
What is dead may never die (Theon SI)

What to do when you wake up in a world that shouldn't exist? When can you look forward only to your death and nothing much more? You live, that's what you do, but in this world, it isn't as easy as you think. Check Fanfiction(dot)net for the rest of the chapters and other stories. It is the same name. (I am the original author, just transitioning to Webnovel too.)

Ironwolf852 · Bücher und Literatur
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120 Chs

Trial by combat

Trial by combat

Tyrion POV

I was stuck in the Black Cells once again. It became my new home, and aside from going out to the trials, I was always in the dark. With few visitors coming to see me, Podrick kept me company. The fool didn't take the gold for himself but bought wine for me and cheese to snack on and bribe the guards. It could be my last dinner, but at least I have someone loyal to spend it with.

I felt strangely at peace now that I had snatched the power of life and death from my father's hands and placed it in the hands of the gods. Assuming there are gods, and they give a mummer's fart. If not, then I'm in Tyrell's hands. No matter what happens now, at least I had the satisfaction of knowing that I broke Lord Tywin's plans into splinters.

If Loras Tyrell won, it would make my father distrustful of the Tyrells. If he doesn't win, it might be worse for everyone. I knew his family still loved Loras, even if he went astray. The death of the beloved son of the Reach will put the Reach in conflict with the Lannisters. It was almost worth dying to know all the trouble I made. Even if they wanted to stop this, it was too late. My father would never return his word, especially on this matter.

"Someone is in a good mood," I looked up to see Ser Loras entering the Black Cells.

"Dead or not, I see no point in not drinking," I replied to my knight in shining armor.

"I only hope you will keep your promise after being freed," Loras said.

"All ledgers of Lannister dealings and all the gold I have hidden is yours to use upon my freedom," I replied. "I can earn more gold, so don't worry. I will not try to fight you for it if I escape this death."

"You will," Loras said.

"You confident in yourself in killing the Mountain?" I asked.

"He is a big and strong man," Loras said. "Even fast for his size. I have faced him in tourneys before, so I know with what kind of force he hits. But now he is half blind, and I am no longer a Knight of Flowers."

"Then, the Mountain won't even see who killed him," I laughed.

"I wouldn't be happy so soon," Loras didn't look amused. "You think you will be left alone even if you are proven innocent before the gods? I know how you Lannisters do things. I wouldn't be surprised to find your body in some dark street ripped apart by wild dogs the next day."

"You won't because I will be long gone by then," I said.

"Gone where?" Loras asked. "There isn't a place in Westeros that wouldn't want you dead."

"Are you concerned?" I asked.

"For your life? No, I wouldn't care less," Loras answered. "But as long as you are alive, the Lannisters will be distracted by you. The more trouble you cause, the better it will be for me."

"How touching," I could tell from his cold eyes that he wasn't lying.

What could I expect from a man who had to watch his lover die at my brother's hands? He probably will never forget it, nor will he forgive it. I feared for my brother but knew killing Jaime Lannister wouldn't be easy. After all, even Theon Greyjoy couldn't do it. And that man has proved capable of far worse things.

Pordrick stood in silence as Loras finished talking and left. I couldn't blame the boy. Loras was now a man with a presence. Only a few people knew what the Knight of the Flowers had done when the Tyrells hadn't yet joined hands with the Lannisters. But I knew how many people he killed, how many Lannister men have died by his sword.

The night before the trial by combat, I surprisingly slept well. I was released from my cells and could walk within the Red Keep with guards following closely behind. Having a great appetite, I broke fast with fried bread, blood sausage, apple cakes, and a double helping of eggs cooked with onions and fiery Dornish peppers. Then I bid the guards to lead me to my champion.

Loras was fastening his armor by himself. He seemed used to it. He only gave me one glance before continuing with his armor. After finishing, he took his sword and gave a few good swings before seeing if his dagger was sharp. Then he took a round shield, tying it on his left arm. Only then did Loras turn to pay attention to his visitors.

"I hope you are ready, Ser Loras," I said. "I do hope you know what you are about to face. Gregor Clegane is…"

"He is almost eight feet tall and must weigh thirty stone, all muscle. He fights with a two-handed greatsword but needs only one hand to wield it. He has been known to cut men in half with a single blow. His armor is so heavy that no lesser man could bear the weight, let alone move in it," Ser Loras finished my words. "I know what I am about to face, Lord Tyrion."

I could tell Ser Loras was eager as he strode from his room. I had to skip and run to keep up with him. The day was grey and windy. The sun struggled to break through the clouds, but it mattered little as a fight would soon begin. It looked like a thousand people had come to see if I would live or die. They lined the castle wall walks and elbowed one another on the steps of keeps and towers.

Cersei seemed half a child herself beside Ser Gregor. The Mountain looked more enormous in his armor than any man had any right to be. Beneath a long yellow surcoat bearing the three black dogs of Clegane, he wore heavy plate over chainmail, dull grey steel dinted and scarred in battle. Beneath that would be boiled leather and a layer of quilting.

A platform had been erected beside the Tower of the Hand, halfway between the two champions. That was where Lord Tywin sat. King Tommen was nowhere to be seen, and for that, I was grateful. Lord Tywin glanced briefly at his dwarf son, then lifted his hand. A dozen trumpeters blew a fanfare to quiet the crowd.

The High Septon shuffled forward in his tall crystal crown and prayed that the Father Above would help them in this judgment and that the Warrior would lend his strength to the arm of the man whose cause was just. I would have said it was me if I didn't think it to be complete bullshit. If the gods were just, I wouldn't even be here.

Ser Loras and the Mountain stood fifty yards apart. Yet once High Septop finished his pointless speech, Loras advanced quickly while Ser Gregor moved more ominously. Yet the ground didn't shake with the Mountain's steps, as I was told it did. Loras' sword was shorter than the Mountain's two-handed greatsword, yet Loras managed to spill his opponent's blood first.

Like everyone else, I watched in stunned silence as Loras easily and quickly went under the Mountain's sword, passing him through and leaving a blood trail from the Mountain's leg where pieces of armor joined together. The Mountain grunted but dismissed the wound. He turned to swing at Loras with immense force that I could hear the wind whistle with his greatsword.

The Mountain's sword would have cut anyone in half, and everyone expected to see Ser Loras split in half. Lady Margaery let out a gasp. Lady Alene almost fainted but was held up by her husband, Lord Mace. Yet, Loras blocked the Mountain's swing by positioning his sword so the Mountain's wrist hit it. I realized that Loras was too close to the Mountain for his greatsword to reach him.

Before the Mountain could back off or hit Loras with his hand, Loras used his shield to bash the Mountain's chin. After three bashes, Loras retreated to a safe distance just in time as the Mountain was about to reach him. I saw a few droplets of blood coming down the Mountain's hands, but it didn't seem to slow him down nor dwindle his strength as he once again readied his greatsword.

Every time I saw Loras dance around the Mountain, it seemed that Loras was right, as the Mountain couldn't keep his eye on Loras. Being half blind, the Mountain couldn't catch Loras as he moved around him, cutting him apart. Still, whenever the Mountain swung his sword, my heart would nearly stop as I feared Loras would be split in half.

Metal screamed on metal as the sword's tip slid off the Mountain's chest, slicing through the surcoat and leaving a long, bright scratch on the steel beneath. Loras spun around, and once again, he was behind the Mountain. But instead of trying to cut the Mountain, Loras kicked back the Mountain's knee. As the Mountain stumbled a bit forward, Loras used his shield to bash the Mountain's head once again.

This time, Loras managed to dent the Mountain's great helm. With a tired grunt, the Mountain took off his helm. Loras didn't rush to attack and was still careful. He knew that one mistake would cost his life and, worse, my life. Looking at my sister, I could see she was displeased, but my father still had eyes on the battle and didn't let out any emotion.

The Mountain rushed at Loras once again, swinging his greatsword. It missed, and Loras stabbed his sword at the Mountain's stomach, to no avail. But this time, the Mountain had enough and grabbed Loras' sword with his hand. I heard Margaery scream as the Mountain dropped his greatsword and punched Loras' head, sending him to stumble a few feet away.

Using Loras' sword, the Mountain swung at dazed Loras with great force. I gripped my seat with sweaty hands as, at the last moment, Loras blocked the swing with his shield, tumbling down to the ground. Before Loras could get up, the Mountain kicked Loras in the stomach. Loras' plait armor dented, and he rolled away a few meters.

"Stop this!" I heard Lady Alene scream, but no one listened.

The Mountain went to step on Loras' head, but my champion managed to deflect his leg with his shield. With quick movements, Loras was once again on his feet. But I could see that Loras was tired and injured. The Mountain didn't like it and charged at my champion once again. Yet Loras wasn't ready to be defeated and sidestepped to the Mountain's blind side and bashed him with his shield.

By now, Loras' shield was bent and probably hard to use. So, it didn't surprise me to see my champion removing his shield, revealing that his left hand was bleeding. I only hoped it wasn't broken and only bruised, as the fight was still ongoing. Clegane would grunt occasionally, and once I heard him mutter a curse, he fought in sullen silence, just like Loras.

I was getting nervous. The Mountain still looked fine even after receiving dozens of cuts. But Loras didn't look good after a few hits. I glanced at my sister and saw her smiling once again. Yet that smile was removed once the Mountain charged at Loras but was met with Loras' broken shield to the unprotected face.

As the Mountain's face turned to the side from the hit, Loras rushed at him and swiped his dagger along the Mountain's face, almost hitting his only eye. But to my dismay, Loras missed and only took half of the Mountain's nose before running behind the Mountain. I watched as the Mountain tried to catch Loras once again, only for my champion to take the Mountain's greatsword from the ground and swing it into the Mountain's hands.

Half of the Mountain's right hand flew into the air. Loras lifted the greatsword with a bit of struggle and swung it again at the Mountain, hitting his leg. The greatsword seemed to be stuck halfway through the Mountain's thigh. As the Mountain fell on his knee, Loras stepped on the greatsword's handle to gain height and stabbed his dagger into the Mountain's only eye.

Instead of retreating from the Mountain, Loras pushed the hilt of his dagger to dig deeper into his head. After a few punches, the dagger was entirely into the Mountain's head. Only the dagger's hilt was left visible as the Mountain fell unmoving. Loras took off his helm, revealing a bloodied and tired face. I sank into my chair as relief filled me.


A.N. I got sick yesterday, yay! It is pretty bad, so I don't know if I will be able to post next week. Maybe I will get better by the next weekend, but it seems that it is only getting worse. I hope you enjoy his chapter, at least.

As always, If you want more, up to seven advanced chapters, you can support me on pa treon. com \ ironwolf852. And if you have any requests for stories, I will only take them on my pa treon.