
Chapter 88

Tears filled my eyes. I was so touched by the names they had chosen for me. And they took the time to learn them in Japanese because the language was dear to me. 

"Doll? Did I say something wrong?" Bucky looked worried. 

"Absolutely not, Kokoro no Kiseki. You and Loki said just the right things. They're tears of happiness." I looked down at Thor. "Don't think you've been forgotten."

"And what nickname do you have for me, other than Sparky."

"Kokoro no Negai. Heart's wish. Because I did wish for you. Before we started our night, I had wished it was possible to have a third soulmate and for it to be you. I got my wish." I smiled at him and moved a few strands of hair out of his face.

Thor grabbed my hand and kissed my palm. "I wished for you too. What does 'My Angel' translate to in Japanese?"

"Watashi no Tenshi."

"Then that is my name for you. To me, you are an angel bringing love to my life. I have my brother back, closer than I ever thought we could be. And you brought your love to me, and it is a precious thing."

"I love you, Kokoro no Negai."

"As I love you, Watashi no tenshi."

I giggled and bounced a little, clapping my hands. "That was said perfectly! You caught that from me just saying it once."

He laughed. "I have a thing for languages. Something I share with Loki."

"Oh, something I've been curious about. Loki, why do you always wear green and Thor, you are always in red? Well, at least somewhere in the outfit."

Thor sounded a little uncomfortable. "In Asgard red is considered the color of power and bravery. It was always known that I would be king once Odin left the throne. So, Odin had the clothes makers add red into everything."

"And I wear green as it is the color of life, magic, and intelligence."

I grinned. "It so fits you perfectly Lokes. You have magic and you're a smartass."

"That I may be, but do not forget that part of your magic is green as well, pet."

I tilted my head, considering my magic. "What does purple stand for then?"

"Devotion, mystery, and sensuality. And I do think that suits you completely."

"Yep, that's you Doll, to a T."

I looked down at Bucky. "Well, your favorite color is blue, and I noticed you usually have something blue on." I looked at Loki. "What does blue mean?"

"I do believe it fits Barnes exactly. It means loyalty, honesty, and commitment."

Bucky looked thoughtful. "I could see that."

I was starting to feel tired. It had been an… energetic day.

"Guys, I know we're all comfy but I'm getting sleepy, and I really don't want to sleep in the field tonight. Can we go back and go to bed? And I mean to sleep. I normally would be up for… how did Tony put it?"

Bucky laughed. "Shenanigans." 

"That's it. I'm calling sex shenanigans now. I love personal names for things, can't you tell? And now I'm rambling. Yep, I need sleep. As I was saying, I normally prefer to have shenanigans before sleep, but it's been a very… fulfilling day. With a full night and a good portion of the day spent coming like I've never come before, I'm tired. We might can do a morning shenanigan before we go to the Tower."

Thor gave a rumble of laughter. "I do love to make you come."

"Mmm and you do a great job at it. I've never come so much and so easily before. Which means having all three of you is my ultimate wet dream."

Bucky stroked the side of my breast. "I'm glad to be your fantasy Dollface."

"As am I my sweet. But you asked for sleep so let's get our Valkyrie to bed."

I looked at him startled. "What's a Valkyrie?"

"I agree that the title fits her very well, Brother."

Loki helped me to stand. "It is a female warrior in Asgard. They are the best fighters, and they are to protect the king and royal family. I had one when I was younger that I used to frustrate because I always managed to get away from her to get up to mischief."

I laughed and nodded. "I could see that. And I could see the Valkyrie part. I would die to protect you all and Thor and Loki are royalty. And I consider Bucky royalty."

Bucky looked startled. "And how you do you figure that one?"

I looked at them all seriously. "Because you are all my Kings and I worship all three of you." I smiled. "I know two of you are Gods, but like I told Lokes before, God doesn't mean much to me. I met the Christian God and wasn't impressed. But you guys are my everything and for me, that makes you all Watashi no o. My kings."

The amount of emotion that I felt from Bucky and Loki was overwhelming. I imagined it was the same emotions for Thor.

"As you are our Queen my pet. Queen of our hearts and souls and we worship you as well." He grinned. "As I am sure you have noticed our form of worship is quite enjoyable."

I laughed. "Yeah, I noticed really well." I stretched, dislodging Bucky and Thor. "This queen is going to sleep. You guys can stay or follow. But if you follow you gotta decide who is a pillow and who are the blankets."

I started walking back to the house listening to them argue behind me. I was full of happiness and love. It was so different from how I felt a few weeks ago. 

I beat the boys to the house and went upstairs. Loki was already in bed waiting for me. I raised my eyebrows. "So does this mean you're my pillow?"

"Exactly, my dear."

"How did you get here before me?"

"Well, I never claimed to fight fair, my love. Teleportation has its advantages." 

Loki grinned at me as I stripped for the night. I tended to sleep naked, something my boys enjoyed. Loki had already gotten rid of his clothes, but then, he just had to gesture to make them go away. 

I climbed into the bed and snuggled up to him, resting my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. 

"I thought I was never going to be able to do this again, even after you woke up. I am more than willing to cheat to have you next to me where I can hold you again."

I kissed his chest as I heard the other two coming up the stairs. "There's nowhere I'd rather be than right here, hearing your heartbeat. It's one of my favorite sounds and I really missed it. Especially when I thought I had lost it."

He held me tighter. "You will never lose it. My heart only beats for you, my pet. I love you as I have never loved another in all my years past and all my years to come. The fact that you will be with me those future thousands of years pleases me greatly."

Bucky and Thor had come into the room. I looked over at Bucky as he was stripping down. "Buck, we need to have Bruce check you when we get back. It may sound strange or selfish, but I hope your DNA changed too. I don't want to face thousands of years without you."

"I don't think it's selfish, Doll. I actually was hoping that it has too. But if not, at least I know you won't be alone with these two old geezers with you."

"I beg your pardon. You are not quite young yourself, Barnes."

I snickered. "Yeah Buck, you are no spring chicken Mr. I'm like 80 years old but look a sexy 25." 

"Yeah yeah. Whatever."

"Get your sexy asses up here. I need my blankets and I wanna go to sleep."

Thor laughed. "As you wish, my angel."

"Yeah, I'm no angel either. Not enough of an asshole for that. But I can tell stories about angels another night. Let's snuggle."

Thor and Bucky joined us on the bed. Thor laid against my back and Bucky kinda draped over all of us. I had never felt so loved and content.

"I love you all so much."

"As we love you, my sweet. Now sleep."

"Yes, Watashi no o." I snuggled into Loki's chest and let sleep take me away.