


I woke up in the morning and went to my neighbor place,as I knocked on the door,there was no response from the other side,I knocked again and again but it was still the same, thinking that they were not around,I decided to go back home,as I was about to leave,I heard the door open,and a woman with a wrapper wrapped around her body,she immediately apologized to me and told me to enter,then she explained that she was in the bathroom when I was knocking that it was when she came out that she noticed that somebody was knocking,that was why she couldn't open the door, when she finished talking,I told her not to worry and went straight to what I was there for, "I Know you must have heard of me being kidnapped by my grandson enemy, so the reason why am here is to tell you that have accepted your leader's offer to stay with her, although I am old and death is not that far from me,I still have to little for my grandson,I must see my grandson before I die because of that am going to stay with her" after telling her my mind,she was so happy that she immediately took her phone and dialed the leader of the shifters number and told her everything,within fifteen minutes, the leader of the shifters had already sent some of her disciples to pick me up,I wanted to pack some of my thing but was told not to worry that they would pack everything for me,I had to leave everything behind and followed them,few minutes later we arrived at an old looking house,the house was as if it was about to fall off, looking at it I was surprised that this was where I was going to be staying at but I didn't say anything and I did not let any emotion show on myself,I waited for the people she sent to lead the way in before I entered the house,to my surprise,as I entered the house what I saw made me open my mouth because the interior of the house was just stunning,I could not even use words to describe the house,I entered the house looking at the house while I was looking at the house, I heard someone greeting me,I looked towards the direction the voice was coming from and saw a woman with long and beautiful legs who had a face of a dull,she was rich in beauty and that woman was non other than the leader of the shifters herself, noticing that she was the one,I immediately replied to her greeting,then she asked me if I liked the place,I told her I liked the place and also told what I noticed about the house when I was entering the house at first,she laughed and explained to me that it was just a little magic to confuse the enemy that I have been in the house before, when she said it asked her what she meant and she explained to me that during last year Christmas I and Richard came to celebrate Christmas in the house, hearing what she said I was shocked and asked her that I didn't notice the magic stuff at the entrance then she explained that she had removed the magic before all the visitors arrived, when she explained I nodded my head to tell her that I understood what she meant after that she then told the men that brought me in to show me my room,I followed the men to my room, when I entered the room,the room was very big but there was nothing fancy there,the decorations were just plain,she painted the room in yellow and placed a table and a chair in the corner of the room,I sat down on my bed,removed my shoes and decided to take a nap.

The Girl POV

we hid in the corner and heard as the foot steps got closer and closer,as the footstep grew closer my heart was pounding fast,I looked at Richard and noticed how calm he was,how could someone be that calm,then something crossed my mind, maybe he has faced a lot of things that he could remain that calm, when he noticed that I was staring at him he asked me why I was looking at him, when I heard his question I decided to evade my eyes to look at the people that were coming,few seconds later we saw a group of men in uniform, looking at the people,I immediately noticed that it was some of the men that came from my father,I was so happy that I immediately dragged Richard out without telling him anything,by the time we were out from our hiding place,a man among the group of men Immediately shouted my name by saying "miss flourish,you are safe"

immediately others heard what he said,they all turned around and Immediately brought a coat to cover me, when Richard heard my name,he whispered bear my ear to tease,what a nice name you have, when I heard what he said,I glared at him so that he could keep quiet,one of the men then asked me who Richard was then I explained how I met him,after that they brought us out of the desolate place, immediately we were out I told them to take us to a place where I could get a male clothe,the driver nodded and took us to a shop where I could get male clothe, entering there I asked Richard to choose the clothes he needed which he did then I used the card the drive brought with him to pay for the clothes,by the time we were done,the driver Started moving the car,I could already see the street to our house and was dancing for joy that I was going home already, during the process I didn't see the malicious look in the driver's eyes and to my surprise,instead of the driver to enter the street,he passed another way,I asked him what was going on but he did not answer instead he started driving fast making me almost hit my head,if not for Richard that helped me,it was when we reached a bushy place that was close to a forest that I knew what was going on,so my driver and the men that came were walking with the people that wanted to kidnap me,I felt so disappointed but there was nothing I could do, when the car stopped,the door was opened for us to come down,then the driver dragged I and Richard out, immediately we were dragged out, Richard Immediately hit the driver with his hands and dragged my hands and we started running leaving the driver alone,as we were running the group of boys were running after us,we continued running without looking back even though we did not know were going to all what was in our mind was for us to escape from the betrayers pushuing us.

Hi everyone thanks for reading my novel, comment and review and also stay at home and stay safe,may God protect us all

adebogunflourishcreators' thoughts