
When I bumped into you!

After bumping to each other sparks fly between a nerd and a playboy. Two falls in love eventually. But life does not go smoothly. They fell apart. But after a few years, they meet again but maybe there's a mystery that the girl is hiding? Will they fall in love again or fell part again?

nazifa_nawar · Teenager
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19 Chs

Meeting him again...

Amelia Anderson's POV

"You...." I said looking at him. Thomas Reed.! My head began to spin. Somehow I gained my posture....

Right now I am having staring contest with Thomas! He looks so handsome more than that time. Ugh.. what the hell am I thinking! "Kaitlyn, let's go! We have so much to do." I said pulling her. Then we went far away from him. "Hey! Who was that handsome boy?" Kaitlyn asked. Handsome? Huh, my foot! I rolled my eyes.

"You know what? You have to tell me everything!" Kaitlyn warningly said to me. I nodded. Then we went to the cafeteria. "So, I was in my first day of college...." That's how I began to tell the story to Kaitlyn.

Later in the afternoon, I was walking in the corridor. Suddenly my senior came and said, "Hey! There's a patient on the room 224. Can you take the patient?" "Ok. No problem. Where is the chart?" I asked.

"Actually, I left it in the room." He said. "Ok! I am going." saying that I went to the room 224.

"Good afternoon." Saying that I entered into the room. "I am Amelia. Your doctor." I looked at the patient and saw it was Zack!

"Zack!" I was surprised. "Amy! Oh gosh!" He hugged me. I hugged him back.

"What happened to you?" I said pulling away. "I don't know." He shrugged.

And me being dumb, I am asking this question.

"Oh, sorry! I will tell you what happened." I said apologetically. I looked into his chart. "Ok, so you have stomach ache. Did you give your samples?" I asked him.

He nodded. "Ok, I can tell you after seeing the reports." I said.

"So, you have grown very beautiful." Zack smiled.

"Hahaha, Zack! By the way, how are your life going? And where are the others? I mean, Hannah, Liam, Sam?" I asked. And Thomas! I wanted to ask but didn't. I should go away from here! But I saw my friend after many years.

"Life is going smoothly. I am engaged. And Hannah and Sam will marry after a week. And Liam is already married." Zack said

Oh my gosh! Many has happened.

"Wow! A lot has happened! I wanna meet with them." I pouted. "Of course. They will be here in an hour." Zack said.

"By the way, What are you doing here? I mean in this country?" I asked. "Hannah and Sam's wedding will held here." Zack explained.

"Zack, your reports came?" I knew who said it! Thomas. My back was facing him so I couldn't see him. And I forgot to breathe. I became still. Oh gosh! Amy move! My mind was telling me to move but my body wasn't listening to my mind.

I slowly got up from the chair and tried to go but Zack stopped me by holding my hand.

"Where are you going?" He asked. "To fetch your reports." I said impatiently. "No wait, the others are coming.." He said sadly. I still didn't face Thomas.

Suddenly the door opened. "Hey, man! Your reports came?" It must be Liam.

"Look guys, Who we have here!" Zack said.

I turned around and faced everyone. "Hi guys!" I said with a small smile.

"Oh my goodness! Amy!!!!" Hannah screamed hugging me. I hugged her back! Then one by one joined of course expect Thomas.

"Lia!!! How are you???" Sam said excitedly. "I am good!" I smiled. "So, I heard all of guys are mingle?" I took a strand of hair and tucked behind my ear.

"Yeah! Except Thomas." Liam said! What? Isn't he married? "Ookay! Zack, are you feeling good? And your fiance is coming!" Thomas said.

Gosh! I missed his voice. "Was she crying?" Zack said curiously.

"No, she was in her normal self." Liam said casually. But Hannah and Sam was trying to hold their laughter. "Dummy, it's just a normal stomach ache I am sure. Why would she cry?" Liam laughed.

Zack rolled his eyes! And we burst into laughter. "Oh goodness! You are still the same." I laughed. "Yeah! Everything are same." Hannah laughed. "Gosh! We missed you." Sam said hugging me. "Me too!" I sadly smiled. "But why did you go?" Liam said! Oh no! I wasn't ready to answer this! Please someone help me!

"Beep beep!" My pager beeped. Yeyy!

"Uh! Now I have to go! And Zack, I will come with your reports." Zack nodded. I said my byes to them.

After an hour.....

I went to Zack's room with his reports. And they all were there but I saw two more new faces. "Hey! I got your reports." I said. "What is the result?" For the first time Thomas spoke with me. "It's just a stomach bug. I will give him some medicine and it will gone for good." I explained. Zack scrunched his nose hearing my explanation. I laughed at his expression. "This is my fiancee, Carol! And Carol, this is my friend Amelia." Zack said! We exchanged hi hellos. "And this is Sandy, my wife. And Sandy, this is my friend." Liam said. Again we exchanged hi hellos.

"So, you are that Amelia?" Carol said looking at Thomas than me. Oh my my! This is getting so awkward. I nervously laughed.

Suddenly my phone went off. Dad is giving me video call. Zack was beside me. He said, "Oh oh! Your dad. I wanna say hello to him, if you don't mind." He whined. I laughed. "Yeah! Of course!" I said. I received the call. "Hi dad!"

"Amy! I wanted to ask you that, where is your mother's Polaroid?" Is it still working?" Dad asked. "Yeah, dad! It's in my first drawer. And I am coming after sometime. Don't leave without saying bye to me." I said in a warning tone.

"Of course, I will not go!" Dad smiled. "Oh dad, There's someone who wants to say hello to you." I said. "Really? Ok let's meet him." Dad smiled. I gave the phone to Zack. They were talking. Suddenly I remembered about the boys. Oh no! If they come in front of them. What will I do? And now Liam is talking. Oh no! what should I do?

Woww! Now Sam and Hannah are talking. And all of them are introducing their partners.

I am gonna cry. "Nana! Who is this?" Tyler spoke. Ahhh!!!! Goodness! I am going to die. "Dad, I hhave some wwork. I will hhang up now." Then I cut the call. "Hey!" Sam yelled. "Hahaha! Sorry guys! See my battery is going to be dead." "Oh! Okay!" Sam said. I looked at Thomas! He was looking at me with a suspicious look.

"But, who was that? I heard a child's voice." Hannah said.

"No?" I bit my lips. "Yes, I heard also!" Liam said. "Oh, then our neighbors child must have came." I nervously said.

"Are you feeling ok? I am asking this because you are sweating very much!" Sandy said. I quickly took a tissue and wiped my face. My hands were shaking. "Thanks, I am fine just a little tired." Amelia stop it! Everyone will have a doubt on you.

"Ok, I should get going. And Zack! Take your medicines timely." "Yes, ma'am." He gave me a salute. I smiled. "Amy! Wait, Me and Sam are getting married so I want your help in every matter. And your presence in my wedding. And you have to be my maid of honour." Hannah said in one breathe.

"But..."I tried to say something but Hannah interrupted me. "No buts. You have to be there. You are my best friend. I know we weren't in touch! But you are still my best friend." She pouted. Oh, my bestie. I hugged her. "Okay! Tomorrow we will begin our mission Hannah's wedding." I said. "Yeppp...." She smiled. "Okay! Now I am really going. Bye guys." They also said bye.

I went outside of the hospital. Kaitlyn was already gone. "Wait.." I know it is Thomas. I stopped. "Can I drop you?" He said. Should I say yes? or no?

"No, I can go by myself." I said. "Please." He requested. After a moment, I

agreed.... Let's see how it will go!