
When I bumped into you!

After bumping to each other sparks fly between a nerd and a playboy. Two falls in love eventually. But life does not go smoothly. They fell apart. But after a few years, they meet again but maybe there's a mystery that the girl is hiding? Will they fall in love again or fell part again?

nazifa_nawar · Teenager
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19 Chs


Amelia Anderson's POV

When you tell a lie under a circumstance and the worst part you have to stand by it and FOR standing by it you have to find a path to make the lie to the truth but you can't find any. Right then you regret for telling lies. Right now I am feeling like this. I want to bury myself. I am walking in the corridor and a intern came to me and said, "Happy Birthday, Amy."

"Thanks, Carol." I faked a smile. It is the worst birthday I have ever had. Suddenly my phone went off. I saw the caller ID. It was Zack. "Hello, Zack!" I casually said. "Amy, you free?" Zack said excitedly. "No!" I said immediately. "Ok, you have to come to the shopping after your duties." Zack said ignoring the fact that I cannot participate. "And don't you dare cancel the plan." Zack said as if he knew that I will again try to cancel. "Okay!" I agreed.

I finished all my duties and went to the place where we were supposed to meet. But why are we meeting in this dark place. Yes, they gave me a address of deserted area.

Am I in a wrong address? No! This is the address which Zack gave me. I saw a big mansion. It was surrounded by many trees. What is this place!

Suddenly my phone started to ring. I was so startled by it that I dropped the phone. "Ugh!!!" I picked up the phone and answered it without seeing the caller ID.

"Hello!" I said annoyingly. "Woah! Lia, are you here?" Liam asked. "Where is here?! I came to a deserted area and saw a mansion. And it is so fudging dark. Where is Zack? And why am I supposed to meet here?" I was so angry!

"Calm down woman. Now you have to come to that mansion." Liam casually said! Casualty my foot! I am hella scared. "Fine!" I answered.

I went to that mansion. It was very dark. Suddenly, "Surprise!!!!!!" Everyone shouted out of no where. I was so startled. But the thing is I couldn't see anything.

"Ah oh! Where are the lights?" I think this is Hannah.

"Gosh!!!" Someone said so angrily. And the lights came. I was so surprised to see all these things. Everything was so beautifully decorated.

"Happy Birthday....." Everyone yelled.

"Awww, thank you guys!!!!!" I said emotionally. They remembered my birthday. "You all remembered?" I said.

"Of course! How can we forget about you and your birthday?" Sam said hugging me. "Thanks." I hugged him back.

We all cut the cake. I was calling the boys suddenly I felt a presence behind me. I turned around and saw Thomas. I quickly cut the call. "Calling your fiancée?" Thomas said this but in a mocking way.

"No, but what are you doing here?" I said raising an eyebrow. He suddenly came very close to me. And I think my hiccups were missing me very much! Ugh....

He smirked. I want to wipe out the smirk of his face.

He cupped my face with his hands. Oh.. I missed his touches. For a few seconds, I melted like ice in his mere touch.

"Did you really get engaged?" His voice sounded sad for a second but he covered that instantly. I got my hiccups again. "You didn't change at all." He smiled.

"By the way, you didn't answer my question." He again said.

Which question!? Oh! That engaged question!

Suddenly I remembered that his hands were in my face. I quickly removed his hands. "If you want you can meet him. And why are you asking this?" I cockily.

He again came very close to me and also he trapped me. I became a sandwich between the wall and him.

"Because I observed you when you were telling us that you were engaged. Your smile seemed to me forcibly." He said genuinely. Damn! I knew it! He would caught me.

"Wrong! You don't know me." I said. He pushed me more and said, "Oh, you don't have any idea. I know you better than anyone. I know you are hiding something from me, us!" I pushed him and went to the group.

"Hey! Where the hell were you?" Liam asked.

"Nowhere, just went to make a call." I smiled. "Hmmm, who? It might be your fiancée!" Hannah smirked. I faked a smile.

I never looked at Thomas's eyes. We enjoyed the night very much then we went to our respected houses.

When I went to my home I saw Jack were drinking coffee and watching news.

"Hey!" I said tiredly. "You are looking so tired." Jack said.

I smiled and sat on the couch. "Where are the boys?" I asked looking here and there.

"They are sleeping. We all were playing video games but then I realized that only I was playing. Then I saw them sleeping peacefully." Hd smiled sweetly.

"I need to give them time. Today is sunday so, I can give them my time. Jack please suggest me where can I take them? Or what should I do for them?", I pouted.

"I think you should do the things which you couldn't do for a very long time." Jack suggested me.

"I got it. Yeyyy... Thanks Jack." Saying that I hugged him. Then I went to sleep with the boys. And Jack went to do his work.

In the morning.....

I got up early in the morning then I made pastas while talking to Dad and Sheila. The boys like it very much.

"Good morning, mommy." Tom said lazily. "Good morning, Tommy!" I said kissing his cheeks. "Where is your brother?" I asked seeing no trace of Tyler.

"He is in the bathroom. Why did Jack disturb us? Today is holiday." He became sad. "Oh, my boy! He woke you up because I told him to do so!" I explained.

"Why?" Tyler said.

"Because we are gonna have fun today! Tell me what do you want to do today?" I excitedly said.

"Really? Yeyy!!!" They both said excitedly. Their eyes sparkled like the stars. I laughed at their excitement. Also I felt sad because I couldn't give them time.

" And boys! I made pastas! Your favourite!" I said happily.

"Hurray!!!" They quickly took the lids of their plates. "Wait!! Let Jack come!" I stopped them.

They gave me a pout. I smiled at them. Suddenly I remembered about Thomas! How he used to gave me his puppy eyes! How he used to pout! I felt sad I don't know why! I felt a hand on my hand. I looked at the person and it was Jack!

"Earth to Amelia Anderson!" He mocked me. I gave him a what look!

"I was here for whole 4 minutes and also Tom and Tyler was calling you but you were in your la la land." He said taking a deep breath.

And now how can I tell you that I was thinking about my ex boyfriend. I just apologized. Then we ate breakfast.

"Mommy please play piano and drums for us!!!!" Tom and Tyler gave me their puppy eyes. For the last 10 minutes they are pacifying me toplay piano and drums.

I melted like butter and agreed to play. I played piano Perfect by Ed Sheeran. I remembered every moment of Thomas. How we used to play piano together. Every memory of him came infront of my eyes.

I heard claps. I saw Jack, Tom and Tyler were clapping. I thanked them in a very terrible accent of the British. I stay in London but I still couldn't get the accent. And here Jack and the boys have so good accent. Oh my gosh! I feel jealous hearing their accent.

After playing drums for sometime and teaching Tom and Tyler how to play these, We went to a park and had some fun. Then we went to do some shopping. We also called Kaitlyn. In the shopping I was seeing some clothes for Tom and Tyler then suddenly I saw Hannah. My eyes widened after seeing the whole crew. But there wasn't Thomas.

"What happened bitch?" Kate said. I told her everything about my relationship with Thomas. Everything about my dating life.

"Kkate, sissy! Look at that place. Hannah and the whole group. If they saw Tom and Tyler, I will be in trouble." I began to panic.

"Amy you need to calm down! Ok, we need to leave before they see all of us." She explained.

We tried to go, keyword: Tried... But couldn't. Zack saw me. Ugh.. I will kill him. "Amy!!! You are here! And we got tired of calling you." Zack said with a sigh.

"Oh, I think my phone is in silent mode." I lied. And on that time, my phone began to ring! Why!!!!!

Zack gave me a questioning look. I nervously laughed. "I think was on silent mode." And how can I tell him that my sons were playing games in my phone.

I looked here and there, I saw Kaitlyn wasn't here neither Jack, Tom, and Tyler.

"Are you looking for something or someone?" Zack said raising a eyebrow.I know he is thinking that I am looking for Thomas. But no! Right now I am very much in trouble.

I met with my all friends and I came to know that they are here to do shopping for the wedding. After sometime Thomas came. I didn't dare to look at his eyes.

"When can we meet with your fiancée?" Sam asked. What fiancée?

I should tell them the truth.

"Actually guys! I have to tell you something." I said closing my eyes.

"Babe! Where were you?" I felt a hand on my waist...