
What if?… You want to be a Dark Lord?

This ones a bit random, but it is the traditional Isekai with wishes trope. The world is an alternate MCU, more accurately a HP X MCU crossover. Like my other fan fic meticulous research is involved, to be honest though Marvel comics is too much so I'm sticking a lot more to MCU. Knowing me though I’m not sure I won’t go down the rabbit hole… Whatever. Enjoy! Socials https://discord.gg/h2uau9pRYu https:// www.twitch.tv/ alexdmercer03 https:// www.p@treon.com /peerlessevolution

Alexdmercer · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

31st of July

The last few days had been a living hell for the Tonks family. In particular Andromeda was hoping and even praying to any higher power that would take pity on her that Hal was not a seer. If Harry Potter appeared in Diagon Alley today that would half confirm everything Hal had said. On the one hand should everything he said been true it would be validation for his recent actions. On the other hand it would mean... everything he said was true.

That was its own nightmare.

By Merlin if even half of what he said was true than the world was basically on track to end.

Andromeda could not begin to process the dire consequences if the future turned out as Hal saw it. The prospect was terrifying and if she was completely honest she hoped the Potter boy would not appear. She hoped that Hal had made a grievous error and this was nothing more than a child's imagination running wild. Luckily she wasn't the only one that felt that way Alfred, Isabella, and Ted sitting next to her were feeling very much the same way she did.

Hal got everyone up bright and early to seek a good seating place at the Leaky Cauldron. He said he didn't know the exact time of day Potter would appear but it was definitely today and the boy would be hard to miss when accompanied by the jolly giant known as Hagrid. While waiting for the chosen one Alfred asked a question.

" So if Dumbledore's a pure blood why is he such an advocate for muggles. I don't think it's really out of pity like your dad said Andromeda."

Before Andromeda could answer Henry had already responded.

" Well he's not grandpa. In reality Dumbledore is a half blood. Not that any pure blood family would ever admit to that."

" Umm… I'm pretty sure he is a pure blood Hal." Andromeda replied.

" He's not mum. Pure bloods like to say he is because it looks pretty bad if he's not. Can't say pure bloods are the most powerful wizards when the worlds greatest is not, right? Facts however remain that Kendra Dumbledore was a muggle born witch."

"How are they getting away with such a blatant lie then? Wouldn't Mr. Dumbledore correct them?" Isabella questioned.

" Apart from being the most powerful wizard in the Wizarding world, I would say he is also the greatest politician alive. Much of his personal life is kept hidden, like his fathers crimes or the circumstances behind his sisters death. In exchange I'm guessing he chooses not to correct the claim of his blood status." Henry said.

" So they cover up his fathers crimes and his sister's suspicious death in exchange for his silence?" Alfred questioned.

" Sort of. His fathers crimes are actually well known. Dumbledores father assaulted a group of muggle boys. He never gave a reason why but his actions were held in high esteem by certain circles. Doesn't hurt that the man came from a pure blood heritage to boot. You can imagine the praise grandpa Black would throw upon the guy and that should give you the general idea of what the rest of the pure bloods did. It does seem like fairly common knowledge though. Based on some previous court documents some people use it against Dumbledore when he presides over their court hearings as Supreme Mugwump or advocates for muggles and muggle born."

" As for his sisters death? No idea. It's very hush hush. No records, no written accounts, and even fame chasers like Rita Skeeter don't touch the subject with a ten foot pole."

Soon after Henry finishes speaking a giant hulking man walks into the Leaky Cauldron.

" Ah, Hagrid! The usual, I presume?" The barkeep yells out."

As the giant named Hagrid approaches the bar he says:

" No thanks, Tom. I'm on official Hogwarts business today. Just helping young Harry here buy his school supplies."

" Bless my soul. It's Harry Potter." The words are audibly noticeable as evidenced by the pin drop silence that soon follows. Then the crowd rushed the poor boy.

A man quickly approached Harry.

" Welcome back, Mr. Potter, welcome back."

A witch quickly followed after, forcibly shaking Harry's hand.

" Doris Crockford, Mr. Potter. I can't believe I'm meeting you at last."

" Well I be Hal. I can't wait until I can see the Captain again."

While Alfred was speaking a turban wearing man approached Harry.

" Harry P-potter. C-can't tell you how pleased I am to meet you."

" Hello, Professor. I didn't see you there. Harry, this is Professor Quirrell. He'll be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts."

" Oh, nice to meet you."

A single hand stood awkwardly in the air.

I couldn't help but chuckle as Harry was awkwardly left hanging by his enemies vessel. Quirrell was definitely not going to shake or even touch his hand.

" F-fearfully fascinating subject. N-not that you need it, e-eh, Potter? Heheh."

Those words left Harry even more clueless. On the other hand they seemed to have spooked Hagrid who immediately cut in.

" Yes, well, must be going now. Lots to buy. Heh."

" Goodbye."

As Harry finished his goodbye he turned to see a large family of five stand in his way. Harry was wondering if it was another set of people who wanted to greet him. Hagrid on the other hand seemed on guard, maybe even a little hostile.

" Hello cousin. It's great to finally meet you."

Harry was troubled. Considering what his other cousin was like, this gray haired kid looked nice by comparison, but that was scarier. Harry learned along time ago that it's the hope that kills you.

Hagrid stood in front of Harry, not letting the boy respond.

" Harry's got nothing to do with all of you Blacks!"

" We both know he does Mr. Hagrid. My uncle is Mr.Potters last living magical relative. Not to mention his rightful guardian were it not for his current living circumstances."

" You mean his cell in Azkaban!"

As Hagrid was shouting I noticed a few of the wizards who greeted Harry stealthily begin to pull their wands. Is it possible all these people were plants put in place by Dumbledore? I don't know the exact members of the Order of the Phoenix but it made no sense to not have more guards other than a jolly giant for the great Harry Potter.

" The man happily riding my uncles motorcycle should have a little more respect. After all it's not the first time the ministry has sent an innocent man to Azkaban, or have you forgotten about the chamber?"

At those words Hagrid's eyes visibly shook. He was left speechless and didn't know how to respond to the young man's words.

As Henry was talking, the Tonks family had little idea of what to say or do. Andromeda on the other hand was staring at Harry. On the days leading up to today Hal had more or less demanded they take custody of the Potter boy.

At first they were all hesitant to proceed with Hal's demands, they seemed extreme. Then Hal went on to tell them that the Potter boy up to this point was essentially being treated as a house elf. That put a terrible expression on her and Ted's face. After explaining how house elf's were treated to her in laws, they had the expression to match.

Looking at the seemingly malnourished boy, her heart ached. She couldn't help but wonder how great it would be for the boy if Sirius was around to protect him. Her cousin couldn't perform his paternal duties at the moment but right now she could save this boy on his behalf and she had every intention to do so.

" Gamekeeper Hagrid please take no offense to my child's words. It's just that we were made aware of my nephews living conditions and we've already petitioned to take custody. For a boy like Harry to live the way he has is truly cruel. His achievements and his sacrifice should not be rewarded with living in squalor and fear."

While Hagrid was struggling to find a response. Three people had already appeared next to him from the crowd. Two of them were people who shook Harry's hand.

" How do you know about Harry's living conditions?"

Honestly I had no idea who these people were but based on their question I could now confirm they were members of the order. A woman wearing a green shawl, a small gentleman wearing a purple top hat, and the man speaking was an older gentleman wearing a pointy hat.

" To find a relative all efforts must be taken. It took us a while but eventually we did." Andromeda responded.

This statement by my mother wasn't her spinning a tale for these people. Being raised by muggles left Harry with a paper trail. Birth records, school records, and the Dursleys who were featured in the local newspaper made things easier. All of these things were records that could be found to track down Harry. The Dursleys in particular were a big glowing signal as they had a few articles printed on them based on Vernon's social standing.

Family records weren't the greatest at this day and age in most of the world. That said considering the noble lineages in Britain, birth records were far better documented than in other places in the world. Which made it easier to track down records on Lily Potter and in turn connect her to the Dursleys. Magic was incredible but not infallible, especially when wizards liked to be kept ignorant of the muggle world.

" Regardless, as Special Advisor to the Wizengamot I can tell you that you have no legal right to take custody of Harry. Wizard and Muggle laws demand he stay with his blood relatives."

" Considering who his godfather is and his current living conditions, the Wizengamot will surely see the error of their ways. As such we have already started the process of remedying the situation. Harry is a member of the House of Black whether any of you like it or not."

That was the first time my mother threw the weight of the family name around. For someone who detested the name and all it stood for to use it like this was clearly an indication she would fight tooth and nail for Harry.

On that note, the boy himself seemed startled and a bit scared about the adults yelling.

Hmm. This seemed like it would leave a bad impression or worse make Harry hostile. Especially after my dad joined the conversation. With him comes my grandparents, and former soldiers like them don't exactly mince words. They quickly got in the opposing sides personal space, even Hagrid stepping in couldn't deter them.

As the adults were starting to get red in the face I approached Harry.

" Don't mind it too much cousin. Everything will settle down eventually. Our family wasn't too happy when they found out about the Dursleys. Grandma wanted to go rip them limb from limb that very day."

" Are you really my cousin?" Harry was extremely bewildered. The talk of extreme violence wasn't ideal. Yet he couldn't help feeling happy that anyone could care that much about him. It was just like when he met Hagrid the day before.

" My second uncle's your godfather. His situation is a bit odd so he can't see you right now but that does make you a member of the house of Black. Which means that you are my cousin. You can call me Hal."

Harry seemed confused at the response but by the end he was happy.

" Does that mean I don't have to live with Uncle Vernon anymore?"

" If all goes well that's exactly what it means."

Harry was now beaming.

" Anyways forget about all that stuff. That's for the adults. You get any of your shopping done yet?"

Taking out the Hogwarts shopping list I looked it over with Harry.

" Hal, how do I pay for all this? I have no money."

" You're a member of the House of Black Harry. Money is not a problem."

" He won't be needing any of that. Harry has his own money I'll have you know."

At this point the adults had finished arguing and Hagrid had come up on our conversation. His immediate concern was distancing Harry from the Tonks and Black family so hearing they wanted to pay for Harry's supplies was not acceptable.

" How do you know about the fortune uncle Sirius left him Mr. Hagrid?"

" That murdering traitor really has an odd sense of humor."

" Return my uncles motorcycle if you truly feel that way sir. My family believes him to be innocent and does not take the sullying of his name lightly."

Anger was reaching Hagrid's face, before he could speak the Tonks family interjected.

" Drop it Hal. My cousin will be acquitted of all his alleged crimes one day and then the rest of them will understand what regret is. You accompany Harry around while we go to the ministry. We've decided to expedite the process and take custody of Harry this very day."

Soon after my parents apparated away with my grandparents.

" Well let's go cousin. We don't have all day."



https:// www.twitch.tv/alexdmercer03

https:// www.p@treon.com/peerlessevolution

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