
When Mafia princess fell for a Nerd

Read about a damsel in distress who was under debt of a big, bad mafia? Then what about we reverse the roles? What if a simple young man attracts the attention of a Mafia princess who is hooked on having him? This story starts off with a simple meeting between Nick and Vanessa where the latter falls for Nick and decides to pursue him—- she swore that she will walk on the right path but you can get in the world of Mafia but you can never get out. Vanessa too couldn’t get out. She tried to chase Nick to her best of abilities did what a good girl would do but in the end she couldn’t become the good girl. The facade fell and the truth came out, creating a rift between the two of them so wide that they could never get close again but was it the case? By a sudden twist of fate, Nick get stuck in a messy situation and this messy situation was him owing a debt to Vanessa. What will happen will Vanessa use this chance to avenge her broken heart? Or will Nick realise that all criminals weren’t as bad as he thought, that sometimes people just don’t have a choice. ————- Vanessa Blake, The infamous mafia princess and an old spinster. At the age of twenty-nine, she walked on her fiancé’ talking sh*t behind her back. She heard his exquisite plans about how he will abandon her after he got all the benefits that her stupid brother, Derren Blake, the Mafia King has promised his family. So, what else could she do? She broke every single bone in her fiancé's body, hoping that her brother would soon give up his ambitions of getting her married in a normal family. Her brother wanted her to live a normal life away from guns and knives but how was that possible? Her first love was guns! And her second love was knives and her third love was the blood that oozed out of the body of her victims. There was no way, she could sit in the house waiting for her husband, cooking pies. She was bent on having her way until she got entangled in a gang war and was saved by an ordinary office worker. Apart from his good looking face, there was nothing good about that man, but she fell in love with her saviour!! She thought that chasing her man would be easy but would someone tell her why her Prince Charming hates criminals and feels faints at the sight of blood? Nicolas Newman was an ordinary office worker who had an ordinary life. Born and raised by his grandmother who was once a very respectable policewoman he hates criminals with every fibre of his being. At the age of thirty, he rejected the twentieth girl his parents arranged for him because she once shoplifted at the age of seven, how did he know that? That girl was his classmate and he watched her do it. Because of a childhood incident, he hates bloodshed and everything that was related to it —- fights, mobbing and criminals. But when he saw a tiny blonde lying on the side of the street with blood pooling around her, he saved her life even though his legs were trembling like crazy. He was only doing a good act of kindness. So will someone tell him why this woman he saved was chasing him like crazy?

fairytail72 · Fantasie
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176 Chs

Who was that guy?

" Woah?!" Vanessa woke up to a blinding light, her eyes stared at the white ceiling over her head for two seconds as she tried to recall what just happened to her, there was screaming and then there were curses that echoed in the bar following that was a blood bath and what was even worse was that she was hit twice on the back of her head when she wasn't looking out for herself and if that wasn't enough, she was also shot on her shoulder and thigh. If not for her father who made her grind her ass every day, she would have been dead by now.

Though Vanessa hated it, she had to thank that old bastard for pushing her so hard.

" You are making a scary face, thinking about dad?" Derren entered the hospital ward with his hands in his pockets and his grey overcoat draped over his wide shoulders, it gave him a sort of crazy, overlord look which would explain why so many nurses were peeking inside her ward. Seriously, she was injured so badly but her brother was impeccably dressed to impressed.

Vanessa rolled her eyes, as she sniffed the air and furrowed her brows. " Jeez, have you been smoking? I told you to quit it long ago."

" I did." said Derren as he took out a nicotine gum and popped it in his mouth, " But then I heard that a group of knuckleheads dared to assassinate my sister and hurt her quite badly, do you have any idea, how high my blood pressure rose? If I hadn't smoked, I would have popped a nerve or two, to think that crazy-ass Diego will have the guts to send his men after you!"

Derren's face twisted into something that could only be called a malevolent spirit as he harshly clutched the small gum box in his hand. " To harm my sister is like trying to harm my heart and soul, I will definitely get that ratass coward and then twist his neck and then gut him alive, I won't do that in just one single blow, I will look for a blunt knife and butcher him slowly, let's see how he will like that! Coming for my baby sister that's a low blow now!"

Ah, so he was angry after all. That would explain why he was acting like this, Derren had a severe case of OCD and that would get even worse if he got stressed.

Vanessa shook off her shoulder and winced when she felt a sharp sting shoot through her body. " Oww, that hurts!"

" What are you doing?" with his brows furrowed Derren pushed her down gently though he looked like a rough man, he was exceptionally gentle with his sister. " And of course, it hurts, the bullet didn't just graze your skin, it was stuck deep in your flesh took three hours for the doctor to take it out, the same could be said for the one stuck in your thigh. Diego seemed to have gone all out, the gunmen he hired weren't rookie, and their plan to take you down was also well thought, I have to say that Diego seemed to have gotten smarter."

Vanessa subtly inhaled a steadying breath as she tried to snap out of the pain that was throbbing in her shoulder and thigh. " Or maybe he got a new advisor, one who is very familiar with our daily routine and knows what we do, where we go and when we are at our weakest point, the men knew that I was alone and didn't take my men with me, knowing that I wouldn't be able to fight properly against a handicap fight like that. I don't think that Diego who is in country An knows what's going on here, he must have someone who is always looking at our tracks and relaying it to Diego, since the Interpol is after him, he wouldn't make such a stupid move as getting inside the country."

Her words seemed to have knocked out Derren of his balance, he gaped at her for two minutes before shaking his head. " There is no way, I took care of everyone, no one survived, Vanessa. I wiped all of them out with my own hands."

" Not everyone," she breathed in as she closed her eyes and tried to suppress all the bad memories that were trying to get out of the box 'that should not be touched'. " You showed mercy to one," she turned her head sideways on the pillow so that she was looking at him, and smiled, " I told you not to show mercy to that son of a bitch but you did, now look at this Derren, he is back to bite us in our asses when our backs are turned."

" He was just a kid."

" A kid whose mother you killed!"

Derren stared at her and she stared right back, the two of them glared at each other before Derren looked away and ran his hand through his hair. " F*ck, that bastard, I gave him the money to start anew and he returned with vengeance huh? Very well, then I will deal with him just like I have dealt with everyone else, lets's see how long he will be able to hide behind Diego."

He fished out his phone from his pocket and called Nolan alerting him to be on the lookout for the one brat that escaped their clutches back then all because he was a child and yes, even made men didn't kill children unless necessary. Of course, that wasn't the case for Derren and Vanessa, they lived by their own rules—— they swore never to kill any innocent until of course their hands were tainted by blood.

" I told Nolan, he will be looking out for that brat. Can't believe that he came back all to get vengeance for his slut of a mother, if my mother went around seducing married men, I would have simply said ' well deserved' and walked away after wiping my hands clean. Eh, anyway there are all types of people in this world and by type I remembered——" drawled Derren. " Who was that man, you saved by putting your life on the line?"