
What is dead may never die (Theon SI)

What to do when you wake up in a world that shouldn't exist? When can you look forward only to your death and nothing much more? You live, that's what you do, but in this world, it isn't as easy as you think. Check Fanfiction(dot)net for the rest of the chapters and other stories. It is the same name. (I am the original author, just transitioning to Webnovel too.)

Ironwolf852 · Book&Literature
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120 Chs

Sons of the Harpy

Sons of the Harpy

Theon POV

"Your Grace," said Ser Barristan Selmy, the lord commander of Dany's Queensguard, "there is no need for you to see this."

I turned to see Dany walking into the dungeon as I was finishing my work. Anguy provided me with a clean cloth to clean my bloodied hands. Dany clutched her lion pelt to her chest. Underneath, a sheer white linen tunic covered her to midthigh. It looked like Dany tried to sleep but couldn't and came here to check on me.

"It is late, your grace," I said. "And this sight will only bring you more restless sleep."

"Did you get anything from her?" Dany asked, looking at the woman bound by chains and her fingers broken and nails gone.

"This one is stubborn," I replied. "She doesn't fear death, and I had to stop her from biting her tongue. But I managed to get out of her one thing, even if she said nothing."

"And what is that?" Ser Barristan asked as he looked at the scene with barely hidden disgust.

"She was trained to endure torture," I answered. "I saw old scars indicating that she had experienced it before, but they were too clean. These old wounds were probably made in her training. So, in conclusion, it wouldn't be a surprise if she was a trained assassin."

Her silence has told me quite a bit, even if she didn't intend to. Yet I still couldn't get her talking. I still didn't know if what Hizdahr said was correct. Did the woman belong to sorrowful men and was brought here by Xaro? It could be true, or Hizdahr wants to use us to eliminate Xaro. We had no way of knowing as the woman didn't speak.

Neither of the two could be trusted, but neither could we do anything about them. I knew neither Meereen nor Qarth liked Dany much and would be much happier to get her out of the free cities. But I couldn't let that happen. Astapor and Meereen belonged to us now, so I will do anything to bring them to heel. Yunkai will come soon after.

"Report to me immediately if you find something," Dany said before leaving, not even waiting for me to reply.

"Well, there is nothing we can do about her," I said, pointing to the woman bound before me. "Anguy, go tell Prince Oberyn that he can try his luck. Bronn, Thoros with me."

Oberyn might have better luck with the woman, but I doubt it. Too bad I couldn't take either Xaro or Hizdahr to question them. I might have been able to get some information from them, but alas, they were too important to be manhandled by me. Still, it didn't mean I couldn't visit them and have a friendly conversation.

I always liked the breeze of the sea. Even in the harbor, the air seemed fresher than in the middle of the city. The sensation of the freedom of the sea brought me a smile. Yet I had to deal with annoying people. I found Xaro by his ships talking to his captains. I walked to him alone, leaving my guard by the harbor entrance.

"Your grace, King Theon," Xaro dismissed his captains when he saw me.

"Xaro Xhoan Daxos," I looked into the man's eyes as I greeted him. "I hope you liked the Grand Opening of the Fighting Pits."

"To tell the truth, it was more boring than I remember them to be," Xaro replied. "I hope you won't take it as an offense."

"Of course, why would I care about slaver's thoughts," I said. "I would be more concerned if you agreed with me."

"Is that all you came there to talk about?" Xaro asked, hiding his annoyance.

"No, let me get to the heart of the matter," I answered. "Did you send an assassin to kill Queen Daenerys?"

"Is there any ground for such an accusation?" Xaro asked, and I could tell he was offended, but I couldn't tell if he was acting.

"It is only a suspicion," I said. "After all, you have threatened us before, and before you came to the city, no such accident happened. So, forgive me if I am suspicious of you, and please forgive me, but I will put my men to watch you and your ships. After all, we wouldn't want such an accident to happen again."

"Hmph, do as you wish," Xaro replied. "I won't be in the city for long either way. And tell your Queen that she better turn her attention to the dangers inside her city rather than outside it."

"The Sons of the Harpy?" I asked, remembering the notes I had written and the foggy memories I still possessed. "I heard some whispers of them taking action soon, but I don't fully understand their purpose or intention."

"Then let me enlighten you," Xaro replied. "The Sons of the Harpy are a secret and shadowy organization that opposes the changes, especially the ones you and yours are bringing to Meereen. Their name harks back to the old days, and they are driven by a fervent desire to maintain the old order. With the abolishment of the slaves, you would be wise to prepare for their retaliation."

"To maintain the old order, you say," I laughed. "Don't be ridiculous. Like you, their only desire is to keep their power and influence. They fear not the changes but losing their position and privileges that slavery brought them."

"Think as you like," Xaro replied. "But they perceive you as a threat to their way of life. I advise you to be careful; they lack patience and won't wait until you gain more power over Meereen."

"Who are they truly?" I asked.

"The Sons of the Harpy comprise former slavers, wealthy traders, and individuals who have profited from the previous system," Xaro explained. "They could be everyone and anyone."

"Why tell me this?" I asked. "If the Sons of the Harpy drove us from the city, you would profit, wouldn't you?"

"Tell me, King Theon, who told you that I was the one who brought the assassin?"

"I will not answer your question," I said.

"You don't need to," Xaro replied. "But just as you suspect me using the upheaval of Meereen to get more power, others are doing the same. It would be stupid not to get more influence in Meereen, but I can't do that while the old order tries to preserve their power."

"In the end, it doesn't matter who wins to you," I surmise his words. "As long as we both weaken our positions in Meereen, you profit."

"I am a busy man, King Theon," Xaro said. "If you don't have any more questions for me, I will go."

I let him walk away. There was nothing else I could get out of him. But I did find some things in his vague answers. He has been working with the Great Masters but had a fallout. That is how he knows of the Sons of the Harpy and their plans. And that is why he told me all of it. He is trying to use us to weaken the Great Masters so he can be inside their circle or even make them listen to him.

Whatever his ambitions might be, it won't work as he wished. No matter if they send us the Sorrowful Men or the Sons of the Harpy. All of them would die by my hands if they dared stand in my way. If they think they can use us to further their ambitions, they will have to face reality in the form of my sword soon enough.

"Bronn," I called the sellsword as I exited the harbor.


"You served me well, even if you didn't do much," I said.

"Thank you?" Bronn was confused.

"You're welcome. As a reward, I will give you as much gold as you desire," I replied with a malicious smile.

"What would you like me to do, your Grace?" Bronn caught up to my intentions soon enough.

"I want you to enjoy yourself. Go to Pleasure Houses, taverns, inns, and baths," I said. "Go to all of them, everywhere in the city. I want you to observe them and see the atmosphere in these places in different city districts. Please note what people are talking about and how they are talking. Are they happy, grumpy, or furious? Find everything you can."

"How much time do I have? And how much gold will I be given?" Bronn asked.

"Enough," I replied.

I had more than enough gold to throw around. And Bronn was experienced in places like these, so he wouldn't look suspicious or anything like that by going here. And with the gold flowing from him, I am sure people will gather around him to make friends. There should be plenty of things they would say without him even asking. Information comes first before the war.

It wasn't me who found Hizdahr. It was he who approached me first. After Dany held a court, Hizdahr asked me for a moment to talk. I agreed as I could guess what he wanted from me. And it was a perfect opportunity to get to know him better. As much as I found him annoying, he is very influential. His words carry power in Meereen. So, I needed to be careful around him.

"King Theon," Hizdahr greeted me. "I hoped to express my thanks for subduing the assassin before she could do any harm."

"You are welcome."

"Of course, I have prepared some gifts," Hizdahr clapped his hands, and a servant brought a bottle of wine. "I hope you will find this fine well. Our best wineries produced it. It is one of a kind."

"I make sure to enjoy it," I took the bottle.

"I have to ask if the woman revealed anything from your questioning," Hizdahr inquired.

"Noting of yet," I said. "If it entails anything about you, I will inform you."

"Thank you for your consideration," I was tired of his fake manners but continued playing with him. "The city of Meereen has faced turmoil and upheaval in recent times. I believe that unity and understanding can restore stability and ensure a prosperous future. So, if you ever need me for anything, I would gladly help."

"If we ever need your help, I'm sure Queen Daenerys will not hold back asking for you," I replied, but I was sure that if a time came when we needed his help, I would abandon the city as it would be truly fucked. "But you might help me out now if you have time."

"My heart is steadfast in its commitment to help her Grace, Queen Daenerys, and the people of Meereen."

"No need for the fancy words," I led Hizdahr away from common people. "Our rule over Meereen was quite peaceful, even if we encountered some pushback. But alas, the peace isn't everlasting. I have heard disturbing rumors about a group called the Sons of the Harpy. People are talking in the streets that they would prevent our rule and might harm us."

"The Sons of the Harpy?" Hizdahr acted like he was surprised. "I have heard of such a group, but it is an ancient order that is only mentioned in history. Some people might be taking their names to enact their notion of justice, but aside from lunatics, I wouldn't worry about it too much."

"If only that were so simple," I replied. "But we would be disturbed if someone would do anything to us or people like you who support us while taking the moniker of the Sons of the Harpy. The city should serve to make people feel safe, not otherwise."

"Of course, if any problems arise, I will look into it," Hizdahr smiled at me.

I was getting tired of seeing people like him. So, I dismissed him soon after. But I did manage to see some surprise at the mention of the Sons of the Harpy. He would try to investigate from where I heard of them. And he would come to one conclusion: Xaro. After all, there was no other way I would know of them.

"Anguy," I looked at the archer hiding in the shadows, unseen by anyone, even Hizdahr. "Is everything prepared?"

"Yes, your grace," Anguy answered. "We have masks and attire, as well as weapons prepared. We are only waiting for the targets."

"Good, I have two," I said. "Xaro Xhoan Daxos and Hizdahr zo Loraq. Kill them tonight. And don't forget to draw a harpy from their blood."


  A.N. Sorry for the late chapter. My laptop charger got busted, and I only got a new one yesterday. 

As always, If you want more, up to seven advanced chapters, you can support me on pa treon. com \ ironwolf852. And if you have any requests for stories, I will only take them on my pa treon.