
Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-Kun

The story follows Iruma Suzuki, a 14-year-old human boy, who is sold to a demon by his parents. ... He enrolls Iruma in the Babyls School for Demons where he is the headmaster and where Iruma quickly befriends the demons Alice Asmodeus and Clara Valac. ***** Hello, folks!! I am a great fan of this manga and had been looking for the light novel version for ages but to no avail. And so, I made one!! I tell you!! This is not an official novel but a fan-made one. My sources were the English-translated manga since I don't speak Japanese. If anything, this is just for fun as I wait for the next manga chapters. All the credit goes to Osamu Nishi. The mangaka of this awesome story. [NOTE!! Photo not mine! CTTO]

bunnyrabbit · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs


Human is insatiable creature with greedy hands. Money, power, lovers… Human desire is no different from a bottomless pit. But 'desire' is human nature, they can't live without it. This so-called 'unsightly desire' referred to people who sold their souls to demons. Yes, in other words, because of money, parents sold their parents to demons. And it's a very unsightly desire cube of meat.

Suzuki Iruma, 14 years old, is a very kind-hearted boy. Whether he is asked for help, or nobody asks for help. Or even an unreasonable request…

"No problem!"

"It's nothing much."

"Okay, okay."

He can willingly do anything without a single complaint. He himself is also amazed at how he can become such a good-hearted person.


This time, it seems a little too much!!

Sitting in front of him now is an old man with a towering tall and imposing figure with a bald head, save for the two large yellow horns on the side of his head. He has pointed ears, a large nose, and a white handlebar mustache. A tiny glasses sit on top of his nose. Wearing a dark purple suit with long coattails and a white-furred collar with what appears to be the skull of a large bird in place of a tie or bowtie.

"Wow, today I suddenly got interested in summoning demons and I didn't expect to get one. This demon said, 'Bring a human a to me, I will give you money.' Then I signed a contract with him right away! The demon also added, 'No matter how far you are, I will protect you. Ah! I'll also give you a bottle of Dom Perignon… And I am that demon."

It appears that Iruma was sold to a certain demon. And that demon is talking to him now.

His parents are truly mean people. Generally, they have a lack of common knowledge.

"My dear, look! Iruma can stand by himself."

"Good! Good! That's my son! Then, from now on you can strike on your own."

"We go fishing now, the target is tuna! Follow me, boy!!"

And so, 1-year-old Iruma made his way into the world. Afterward, he traveled all over the world. During fourteen years, he put his life on the line.

And as a result of getting himself into trouble with genius education, he became a total pushover. In short, he doesn't know how to say no. He's an all-yes type of guy.

'No matter what happens, I can accept and overcome one by one—but I can't accept this old man (demon).' Iruma thought.

"Hey!! I think you must be annoyed by your parents now."

"Yes, I am!! I will say 'KORA' to their face!"

"Hmm… It seems you don't have the habit of getting angry at someone but… If you change your attitude, it can be pretty bothersome. I can't let this chance slip by. Come here, and prepare yourself." The moment the old man said that, he stood from his seat as he exuded an overwhelming ferocity making Iruma shiver in fear.

"Am I going to die now?"

"Is this really the end?" Various negative thoughts are brewing inside his head but all of a sudden, with just a snap of the old man's finger, he was already seated in a comfortable armchair with a bib on his chest.

"!!?… What—What is this?!"

"This is my ultimate tea set and sweet cakes. To tell you the truth, I'm single but I've always dreamed of having a 'grandson.' And so, Iruma-Kun," the old man then kneeled in front of him, as if kneeling for a marriage proposal. "Will you become my grandson?"

"Huh? Wait! Hold on!"

"My friends always boast about their grandson, it makes me jealous!! I will buy anything you want! I will take good care of you!! So, do you agree?"

"Hey… Do I— Do I have the right to refuse?"

"I'll respect your decision. If you don't like to be my grandson, no harm is done."

Iruma was relieved knowing that he has the right to decide but… 'What should I do? Since the day I was born, I don't have any experience refusing anyone's requests. T-then, can I refuse his offer? But in this special circumstance. No, I would normally refuse… Can I refuse or not?'

"But that's the reason why I chose you! I want to have a grandson!! I very much want a grandson! Please be my grandson! Say, I am rueful old man, am I not?! Can you hold my hand?" the old man then started pleading with him eagerly with his tearful eyes.

'No! I must refuse!!'

"Please, make my dreams come true! I beg you, Iruma-Kun!!"

Top three of Iruma's most feared sentences: I beg you! Please, help me. I'll leave it to you.

'In the end, I can't refuse his offer… I finally had the chance to refuse for the first time but because of my fourteen years of experience… Ahh!! I'm so useless! But I can't stand Ojii-San's crying face.

"So, we shouldn't delay any longer!" With the snap of the old man's finger, Iruma's pajamas suddenly transformed into an Olympic blue-colored suit with a stripe of white around the collar on his sleeves, a red demon-eyed shaped bow, Olympian blue pants, and dark blue shoes.

"What—What is this?!"

"It fits you perfectly!! You're my first beloved grandchild, I will take care of everything! Not only food and clothing but also… EDUCATION! You will attend the demon school!!"


"You've been dragged along by your parents so you can't study properly, right? Don't worry!! All the paperwork has been finished. Ah! I forgot… From today, I'm your 'Ojii-San,' we don't need paperwork! Aaaah!! The word 'Ojii-San' sounds awesome!! During the entrance ceremony, let's take a picture together at the School entrance!"

"No… Not this!"

"You are the first human to attend this school, but as long as we keep it a secret you won't be eaten!"

"What?!! If someone knows that I'm a human I will be eaten?!!"

"Oh! I'm lucky to have a grandson like you, Iruma-Kun. If you refuse to become my grandson then you can become my dinner."

"Wait… WHAT?!!!"

"You want to ask something, Iruma-Kun?"


Hello, folks!! I am a great fan of this manga and had been looking for the light novel version for ages but to no avail. And so, I made one!! I tell you!! This is not an official novel but a fan-made one. My sources were the English-translated manga since I don't speak Japanese. If anything, this is just for fun as I wait for the next manga chapters. All the credit goes to Osamu Nishi. The mangaka of this awesome story.

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