
When I bumped into you!

After bumping to each other sparks fly between a nerd and a playboy. Two falls in love eventually. But life does not go smoothly. They fell apart. But after a few years, they meet again but maybe there's a mystery that the girl is hiding? Will they fall in love again or fell part again?

nazifa_nawar · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
19 Chs

Everything is new...

Amelia Anderson's POV

Hannah was laughing like a crazy person. She said between her laugh, "Your face! Oh my goodness!" I sent daggers to her. "Why did you throw water at me?" She said, "Because you weren't getting up!" I said, "But it's too early." She excitedly said, "We have so much to do."

She finally ended her laughing session. I browsed my cupboard and took out a dress. Hannah said horror in her eyes, "Are you going wear this?" I humed in reply.

She snatched my dress from me. And she began to browse through my cupboard. I huffed. Finally she took out a dress. And it was a freaking skirt.

I scrunched my nose. Looking my expression she said, "Don't you dare give me that expression." I said, "No, please Hannah! I won't wear wear this dress."

Hannah gave me her puppy eyes and I couldn't say no to her.

I wore a white full sleeve top, a baby pink mini skirt. Hannah did curls on my hair. I wore a pair of brown boots. All these things are my mom's things.

Hannah did minimal make up on me. I told her not to do this make up on me! But my best friend doesn't listen to me.

Hannah said, "Oh my gosh!! Lia you look gorgeous!" I turned towards the mirror. And I must say I looked good. I smiled at her.

I said, "Thanks." She said, "Now come on let's go to downstairs."

We went to the downstairs. I greeted my dad. My dad looked at me and said, "Oh my goodness! Is this my daughter?" I smiled. He said, "You are looking so beautiful, dear!"

Then we had breakfast. Hannah and we went to school. Suddenly I felt nervous. Hannah assured me by putting her hand on my shoulder.

Many eyes were on me. I walked to our group. Zack looked at me and then at Hannah. He said with a smile, "Hannah, won't you introduce me to her?" I looked at him with a shocked expression!

Hannah laughed. She said, "Guys, this is our friend Amelia Anderson."

"What??" Liam said. His mouth wide open. And Zack said, "Hahaha! What??" I rolled my eyes.

Sam said, "Lia, you look beautiful." Giving him a smile, I said, "Thanks Sammy!" He rolled his eyes. He gets irritated when I call him Sammy. I laughed.

All of them complimented me. Zack said, "Wait till, Thomas see you. He will go crazy!" I blushed.

And Thomas is coming towards me. He saw me entirely. From my body to toe. I gulped. Did he like it?

His face showed some emotion but I cannot understand it. He grabbed my hand and took me to a vacant place. He pulled me towards him and kissed me. His kiss caught off guard me. After a few seconds, I kissed him back. I didn't know what I was doing but it felt good. After a moment, he led me go. But his hands were still on my waist. I was panting,. But he seemed cool. He smirked.

He said, "Great! And you look so beautiful." Saying that he kissed my cheeks. I blushed and thanked him. Suddenly I got a hiccup. He laughed. He said, ,"You get hiccups around me still."

I shrugged and said, "I don't know why I get this." Smiling, he said, "Cute! But do you feel any pain while you get your hiccups? If you get it we have to go to doctor." I shaked my head in no. He is so caring! The bell rang. Thomas took my hand and we went to our class. And he was also there with me. While going to the classroom I felt stares. I felt nervous. I didn't dress up like this so it's natural.

We sat down together. Thomas wanted to say something but the teacher came.

Thomas lowly said, "If you feel uncomfortable, you can change this dress. Do you want to?" I like him so much!

I said, "No, it's ok. I will have to get used to it." "Ok. But you can always wear whatever you want." his voice laced with care. I smiled at him.

We finished the class and the other 2 classes too. I went to the cafeteria. I sat down next to Thomas's sit. I said, "Hey guys!" Thomas kissed my cheeks. I blushed. Why do I blush like this?

Seeing my flushed face, everyone laughed. Sam said, "Aww! look at her." I smacked his arm. They began to laugh more. We talked and ate.

After all my classes. I went to my locker and taking things from there. Suddenly I felt two hands on my waist. I jumped out of fear. Then I understood that it was Thomas. He kissed my cheeks. I said, "Hey!" He said, "Hi! Do you have any plans?"

I said, "No, why?" He took my hand and we went to his car. I gave him a questioning look. He shrugged. I got into the car.

He pulled off the car infront of a ice cream parlour. I got out of the car excitedly.

Seeing my state, Thomas began to laugh. Ah! His laugh is the most beautiful sound for me. I rolled my eyes at him.

I took his hand and drag him to the parlour. The woman greeted us. I greeted back with a polite smile. The woman said, "What will you have lovebirds?" I blushed hearing lovebirds. I said, "I will have a scoop of black forest and vanilla." The woman turned to Thomas. Thomas said, "A cup of chocolate chips." We took our ice cream and sat down on a bench. We were in a park. The kids were playing. Guardians were talking to each other. I felt happy at the moment. We were in a comfortable silence. I turned to look at Thomas but he was already looking at me. I smiled at him. He said, "What are you thinking?"

I said, "About this place. It's so peaceful." I sighed. Thomas nodded agreeing with me. "You are so beautiful!" Thomas said all of a sudden. And I got a hiccup! Thomas smirked and said, "Andd I got the answer." I rolled my eyes. We talked while eating our ice cream. Thomas told his worst jokes and I still laughed. I don't know why I laugh at his silly jokes. His every jokes are silly!

I said between my laugh, "Your jokes are so silly!" He said, "But you still laugh. So I am gonna tell you these silly jokes of mine to make you laugh." He shrugged. I said, "Yeah yeah!" He said, "Let's go." I nodded.

We were walking towards the car. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. But it was not Thomas. We both turned around. I saw David? When did he came here?