
Devilish plan


I woke up in the morning feeling a little bit lazy to do anything,I dragged myself to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take my bath,after taking my bath I hesitantly wore my school uniform and went straight to the dinning room to eat, when I got to the dinning room,I met flourish dad there but flourish was not there,I greeted him and sat down waiting for the food,few minutes later,the maid brought the food to the dinning room,we were served toast bread and tea. Few minutes later,I was done eating and flourish was yet to come down,while wondering what was happening,flourish dad also noticed that flourish was not yet in the dinning room,he then told one of the maid to check on her,by that time it was already seven in the morning,few minutes later,the maid came to the dinning room to inform us that flourish was still asleep but she has woken her up, hearing this I and flourish dad were shocked, recovering from our shocked state, flourish dad dismissed the maid, immediately the maid left I wanted to laugh but decided to hold it in,thirty minutes later, flourish came to the dinning room hurriedly,she greeted her dad and me and took the toast bread from the table, went towards her dad and kissed him on the cheek then went towards me telling me to get up so we could leave,I hurriedly stood up and followed her, when she was about to exit the dinning room,she bade her dumbfounded dad goodbye,then we rushed towards the car,the driver seeing us from far, immediately rushed to the car and sat down at the driver's seat, immediately we entered,we did not need to inform him to speed up to school before he sped up, twenty minutes later we arrived at school, immediately the driver parked the car,I and flourish left the car and ran towards the school entering the gate,by that time they had just rang the bell for assembly so the students were still arranging themselves on the assembly ground,as if I and flourish had planned what to do,we both took off our school bag at the same time and his it in a corner were no one would see it then joined our classmates on the assembly ground,only our classmates knew that we came late,the teacher didn't suspect anything after all they did not see us when were coming from the gate. After our morning assembly,I and flourish snicked to where our bag was and immediately took it,then rushed back to the class,on our way to the class,we were both laughing at the way we behaved,when we got to the class,the bad boys in the class were praising us,I could not help but laugh,I did not laugh because of I was proud but because it was kind of funny. while all the praising were going on,I felt a malicious aura around, looking around the class,I didn't see anything out of the ordinary so I decided to ignore it.few minutes later,a teacher entered the class and started teaching,few hours later,the time keeper rang the bell for short break,so I decided to revise on what the teacher taught us,while some people went out to get some snacks. since it was just short break,I decided not to go outside and continue Reading,while reading,I felt the same malicious aura, looking at everyone in the classroom,I had a feeling that it was the girl flourish told me about that was staring at me, I started praying that I wouldn't be her next target,not feeling comfortable in the class anymore,I decided to go out of the class, getting out of the class,I saw flourish leaning on the wall outside the classroom,while looking at everybody walking around the school,I went close too her and started teasing her about what happened in the morning,she looked at me with an annoyed expression and left me,I had the urge to annoy her so I started following her,this made her feel irritated that she faced me and shouted at me to leave her alone, seeing that she was already getting very angry,I decided to leave her alone.

While richard was busy teasing flourish,one of the lackey of the girl flourish told Richard about was watching their every move,then immediately went to her boss which is nicknamed the vampire girl by Richard and flourish to inform her of what she saw,on reaching where the girl was,the girl lackey started telling her everything that she saw, with anger,she threw the water battle in her hand on the floor, luckily for them,the water bottle was covered so the water in it didn't spill on the floor,she started shaking due to the anger raging in her, scaring the girl that came to inform her of what was happening and her other friend that were around her,the girls around her started begging her to calm down,after minutes of trying to calm her down,she calmed down and started laughing,her friends were wondering why she was laughing but decided to keep quiet, unknown to them,a devilish planning was forming in her head,few minutes of laughing,she dismissed her friend and continued drinking her water as if nothing had happen. when Richard even entered the class and their eyes met,she smiled at Richard as if she didn't hear anything.few hours later school ended and they were all dismissed.


Our ride home was very quiet due to flourish ignoring me because she was still angry at me,after trying my best to talk to her,I decided to leave her alone,on reaching home,she was the first person to leave the car, immediately she left the car,she went straight inside, I left the car and left for my room to freshen up,after freshening up I left my room to the dinning room to eat.

Thank you all for reading my novel, kindly comment,review so as to know your thoughts towards this novel and if possible vote for it.love you all and please stay safe.

adebogunflourishcreators' thoughts