
When I bumped into you!

After bumping to each other sparks fly between a nerd and a playboy. Two falls in love eventually. But life does not go smoothly. They fell apart. But after a few years, they meet again but maybe there's a mystery that the girl is hiding? Will they fall in love again or fell part again?

nazifa_nawar · Teen
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19 Chs


Amelia Anderson's POV

Right now I am in the car with my ex boyfriend. "So, how is your wife?" I asked bitterly.

"What wife?" He seems to be confused. Wah! He forgot his wife. "You want me to tell the name right? Ok, so how is Sofia?" I said emphasizing the name.

"We aren't married." He murmured but I heard it anyways.

"Oh, so you are still engaged?" I said casually. "No, I broke the engagement when you left me." Thomas said. Why!!!!

"Oh!" I wanted to ask why but didn't. "Aren't you going to ask me why?" He was surprised. "No, I don't want to bring past here. Past is past." I said coldly.

Then we kept quiet for sometime. He has grown beard. And looking so handsome. Ughh... What am I thinking?

He pulled the car in front of my house. I tried to pull the hook of the seat belt. But couldn't. I was pulling but still couldn't. Then Thomas pulled the hook. His hands touched mine. Oh his touch!

Suddenly I got a hiccup. He was so close to me.. And again I got a hiccup. I remembered about the old days. I looked to see Thomas he was looking at me intensely.

"Ahem! Thanks for the drive!" With that I left. Oh gosh! Why did I get a hiccup? Ugh!!!!

"Hi, boys!" I greeted. "Hi, mommy!" Tom said hugging me. Then Tyler hugged me. I should really spend my time with them. "Jack, where is Dad and Sheila?" I said kissing Tom and Tyler. "They are right behind you.

I turned and saw Dad and Sheila are standing with their luggage.

"Dad have fun. And both of you stay safe."I hugged them. Dad kissed my forehead. Sheila patted my back.

"Of course. And take care of yourself and them." Dad said. "Okay, now we have to go." Sheila said.

"Should I go to the airport with you?" I asked. "No, no! You take rest. We will go." Dad said. "Okay, stay safe." I hugged both of them. The boys also hugged them.

After bidding them goodbyee, I played games with the boys and Jack. Then I put the boys to the bed. Me and Jack sat on the table.....

"How was your day?" I took a spoon of Ice cream. "Ugh... Very bad.My stupid PA did a mistake and I lost the deal. She also spill the coffee on me. And I forgave her for that. But the deal was very important for me." He said sadly.

"So, did you fire her?" I pouted.

"Yes." He licked his spoon.

"Ah! Pity on her. But now you have to find a new assistant." I pointed out. "Yeah! Okay now enough about me. How was your day?" He yawned.

I remembered about Thomas and my friends. "It was good. I met some of my old friends." "At least your day was great. Okay, I am sleepy. Good night." He kissed my forehead. "Good night." I smiled.

I went to sleep but I couldn't sleep. Thomas isn't married? But he was engaged. Did they broke up?

ugh...why am i thinking about this? Suddenly the door of my room cracked. I looked at the door and saw two little figure and behind them a big tall figure.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday mommy... Happy Birthday to you...." They sang...

My munchkins and Jack..... Awww! They are so sweet..."Thank you... guys..."

They switched the lights on. "Mommy blow up the candles." Tom and Tyler said excitedly. I blown up the candles. And cut the cake with the boys including also Jack.

"Now it's time to give your gifts. Boys go get the gift." Jack said. "Gift? Oh my goodness! Thank you guys! Love you so muchhhh...." I said happily.

Tyler and Tom came into the room with my gift. "Mommy, open it." Tom said.

I opened the box and saw a ring and a chain. "You can wear this separately. Either ring or chain or both." Jack explained. I gasped seeing the gift. "Thank you so much! But how did you get the money huh?" I said. "Mommy! Umm, maybe Jack gave the money but we chose these! Mom! Can't you wear these?" Tyler scoffed.

I hugged three of them and thanked them. Jack helped me to wear the chain. And I wore the ring on my ring finger. Because it isn't fitting on my index finger and middle finger. I know I would look like a married woman. But I don't care. Just because I wore the ring on my ring finger doesn't mean that I am married.

We ate the cake then we put the boys to the bed then chatted for sometime then went to sleep.

In the morning...

I opened my phone and saw dad wished me happy birthday and said that they reached safely. I thanked them and told them the boys gave me surprise and gifts.

"Tom, Tyler, Jack! Get up guys. Get up, get up." I called them. "5 minutes more!...", Jack said in his sleepy voice. Tom got up and said, "Good morning, and Happy Birthday mommy." "Good morning and thank you baby... I love you.." I said kissing him on his cheeks.

"I love you too mommy." He said so sweetly. Then he went to the bathroom. Tyler yawned and hugged me. "Happy Birthday mommy.", He said between his yawn. I laughed and said, "Thank you my boy! And love you" I smiled and kissed his cheeks. "Love you too mommy." He said cheekily. Then ran to the bathroom.

I looked at Jack and he is sleeping still. Why is he so heavy sleeper?

Ugh... "Jack! You have meeting today also it's an very important meeting." I yelled in his ear.

"Ugh,, woman! Calm down! I am getting up." He looked irritated. I love to irritate him. I laughed. He gave me his mischievous smile. Oh no! I know what's coming! "No, Jack no! Don't come near me. Don't you dare!" I said in warning tone.

He came infront of me and began tickle me..

"Ahhhhh...." I laughed. "Stop it..." I laid on the bed struggling to stop him from tickling me.

Then the boys also joined. Oh no! Then I somehow gathered myself and began to tickle everyone. And we had a tickle war for 5 minutes.

After the tickle war I went to make the breakfast. Jack came to help me.. "Oh, that was a big war! Right?", He laughed.

"Yeah, yeah! Next time you will be dead!" I gave him a stern look. But failed miserably. Because Jack started to laugh so hard.

I rolled my eyes. We ate breakfast and Jack dropped the boys to their school then me to the hospital. Me and Jack got out from the car Jack hugged me saying goodbye I also hugged him. I saw Thomas looking at me rather I say looking at Jack with a questioning look. Seeing Thomas, I remembered Thomas's birthday is also coming. Oh!!! Stop looking at him. He is looking so hot! Amelia stop it!!!

I averted my eyes from him and bade goodbye to Jack! He left. I went into the hospital. "Amy!" Hannah called me. "Hey, Han!" I smiled. "Are you free today?" Hannah asked. "Umm, yes! Why?" I said.

"Okay! Great! We will go for shopping today after your duty!" Hannah clapped excitedly. I tucked my hair behid my ear. "Oh my my! Are you married?" Liam said coming out of nowhere. What! Ugh!!! My ring!

"What! Oh gosh!" Hannah whisper yelled.

"Of course she is married look at her ring!" Sam said. I rolled my eyes. "Are you really married?" Thomas asked gulping.

I don't know what happened to me! I looked at him and remembered everything he had done to me 6 years ago!

"Umm, not married! Engaged." I said with a fake smile. I hope Thomas wouldn't understand my fake smile. He always caught my fake smile.

"Congratulations!" Hannah hugged me! Then one by one hugged me and congratulated me except Thomas. Thomas gave me a stern look and left.

Gosh! What have I done?

"Amy!" Kaitlyn said! Oh no! If she blurt out something about being single! What am I going to do?.

"Guys, This is Kaitlyn my best friend and Kaitlyn these are my high school friends. Meet Hannah my best friend from high school." They all introduced themselves.

"I wanna meet with your fiancée." Hannah pouted. Kaitlyn gave me a confused look. I nervously laughed. Now, where could I found that fiance.

"Umm, sure." I said hesitantly.

Oh gosh! What will happen!????