
Chapter 65

We were all reclining on Wanda's bed with snacks and drinks in comfy sleepwear. Nat looked over at me and grinned. 

"Okay girl. Spill."

I laughed. "Well, what do you want to know? I'm not sure what deetz you're looking for. I've never had a girls night before."

She rolled her eyes. "Okay, so since you have two very dominant personalities there, who runs the show?"

"Honestly, we all share that. We even had a night where I called all the shots and a time where they told me exactly how they wanted me to pleasure them."

Wanda fanned herself. "Lord, we are just getting started and already it's steamy in here."

"There is something that I just have to know." Nat looked at me intently. "Both men are extreme hotties. So, inquiring minds want to know. Who's bigger?"

"NAT!" Wanda screamed and laughed, smacking Nat's arm.

"What? You can't tell me you aren't curious, even just a little bit."

"Okay so maybe a little. I admit they are both attractive."

They both looked at me. I stared back at them thoughtfully. 

"Hmm, well Loki is longer but not by much. I would put it at about 10 inches and Bucky at about 9. But then I never really stopped to really measure. Oh, and both are very thick."

Both Nat and Wanda stared at me with their mouths open. I giggled at their shocked expressions.

"Damn girl. I knew they were hot, but I didn't know they were packing that much. And you get them both, you lucky girl." Wanda looked envious.

"So, what's the fav positions? Yours and theirs." Nat looked excited to finally learn something private for us girls.

"Well, they tend to prefer me on my knees with one inside me from the back and one in my mouth in the front. Mine... well…"

"Come on girl, dish! Don't leave us hanging." Nat and Wanda both took a sip of their wine.

"Double penetrated by a God and a Super Soldier."

They both choked and spit out their wine. I hoped Wanda had different sheets.

"Oh my god, seriously?" 

"What does that feel like?"

I giggled at their questions. "Yes, seriously and it feels amazing and very full. They are really… energetic."

Nat whistled. "No wonder there is so much noise from your rooms at night."

I grinned and decided turnabout is fair play. 

"So, Nat. I see Clint has been giving you the eye lately. Anything going on there?"

She actually blushed. "Not as much as I would like."

Wanda looked shocked. "How did I not know about this? Now who is holding out."

"Well, nothing ever happened. I really like him, but he doesn't act like he likes me that way. I wish I had with him even a fraction of what you have with those bad boys, Ari."

I gave her a hug. "Try telling him. What do you have to lose? And you have so much to gain. Besides, I always figured you as a 'go after what I want' type of person."

 While she thought that over I gave a sly look to Wanda. "And what about you and Vision? How is that going?"

Wanda turned red but laughed. "It's going well. We have a date planned tomorrow. We're even going off the compound."

"That's so great Wanda! Don't forget to soundproof your room later. He looks like he has no problem going all night."

Wanda smacked me as she laughed. We spent most of the night sprawled around, snacking, and talking about everything under the sun. By the time the night was over I knew more about them than they realized. I loved them both. When we finally went to sleep, I smiled, and I knew I was home.


Yawing, I walked into the kitchen. I desperately needed coffee and I didn't stop by my room to change. I didn't think anyone would be up. A quick mental check showed both my men were still sleeping. I walked to the coffee maker and started making coffee. I sighed happily as I took my first sip. There was no better drink than coffee first thing in the morning.

I heard a low whistle behind me and turned. I shook my head as I saw Sam. That man was just itching to get himself hurt.

"Someone forgot some clothes this morning."

I looked down. I had a halter top on that had slid down one shoulder and my sleep shorts. Granted the shirt stopped just under my breasts and the shorts did tend to show just a little of my ass but I didn't think anything was wrong with it. I just arched an eye at him.

"Nope. Seems I have them all on. Well, most of them on."

I gave Sam a wicked grin. He stumbled a little as he walked over by me and got some coffee. 

"You know, you are going to cause my death one day, right?"

"Oh Sam. You give me too much credit. Your mouth is what's going to get you killed."

He eyed me up and down. "Maybe. But I'm sure you should put more clothes on before someone else sees. Like Loki. I don't want him trying to kill me for looking at you."

"Then perhaps you should keep your eyes to yourself, Wilson."

Sam jumped and coffee sloshed over the edge of the cup, burning his hand.

"Shit man! You can't be sneaking up on a brother like that."

"Oh, you mean he should do it more like this?" Bucky had quietly gotten behind him and when he spoke Sam managed to burn himself again.

I had to set my coffee down before I dropped it. I leaned against the counter, crossed my arms under my breasts and crossed my ankles. I smiled as I watched Sam try to extract himself from the situation he found himself in.

"You should not be whistling at her, nor noticing her attire, Wilson."

"Calm down, Lokes. He was being a gentleman in his own way. The whistle doesn't bother me. And honestly, I should have changed. I was just in desperate need of coffee. It was early so I didn't expect anyone to be up, so I didn't bother to change. I know how much skin this shows. It's not his fault."

Loki contemplated Sam for a moment. "You are excused this time, Wilson. Just make sure you keep being a gentleman with her and all will be fine."

"Sure... yeah... um I will catch you guys later then. Um, I forgot to do something back in my room so I will… uh… just go." 

Sam quickly left the kitchen, and I snickered as Bucky leaned on the counter next to me and slung an arm over my shoulders.

"You do look delicious this morning, Doll." He moved and braced his arms on either side of me, pinning me to the counter. I saw Loki coming closer to us when Bucky blocked my view as he claimed my mouth. "Good morning, Dollface."

I put my arms around his neck. "Good morning to you, my Miracle."