
Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-Kun

The story follows Iruma Suzuki, a 14-year-old human boy, who is sold to a demon by his parents. ... He enrolls Iruma in the Babyls School for Demons where he is the headmaster and where Iruma quickly befriends the demons Alice Asmodeus and Clara Valac. ***** Hello, folks!! I am a great fan of this manga and had been looking for the light novel version for ages but to no avail. And so, I made one!! I tell you!! This is not an official novel but a fan-made one. My sources were the English-translated manga since I don't speak Japanese. If anything, this is just for fun as I wait for the next manga chapters. All the credit goes to Osamu Nishi. The mangaka of this awesome story. [NOTE!! Photo not mine! CTTO]

bunnyrabbit · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Entrance Ceremony

After sending Iruma to bed, the old man, Sullivan, happily skipped through the dark hallway of his mansion while humming an upbeat tune. Looking at him, it's as though he had some springs under his soles.

"There should be a limit to your whims."

"Opera," Sullivan said in a singsong voice to the security demon in front of him, Opera. He has red hair with a straight cut fringe and a short plait. Has a pair of red, cat-like hairs protruding from his hair in addition to the second elf-like pointed ears. Ruby-colored irises, small thick brows, and a pale complexion. He also has a black, cat-like tail.

"Demon foster kids are plentiful out there, but you specifically went and got a human as your grandchild… What are you thinking?" he asked using his usual unexpressive voice.

"Nothing in particular… Well, Opera will understand soon enough! Heh heh, tomorrow is going to be fun~" Sullivan then continued skipping through the hallway, leaving Opera behind.


"Whoa… Whoa!!"

Standing in front of Iruma now is the Babirus Demon School located at the top of the huge cliff with its surroundings greatly resembling uncanny mountains. It has a lot of towers, as well as several spiky-like buildings. To go there, you have to walk through the crooked and narrow cliff path with weird and creepy-looking plants in the color of an eggplant. Somehow reminds you of a certain seaweed.

"What a big school!"

"Iruma-Kun! Photograph, photograph!!"

*click click

As he was walking towards the large gate at the center, a large number of demons suddenly flew over him, flying towards the school using their black-colored bat-like wings.



Looking from the outside, I thought that the school is very scary but now that I am inside, it appears to be just like any normal school. From now on, I need to be careful not to attract others.

I made my way to the auditorium and found myself seated between the two demons almost tripling my size. T-They're scary.

*sniff sniff

"Hmm… I smell something delicious!" The demon at my left suddenly said. He has the face of a bull and a pair of ram-like horns. 'Hiiiiii~Although Ojii-San used a special perfume to hide my smell. I really don't understand why he made me attend this school.'

"It will be great if we're in the same class~"

"Right? I'm so nervous." Sigh* Good thing they're still having a normal conversation. Maybe it's a normal school after all… Probably.

"Thank you for waiting. At 6:06 am, the demon school, Babirus. The school entrance ceremony shall begin. All present, please stand! Sing the school song."

Humans only exist to be our food

Suck them dry, soul, blood, flesh, and all

Tremble at the sound of black wings as we take flight

For we are demons

'Hiiii~Don't stand out. Don't stand out.'

As this song pours forth from our red lips

Scream for us, for we are demons

Our castle is the greatest evil

Its name is Babirus, a solitary place for study

Sacrificing our souls, blood, and meat without leaving anything behind

We shall aim for the demon's top

Let's really not stand out…

"And next is the principal's speech."

"Yes!! The next demon king!" The students cheered. Wait, demon king? As in the king of demons?

"Iruma-Kuuuun!! It's grandpa~!" Eh!! He's the principal of this school?!! Murmuring then erupted exactly at that moment.


"The grandchild of the principal…?"

"That's right!! Actually, my grandson also enrolled here. He's so cute… so cute." I beg you… Please, don't say anything weird.

"And I took a picture with my grandson, Iruma-Kun!! Tada!!" And without any care in the world, he then pulled out a poster and showed it to everyone. The exact photo we took at the school entrance. 'My face was exposed easily!!'


"That's Iruma?"

"They look alike."

"Eh, really?"

"I shall send everyone a copy later~" No one needs it!! Really, no one needs it!!

"Alright, I've said everything I wanted to say so… the end!!" And with that, he exited the stage leaving everyone dumbfounded. 'Ojii-San, I'm trying not to get noticed and you just had to do that.'

"Next, a speech from the freshmen representative."

"Representative means the top from the entrance exam, right?"

"Seriously. A genius!!"

"The freshmen representative, Asmodeus-Kun!" And with that, a demon with a tall stature walked towards the stage through the center. He has fair skin and medium-length light-pink hair. With pointy ears, thick lashes, and magenta eyes. Instead of wearing the Babirus school uniform, he wears a formal suit of his own. Wearing a black dress shirt under a white waistcoat and an elegant white overcoat with gold trim, complimenting the gold-trimmed boots and white trousers.

"Aah! He's so handsome."

"So cool." Great!! The attention is diverted to him.

"Eh? *cough In place of him the speech will be made by the scholarship student, Iruma-Kun." WHY?!!

"Eh? Replacement?"

"By Iruma? The principal's grandson?" Aaaah!! Please, I wanted to bury myself to the ground. Why though?! WHY?!! And that's when I saw Ojii-San peeking from the thick red curtains holding a large camera while giggling excitedly. I KNEW IT!!

"Iruma-Kun, to the stage." Having no choice, I stood up unwillingly. Not going means more attention after all. Standing in front of many people is already nerve-racking, it multiplied several folds now that I'm standing in front of these many demons!!

"Look at him. He's not wavering even in front of so many 'people,' what guts!!" All of this is too sudden, I can't move a millimeter.

"You're speech, please!" Speech?! I don't have one in the first place! Hm? Only then did I notice the poster Ojii-San showed to everyone earlier, its back facing me and it has something written on it. Hmm…

'To ensure you do not fall or stumble in your future school life, I gift you this phrase. From Ojii-San.' Eh? I—I just need to read this out? Eh! There's no other choice!

"Aberuhauke" *gasped

"Tarutudari, Iusabebe" Eh? Somehow the atmosphere is kind of…

"Risuturu,aburuze, sutumanu, aberuge, uru, mahoraba,tsurezaza" Phew… After I finished reading the weird words written at the back of the poster, the whole auditorium had a pin drop silence. Soon after that, they erupted into cheers.


"He really said it!!"

"What's with that guy? What guts!" Huh? What's happening?

"You!! You can't go chanting the 'forbidden incantation' as and when you like!"


"It's taboo! A stutter or just one word wrongly pronounced, you'll blow up! It's common sense!!" That's the first time I've heard of that! S-Such dangerous thing…

"That's really dangerous and crazy… and I had the best time!!" eh?

"People who chant that is either an idiot, stupid, or doesn't fear death."

"B-By the way… what effect does that chant have?"

"If you succeed, you won't fall for the entire day."

Useless… Really useless. I risked my life for that.