
Sunday service

Richard pov

few minutes later, Sunday school ended and the workers in the church went to their various departments, followed by an opening prayer,after the opening prayer,the choir led the church in praise and worship followed by Bible reading then singing of the hymn book,the choir sang in a melodious way which moved everyone. few hours later,it was time for the choir ministration,the choirs came out for their ministration,presented the name of the song they were about to sing after the presentation they started singing,the song was reaching the depth of my soul,I felt moved by the song and for some odd reason,I started feeling my body heat up in a strange manner,I was starting to feel uncomfortable and in order for me not to bring attention to myself,I decided to go to the bathroom of the church, moving to the sink I immediately splashed water on my face, looking at myself in the mirror,I noticed that the colour of my eyes had changed to blue with a golden light emitting from it but the golden light this time was shining too bright and I also noticed my body was covered in golden light, feeling surprised,I also felt something moving around my chest, loosening my shirt a little to reveal my chest,I noticed the mark moving and the mouth of the doglike mark opened as if it was suffering and I also noticed another thing apart from the doglike mouth opening,I also noticed it was glowing in a strange way and it also looked bigger,this actually surprised me and there was no one around me to ask what was going on.few minutes later my body calmed down and all the traces of what happened disappeared,after clarifying that I was good to go,I left the bathroom and went back to my seat,by the time I came back the pastor had already started preaching,I sat down lost in thought about what happened to me, since there was no one to give me an explanation I decided to listen to the pastor's sermon,an hour later service ended and everyone started going home,I had to wait for flourish since she was having a meeting with her fellow choirs,I sat in a corner in the church playing game, when I heard an angelic voice, I looked at where the choir where sitting down and saw a slender lady singing,I guessed they were having a rehearsal and went back to my game but as I was about to play the game,my eyes caught the sight of someone staring at someone in the choir, looking at the person who was staring,I noticed it was the youngest son of the pastor staring, wondering who he was staring at,I got curious and decided to know who he was staring at,it was then i saw flourish telling the choir somethings tracing his line of sight,I noticed he was staring at flourish,I immediately felt irritated but immediately calmed down,then I saw flourish singing,while she was singing she was so immersed in the song that she did not see the amused expression of the choirs, after singing they all clapped for her,while they were clapping for her,I noticed her eyes went to the pastor's son direction, within split second she immediately averted her eyes and concentrated on the meeting she was in,few minutes later I noticed she sat on the chair in a stiff manner,it was then I remembered the pastor's son was staring at her,I immediately left my sit and sat down beside him while intentionally making a noise with the chair in order to stop him from staring, noticing that someone was beside him,he stopped staring and brought out his phone to play a game,few minutes later,I noticed flourish started feeling comfortable on her seat.


While in the meeting with the choirs,I suddenly started feeling uncomfortable,as if someone was staring at me,I wanted to turn my head to see who it was but did not have the courage to do so. Few minutes later,we the choir where bringing different ideas of singing,when an Idea,came to my mind,so I decided to share my idea with the choirs by singing, immediately I finished singing the choir, clapped for me and praised me,it was at that moment my eyes met with that of the pastor's son,I immediately averted my eyes because i felt strange with the way he was staring at me,he was staring at me as if he was observing me which creeped me out. I tried concentrating on what our choir master was saying but I could not concentrate because I could still feel his gaze on me,which was starting to irritate me, when I thought it wouldn't stop,I noticed he had stopped staring at me, wondering why he stopped,I glanced at his side and noticed Richard sitting beside him,I was so happy that he came to my rescue and I started calming down a little.Few minutes later we were done with the meeting and were dismissed. I stood up from my seat and went to where Richard was to notify him that I was done,after notifying him we entered the car and the driver drove us back home. On reaching home we met my dad in the sitting room watching a movie,we greeted him and I decided to sit down beside him and started interrogating him,I asked him why he didn't come home and he explained that his friend persuaded him to stay with them which he was forced to agree,I nodded in understanding,he then faced Richard who was sitting opposite him and asked him how he was which Richard replied by telling him he was fine,he also asked him how the service was in which Richard started explaining in details what had happened in church, feeling bored I decided to go to my room to change and rest a little before eating.

Thank you all for reading my novel, kindly comment,review and vote for this novel,love you all and please stay safe.love you all

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