
What? SHE is My Online Girlfriend?

Adapted from MTL *Food War: Kobayashi Rindou is My Online Girlfriend*

ModerateCitizens · Anime und Comics
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82 Chs

【Chapter 042】

"The next constentant, I believe everyone are very familiar with the Head of Chinese Research, the one famous for it's position as an eighth seat of Elite Ten! Kuga Terunori-senpai"

Urara Kawashima loud and passionate intoduction instantly sparked waves of cheers.

Especially among the regional group of exceptionally prominent bald, their voices almost deafening.

"The two sides have been in place, then, next lets call the stake the highly anticipated Shokugeki!"

"Kuga-senpai bet on his eighth seat, and his Chinese Cuisine Research Society!"

"Shijun classmates bet is a Tōtsuki building, as well as one billion yen!"

"Since the founding of Tōtsuki Academy, this is the first building owned by outsider wagered as a bet in Shokugeki"


The Shokugeki was not yet officially begun, but the audiences were un uproar once again. Everyone was scared about the bet on both sides.

"It is actually true? This exchange student actually so rich?"

"It's incredible, such a big bet, Kuga-senpai absolutely profitting on this!"

"Yes ah, the theme of this Shokugeki is thr best dish of Kuga Terunori, Mapo tofu."


Everyone, freshman or sophomore were not optimistic about Shijun. Even if he was a chinese descent and obviously familiar with Chinese cuisine.

But for Mapo Tofu, Kuga's expertise had long been recognized by everyone.


The contenstans were standing of the kitchen stage.

Shijun and Kuga Terunori took the stage and ingredients for the Shokugeki. Kuga Terunori was full of confidence. Even he revealed a hint of haughtiness.

On the topic of Mapo tofu! He had absolute confidence.

He made some skilled hands movements, ginger, garlic and other materials were processed in an instant.

Shijun did not seem in a hurry, quietly watching his opponent's performances.

He had to admin, Kyga Terunori really had a good basic skill.

In Mapo Tofu dish, you could see his familiarity in the process.

"How is it? Shijun doesn't do anything?"

"Does he intend to give up because his lack of skill?"

"Look, Kuga-senpai have started to stir up! God, so fast, isn't he afraid of the tofu breaking up?"

"Such spicy taste, it makes my mouth to water~"

"I heard Kuga-senpai already revised the recipe thousand times and it already reaches the peak!"

"Just smelling this flavor, I'm sure I can eat three bowls of rice"


In the venue, everyone were attracted by the fragrance. Even Erina sitting in the judge seat could not help but slightly straightened herself. Her face was adorned with a hint of playfulness, she felt that Shijun couldn't beat Kuga Terunori now.

In the audience stage, Tadokoro Megumi looked worried. She didn't understand why the self-confident Shijun didn't start.

Tadokoro Megumi subconsciously looked at the time on the screen.

Right now, less than 15 minutes left. She could not help but secretly whispering him began to hurry up.

At the moment! Shijun finally began to move.

They didn't know if it was supposed to fill the gap between them, but Shijun finally began to complete the processing of materials. Beef, ginger and chop fine cut almost in a very short period of time.

Fire a little pepper in the wok, sautee.

Add some hot oil.

After the oil temperature began to rise, at the right moment the spices were put into the pot, a strong and spicy fragrance permeates the entire venue.

Add some muddy water mixed with soybean flour into the pot.


Everyone seemed to hear the sound of boiling water bursting in the pot.

At this moment, a smile appeared on Shijun's face and he picked up a piece of white and tender tofu with one hand. After a toss, everyone stared straight at the piece of tofu flying in the air.

What does Shijun want to do? Haven't waited for them to react. Several knife lights flashed instantly. Then countless pieces of tofu of uniform size all fell into the hot pot.


The place was buzzing. Shijun's high-profile performance shocked them again. How much confidence do you have? Daring to show off this knife skills in such a crucial game as Shokugeki with that kind of bet and opponent.

Wasn't he afraid that the tofu cut out like this would be different in size?

You know, Mapo Tofu, if the uniformity of each piece of tofu cannot be guaranteed, the taste must be different.


On the review stage, Erina looked displeased and felt that Shijun did not respect the sacred Shokugeki at all.

How can someone in this kind of stage behaved like a juggler. However, Kuga didn't seem to be affected by this scene. His Mapo Tofu was about to come out.

With a proud face, he glanced at Shijun with a smile but immediately frowned. Because the other party actually covered the pot. He couldn't help but wonder if the other party really made Mapo Tofu.

This kind of operation would make the dish contaminated with a burnt smell. Simmering under the fire, the spiciness and other aromas cannot be volatilized to a certain extent, it would only completely destroy the taste of the dish.


"This dish of a transfer student is completely ruined. It's a pity, and he was still showing off his knife skills just now!"

"Hillarious, this exchange student only here to put on a show!"

"Wait to hand over your bets obediently!"


There was a commotion in the stands on the bald head groups. Many people were envious of Shijun who swaggered around everywhere with Rindou-senpai. Not only beauty in his hand, his family also rich enough. Now they couldn't wait for the other party to make a fool of himself.

Many people are beginning to gloat.

The people from Polar Star Dorm were in the stands, but they didn't boo. Isshiki Satoshi and others looked confused, completely unable to understand each other's intentions.

After listening to Tadokoro Megumi and Sakaki Ryoko's evaluation of Xie Jun, they didn't think the other party was fooling around.

At this time! Shijun on the cooking table suddenly lifted the lid of the pot.

"What's the matter? Where did the light come from?"

"Who can tell me? Why does it glow when you make a Mapo Tofu?"

"The new classmates here are to be funny, right? Do you put fluorescent powder in a dish?"

"It can't be phosphor! That thing doesn't have such a strong effect..."

"Then tell me, why does his Mapo Tofu glow?"