
Chapter 53

He left the room, already dialing the pizza place. Nat came back into the room. "So, are you doing the at-home date with your other hottie then?"

I nodded. "Yep. We haven't had much time for just him and me since the whole double soulmate thing. So we're doing the at-home date night with pizza and a movie. And then I plan on having him for dessert." A thought entered my head. "Hey, do we have any Cool-Whip left from my birthday cake?"

Nat gave me a knowing grin. "Yeah, we do. Whose room you gonna end up in tonight? I can put a cooler in there for when you get to dessert time."

"Bucky's room. I haven't been in there before. You're amazing Nat." I startled her a little when I wrapped her in a big hug. "I couldn't have asked for a better sister and I love you."

She hugged me back and she looked a little emotional. "I love you too, Ari. And I am happy to be your sister." She grinned. "Just remember to tell your sister some deetz from time to time. You landed the two hottie bad boys and from the noise, I know it's amazing. You gotta dish sometime girl!"

I laughed. "I'll check with the guys and make sure they don't mind me telling some details. I don't wanna make them feel uncomfortable. But if I get the green light, we'll have a girls sleepover night and I'll give all the deetz you want."

She pumped her fist in the air. "Yes! I love girl gossip. Ok, you go change or whatever for your home date and I'll see you tomorrow. Oh, by the way, have F.R.I.D.A.Y soundproof the boys' rooms. That way we can get some sleep and you don't have to keep the noise down."

I blushed and laughed. "Will do. Bye Nat."

I headed back to my room and went to my closet. I looked over my clothes and decided on a white strapless sundress with sunflowers. The surprise for Bucky tonight was that I wasn't wearing underwear. I figured we would get to making out during the movie and I figured we might get up to more than that. I put the dress on and twirled, the skirt flaring out around me. My breasts were barely contained but I didn't think he was going to complain. I smiled at my reflection and sent a thought to Loki. I was curious if it would work with the far distance. 

'Hey, Lokes?'

His answer was immediate. 'Yes, pet? Are you ok?'

'Yep. I wanted to test if it worked over distance. And also to ask you a question. Do you mind if I'm with Bucky by himself tonight? You're my first love and I won't if you don't like it being just him.'

I felt his grin and love come through. 'I appreciate you thinking of me and asking. He is your soulmate too my sweet, so I have no objections. We have had our single nights and we will have more. I think it will strengthen our bonds with you to have that alone time. Also, I fully expect to have my way with you when I get back.'

I shivered and sent my lust to him through our connection. 'Oh, that is a promise Lokes and one I am happy to deliver on. Question though. Do you want us to shut the doors tonight? Or share?'

'Hmm. I am torn. I want to experience it with you however, I am unsure what will be happening at the time, and I may not can afford to be distracted. But I also don't want to lose being able to speak to you.'

'How about this. I will make the doors a split door and make the bottom half for sensations and close it off but leave the top open for the talking part?'

'That will do well, pet. I had not thought about the structure of the doors. I will change mine as well and you should speak to Barnes about his doors as well.'

'I'll do that. Please be careful on this mission. I was serious about not knowing what to do if I lost you. You are my heart and soul and I need you.'

I could feel his emotions. 'You humble me, pet. I vow to be careful and come home to you.' I felt a mental pat on my ass. 'Now go enjoy your time with Barnes. And be assured there is no jealousy from me. I can feel your uncertainness and the desire not to hurt me. I promise there is none. Go and have fun.'

'Okay. I love you Loki.'

'As I love you, Ariane.'

'Hey, one more thing.'

'Yes, my pet?'

'While you're gone, can you think of a special nickname for me? Something only you call me? I know I shouldn't ask but I would like one.'

'I will do that my sweet.'

I felt him fade from my mind. I smiled and headed out of my room feeling content by knowing I wasn't going to be hurting Loki. 

"F.R.I.D.A.Y? Can you direct me to the theater room, please? Also, can you soundproof Bucky and Loki's rooms please?"

"Of course, Ms. Ariane. Take the hallway down to the stairs. Go down one level and it will be the last door on the right. Soundproofing Bucky's and Reindeer Game's rooms now."

"Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y." I laughed as I realized Tony had programmed her to use his nicknames for people.

"My pleasure, Ms. Ariane."

I went skipping down the hall, following her instructions. I was excited for my first date with Bucky, and I knew tonight was going to be interesting.