
Chapter 150

My head was splitting, and my cheek hurt like a mother fucker. I forgot how strong Dean was. I tried to sit up and found myself tied down… again. I reached for my guys. 

'Lokes? Sparky? Buck?'

'God Doll, it's good to hear your voice.'

'Angel! We will come to get you! Where are you?'

'Thank Odin, my sweet. Are you ok?'

'Except for the headache to end all headaches yeah.' I gave a mental sigh. 'This kidnapping and being tied down thing is getting old.'

I heard Loki's mental chuckle. 'I agree pet. Do you recognize where you are?'

My amusement came through. 'Now why do you guys always ask me that? You keep forgetting I'm not from here to even know anything about where I could be. Can you three see what I see? Maybe you can recognize something.'

I looked around and saw what looked like a warehouse. But it looked like there were some tech upgrades. 

'Darling… I think you are in one of Tony's buildings.'

I jumped as the door opened and two people walked in. I recognized them instantly and rage warred with terror in my mind. I heard screams of rage and fear from my guys, and I heard everyone asking what was going on. We all said the same thing at the same time. 

"Sharon fucking Carter."

She gave me a smug grin. "Figured you wanted to be reunited with this lover boy. And he was even sweet enough to promise me some fun first. You fucked my life. Now I'm going to fuck you up and fuck up your life. They aren't going to want you once I make you blind and a cripple. I just need to leave you alive so that when he takes you back, he gets the joy of watching your Monsters tear you apart."

I could hear Bucky relaying what I was seeing and hearing and I heard everyone in a rage. I even heard Hulk. I hoped he wouldn't tear up the house.

"You and Dean have no idea who you're messing with, bitch. You are both a bunch of fuckwads."

Dean came over and slapped me, busting my lip open. I heard Loki snarl with rage. I spit blood up into Dean's face and he punched me, blacking my eye, making it swell shut.

"You WILL be coming back with me. And I'm going to make you my bitch to fuck whenever I want to. Since you won't be able to fight anymore, I'll use you how I want. I'll fuck you until you're screaming for death and then fuck you some more while I keep you alive. You brought me to this fucking world, caused my brother to desert me. I'll make you suffer a lifetime of pain until I decide kill you."

"Keep it up, dumbass. Keep signing that death warrant."

'Tell everyone to be ready. I'm bringing you to me. They don't know about how strong my powers have gotten.'

'Done, Doll. We're ready when you are. It's going to be hard for this asshole to touch you after I rip his hands off.'

Dean grabbed my breast hard and squeezed as his other hand slid into my pants and he roughly shoved his fingers into me. I gritted my teeth and mentally gagged at the invasion. What was it with everyone and my pussy and shoving things that shouldn't be there into it. Loki was livid that he was touching me like that. Thor was white hot with rage and even through our mental connection I could smell ozone.

Dean saw me ignoring him and he punched me in the stomach, hard. I knew that punch meant he was a dead man, and my heart broke for Sam. He was going to lose his brother permanently. Not having anything to do with him was different from him being dead. 

'He will know suffering! He dares harm my Angel and my babes.'

'Use the bracelets. Get Cas and Crowley here. I need them both here for this. They may escape just Crowley, but I know Cas'll help make sure that doesn't happen. Dean fucked himself when he pissed off Heaven and Hell.'

'Already done my pet. They are on their way to you.'

"Dean Winchester. So glad to see you again. I see you have some company that I am dying to meet."

Crowley's voice rang through the room as he froze Dean in place. "Don't be leaving the party so soon,, my dear Ms. Carter. You wouldn't want to miss out on the party favors."

I heard the doors lock. I assumed Sharon was trying to make a run for it. Crowley could be scary when he wanted to and from what I heard, he really wanted to.

"Dean. How did you get here? You were told to never return here." Cas's voice was deep and pissed and it echoed through the room.

I lifted my head up and smiled. "Hi Cas, Crowley. Mind if my family joins us? They don't want to miss the party."

"Oh, by all means, Ariane. It will be a pleasure to see them again. I am sure they are most anxious to be here." Crowley sounded amused.

I made the mental pull and suddenly everyone was there. I could see Sharon's face get white as all the Avengers showed up in the room.

"You forgot who you were messing with, bitch. I told you before, I was your worst nightmare. And for what you did to Bucky… well… now I am so much more than that."

I saw Wanda's power glow. "Not yet, Wanda. Trust me, with Crowley here, she isn't going anywhere. Let's handle Dean first then I get to have a talk with dear old Sharon Carter."

Sharon swallowed hard as suddenly I appeared next to Loki, an evil look on my face. Crowley even looked proud at the murderer in my eyes. Her eyes were wide as saucers as she watched my lip and eye heal. I looked at Dean.

"What the fuck are you doing here? Why do you want me so damn bad?"

"Because you are MINE. You don't belong here with these assholes. You belong to ME, and I will have you no matter what it costs. And I'm going to fuck the shit out of you until I have no use for you anymore. You will scream, you will plead, you will beg, you will bleed. And I'm going to enjoy every fucking minute of your pain for all the shit you put me through and everything your stupid ass cost me. You're going to be my plaything. I may even whore you out, make a little money off your ass."

I saw the horror on Cas's face. Even Crowley looked disturbed. I felt numb as I heard Loki growl.

"What happened to you, Dean? This isn't you. This isn't even like when you were possessed by a Demon. It's as if you lost your ever-loving fucking mind." 

I glanced at Cas. "Can you tell what happened?"

"He has gone insane. There is no sanity left, just a swirl of chaos."

"But…how'd it happen? He seemed like himself when he got here the first time. It's like he changed once he saw me."

"I don't know, Ariane. I have not seen anything like this."

"Crowley? Any ideas?"

"It could be a curse. I wonder if he had received a package or gotten separated from Sam on a Hunt. It's possible that someone who knows him used you as the trigger. It's not from any of my Demons. It would have a sulfur taint and there isn't anything like that."

"Do you have a way to find out who?"

He shook his head. "I am afraid not, dear. Not unless he could tell us himself, and he is too far gone to tell us anymore."