into the command center making the cranes more like repeaters doing her future formations and increasing the difficulty level in practice

It had been two hours since naoru was practicing, causing more and more people in the hangar to watch and wait for the moment when one of the cranes would hit him squarely ...

But what everyone did not expect was that the iron witch would come closer, passing the cranes as if she were on a walk in the country ... without the exoskeleton to protect her if some of the cranes gave her she would die a quick death at least. ..

Naoru gave the order to red to turn off the cranes as she saw the witch approaching ...

Witch: you ...

Naoru: you better go, I'm practicing ...

Witch: how many have been ...

Naoru: 12,700,301 ... now I'm not in the mood to hold you, go away ... red turn it on to the next level

Red: well ...

Witch: see you in the lab ...

The witch made a confused face seeing Naoru's emotionless face, according to the movie she was the first to have the alpha recoil but according to Naoru she had returned millions of times to that point, making her unable to understand why she was standing still ... she had experienced the same thing over and over until she almost went crazy, it wasn't until she lost her power that she felt relieved, but now she had to fight and if she died she would die ...

So in this battle I would also look for an alpha to retrieve that, I did not know that when he was going to train he heard dozens of soldiers in the hangar murmuring about a prodigy, when he saw him in person I saw the lack of emotions he had and his fluid movements which she had in the armor, that together with someone saying that she had only practiced yesterday and today, she could come to the conclusion that he had already opened what she had before so she went to confront him

The surprise she was taken was that apparently she already knew her, speaking to her so openly without any fear, it should be noted that all the men here only see her as the iron witch, they would definitely not confront each other like that without knowing her ...

After an hour Naoru went straight to her appointment in the laboratory with the mad scientist she had hidden there ... Naoru, remembering the password from the movie, entered as if nothing was happening, opening a small refrigerator hidden behind a shelf and taking a drink...

In the room the witch and the scientist saw him, with several question marks on their faces ...

Naoru: what? ... I'm thirsty ...

Scientist: well how many fingers do I have behind ...

Naoru: first you have 3, then you change them to 5 and finally you say that you had your hand closed the whole time, let's put this thing aside ...

Scientist: well ... according to the weather then ...

Naoru: the visions are false, the prey the omega was supposed to be in was full of alpha, they didn't want to kill me but just bleed me out, apparently they want theirs back ...

Scientist: well, we're screwed ...

Witch: hey ... we must do something ...

Naoru: we did ... before ... well we did ...

Witch: before ...

Naoru: nothing ...

Witch: (drawing a weapon) before? ...

Naoru: I'm not worried about dying but if you want to know so much, before we got married ... we knew it was a suicide mission so I asked you to marry you then told you everything you had told me about your past, that night we went with the general to find the thing the one you created to insert into me and use me as a substitute alpha, I saw you die hundreds of times ...

Witch: not true ...

Naoru: you have a mole right in the middle of your back, your right hip is slightly off and your hair is not that color ...

Scientist: you are not blonde ...

Witch: shut up ...

Scientist: what happened next?

Naoru: I managed to see the true place where the omega was ... I attacked him to death there is not much progress, we would have to seek the help of the army but they will help him, they will take us as crazy or they will lock us up for experiments still learning us the test results will still be done but they will be more cruel ...

Scientist: I'm sorry ...

Witch: what's next? ...

Naoru: there is a choice that we have not made ...

Witch: which one? ...

Naoru: kidnap the general and have the whole army chase us ...

Scientist: it's crazy ...

Naoru: I know ... but what other option do we have ...

Scientifical: I don't know ...

Naoru: well I wait until tomorrow with a new plan, if I am not going to implement this ... see you ...

Naoru withdrew out of the clandestine laboratory that this guy had and left these two thinking, clearly Naoru was lying but he completely knew all the answers from the movies he had already seen so he just had to lie so that it could look real .. . in addition to the actress's measurements are on her fandom page ...

Naoru did not leave if he did not continue training in the hangar waiting for the answer, if he knew Naoru had two options, in the first one, follow the original script and ask the soldiers of his squad to fight posing as a region 4 version suicide squad ... or the option given by kidnapping the general and having the army come for him ... either of the two options was somewhat suicidal but they could be achieved ... so without further ado, I just had to wait until that guy had some more objective idea ...

Without more to do he would have to improve his physique and seeing that he did not tire quickly so he began to train more and more ... that was until he saw the witch leave, I say Rita ... although a witch suits her better

Naoru: what's up? ...

Naoru sat on the floor watching an invading rita also take a seat next to him ... watching her

Rita: seriously ... we ...

Naoru: we are husband and wife ... by all laws ...

Rita: (sigh) I have to wait a while to digest the news ...

Naoru: don't worry, tomorrow you will have accepted it ...

After that, Naoru began to tell her everything she had seen in the movie, from how much sugar she added to coffee to how she felt for her friend who she saw die countless times before winning the war on that side of the world ... more or less she was listening to everything naoru said without interruptions, she didn't say anything she just kept her completely stoic face, sometimes a slight blush on her cheeks that only lasted a few seconds ... some smiles and other times annoyance, anger. .. but until the end she did not interrupt him ...

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