
When I bumped into you!

After bumping to each other sparks fly between a nerd and a playboy. Two falls in love eventually. But life does not go smoothly. They fell apart. But after a few years, they meet again but maybe there's a mystery that the girl is hiding? Will they fall in love again or fell part again?

nazifa_nawar · Teenager
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19 Chs

Love love love.......

Amelia Anderson's POV

Oh my gosh! I said that. Does he love me? I am sure he doesn't love me. "I know, it's too soon! But I meant what I said! I love you! And it's true! It's ok if you don't love me!" I thought for sometime and again said, "No, it's not ok. But I will give you time. But not too much." I blurted. He said raising an eyebrow, "You done?" I huffed then nodded.

"I don't need time to give you answer." He became serious. "I kno...." I tried to say something but he shushed me. He took my hands and said, "I love you too."

"It's ok, take your time! Wait, what did you say?" I am so shocked right now!!!

"I said, I love you too!" He smiled. "Really?" I bit my lips.

He nodded. He hugged me tightly. I hugged him back. I smiled. Oh, what a great feeling!

In the morning....

I woke up early in the morning. I was smiling without any reason. Dad looked at me and said, "Hmm, what's the matter?" "Nothing!" I again smiled.

I went to the school and went straightly to hug Thomas. He hugged me back. "Hey, Thomas!" I smiled. "Lia, why are you smiling without any reason?" Zander interrupted our sweet moment. I rolled my eyes. "You have any problem?" Thomas said with a glare.

I laughed.

We finished our classes. Me and Thomas were walking on our school ground. "Thomas, I have something for you!" I said. "Oh, really?" He excitedly said.

I took out the package from my bag and gave it to him. He took the gift from my hand and opened it. "Wow, recently I was craving to read this book. And you gave it to me! And wow, this key ring is very beautiful." He said smilingly. "Did you really like it?" I said raising a eyebrow.

"Liked it? I loved it. Thank you so much. I love you!" My heart skipped a beat. I smiled and said, "I love you too." He kissed me. And as usual I kissed him back happily.

I went to my room after coming from my school. I was doing my homework and suddenly the bell went off. After going to downstairs I opened the door and saw David. "Hi! Amy! Can you come outside please?"

"Hi! Ok!" I gave him a questioning look. I went with him and kept standing. It has been whole 10 minutes he hasn't spoke anything.

"David, do you wanna say something or keep standing?" I gritted my teeth. David nervously laughed and said, "Umm, how should I say? Ok, listen. I like you!"

What? Is he mad? "David, I am with Thomas. And I consider you as my friend nothing more." "I know, but can you give me a chance?" He has gone mad.

"David, please don't do this. I love Thomas. You are my friend. And nothing less nothing more." He looked sad. But what should I do? How can he say all of this?

"Do you wanna say anything now?" I said getting irritated.

He kept quiet so I took this as no. I turned away to walk but he pulled me towards him and kissed me. Ah!!! How dare he? I tried to push him but he didn't even budge. Suddenly he yanked away from me. Oh, goodness!

Thomas was throwing punches at him. "Thomas, stop it! Let go of him." I was trying to stop him but he wasn't even listening me. They both started to fight.

I touched his shoulder and told him to stop. After a punch he stopped. I huffed. David tried to say something but "You go from here." I said in a warning tone.

He left. "And you come to my room." I said pointing Thomas.

Thomas came with me in my room. I made him sit on my bed and rubbing antiseptic liquid. "Ahhh...A little slower please." Thomas whinned. "Sorry!" I said apologetically.

I cleaned his wound. Then we both sat on the couch. "Go, clean your face." Thomas said sweetly. I gave him a questioning look. "Why?" "Because he kissed you!" Thomas said irritatedly. I laughed. "Thomas seriously?" He nodded.

I huffed and wash my face. He is so stubborn.

We cuddled and watched movie. Then after one and half hour he left. My dad came and I asked him about his is future girlfriend whoops sorry girlfriend. He told me that everything was fine she is his girlfriend. I was yelling out of happiness like a maniac. Dad also asked that if I had any problem with that! I told him that I didn't have any problem! He was so happy! My dad's happiness is important for me. Dad also asked me about my dating life I told him that everything is perfect. I didn't tell him about David.

I woke up early in the morning and got ready for school. I went to downstairs and saw Thomas and dad were talking. I was very surprised seeing this scene. "Hey guys! What are you guys doing?"

"Just making some pancakes," Dad said flipping a pancake. "Thomas, what are you doing here?" I said.

"I came here to meet with your dad just like that." He casually said. I nodded.

Then we had breakfast and dad telling my embarrassing story of my childhood. I just wanted to bury myself.

Me and Thomas went to the school. I didn't talk about David to our friends. I avoiding David whole time.

We all went to watch movies then everybody came to my place for studying because our finals are coming very fast. Zack being Zack, he were teasing me, Thomas, Hannah, Sam! And Liam did as always he does smacking Zack!

Oh gosh! I love my friends and of course Thomas.

Everyone except Thomas left. "I love them so much!" I smiled. Raising a eyebrow Thomas said, "Who?"

I rolled my eyes and said, "Of course our friends." Thomas thought for sometime and said, "Me or our friends? Whom will you choose?"

What? He can be very jealous! Rolling my eyes I said, "You are so childish." I think he got annoyed. He said, "Yes, I am childish. You just choose."

"Oh gosh! Ok! For now I choose you!" I said laughing.

"For now?" He said being annoyed by my answer. I laughed. I kissed him. And instantly he got happy. Really he is so childish... But I love him so much!...