
We're all a little Shameless

'Steve' Jimmy Lishman, a great thief. A shit guy. But what if he wasn't... What if he was no longer the... 'Run away at minor invoncience' type, and he actually stuck with them, through thick and thin, what if the Gallaghers never had to fight that hard without him? What if he decided when it first came up to be honest... Even if it meant lying just a little? Meet the new Steve, someone who barely remembers his past life but knows two things. This life was given to him for something he did that pleased a god, that will no longer interfere with his life. He's been given something that will not only make him a greater thief but a more reliable person. In the form of a system that allows him to trade in cash, and points he gets from stealing for an arrangement of items.

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2 Chs

Shameless Break-Up

Pulling onto the side of the road out of the way once he got to the north side, the 'Nicer' side of town he focused on the blinking notification in his vision.

Suddenly it opened, showing he had one notification, which he clicked on.

An envelope opened with a grand flair.

[First Quest!]

[You've got a girlfriend and her family to support, so don't slack off on your job just because you're enjoying some good pussy!]

-Boost a car in broad daylight, and take it to Alexanders.


1k in cash

Strong lockpick set

Novice training in lockpicking

Boost a car? He had no one that could be his follow car, not right now at least.

The usual person he boosted with, Freddy was on a 'vacation' which was just him taking his son to go skiing.

But... Alexanders? That was a shop in north town, one he very rarely visited to avoid the possibility of seeing his family, just in case.

He would have to consider what he would do, first, he had to deal with his family.

He rubbed at his face for a bit, he didn't bother to change, not caring to get into a fancy button-up shirt, some nice khakis, or dress shoes.

He was in blue jeans, a black t-shirt with his leather jacket, and normal sneakers, the most expensive thing he had on was the jacket.

He rubbed his chin a bit as he looked in the rearview mirror, he hadn't shaved in a bit so he was starting to grow a beard, one that he planned to keep as well.

The original reason why he had been so adamant in keeping his 'appearance' up for his family, was because of his Father, to make him proud...

But he knew better now, now that it wasn't just his memories that inhabited the body, now that he was a new person.

He was trying to hard to make his father proud, his whole family was, and his Father was out getting dicked down by the pool boy.

He let out a heavy sigh as he leaned back, rubbing at his face. This would be exhausting...

But the quicker he got this done, the faster he would no longer need to worry about it all, the faster he would be free of the burden, and the lies that came with it... The sooner he could get back to his new life... His real life with the Gallagers, with Fi...

God how he loved her.

He slapped at his face a bit, pumping himself up.

''Come on Steve, let's just get this shit done, Candace will be upset, but she'll get over it after awhile, your brothers are a bitch anyway, and Erika's already fucking her hairdresser so none of it matters.''

Steve started the car back up, dismissing the notification out of his vision to clear his eyes up and let him drive in peace.

Once he pulled into the driveway of the mansion he was about to get out when he stopped, turning to look to his right where the garage of the large house was... A slow grin worked on his face before he put the car into reverse, backed it up, and went around the block to the Alley, it was a nice alley of course since of the side of town they were on, but it was better than the main street.

Taking out his phone, he dialed up Alexander.

It rang for a few minutes before the line clicked.

''Steve? What the hell are you calling me for?''

''Hey Alexander, you still want my Nissan?''

There was a few noises on the line, before Alexander far more serious spoke up.

''You serious?''

''Yeah man, but you have to come to pick it up.'' Steve said as he put the phone between his ear and shoulder as he leaned over to the glove box, taking out his fake title and a few more pieces of paperwork, folding it up he put it onto the inside of his jacket.

''That's fine, I've got a family that wants one, paying good money for it in good condition, how much?''

''Only 6k miles on it.'' Steve said as he got out of it, taking the key for it off his keyring he tossed it onto the floorboard and went into the trunk, taking out his tool kit, and his slim jim and closing it.

''Best I can do is 4.''

''That's fine, I'll test you the alley it's in, it's on the north side so you don't need to worry.'' Steve hung up, sending the address over he entered through the back gate, sneaking his way around the garage to get into it.

Entering into it, he noticed four cars, which meant his Brother was already there. Chuckling he went to the only car that had a sheet over it.

Pulling the sheet a lot of dust came off it as he waved his hand, despite the dust, there was a beautiful black 1965 Chevrolet Impala with four doors under it.

He grinned as he opened the trunk, putting his tools into it he went over to toolbox, needing to open of the lower drawers to reach in for the handle to unlock the top on, he was able to get the key for it out.

Another notification appeared and he had to stop a moment, knowledge he didn't have before appeared as he was staring at the lock on the toolbox.

He could crack it pretty easily.

Shaking his head he dismissed the notification for now, it seemed he already complete his first mission, and with his new knowledge of lockpicking he could more easily 'gauge' if he could crack locks.

He would need to pull his other things from the system later but for now the knowledge already proved it's use, even if he already knew how to get into the lock without a key.

Once he got into the Impala, he put the paperwork into the glove compartment only to stop when he noticed the gun in it along with a bound stack of cash.

Ah, yeah that's right.

Memories resurfaced as he remembered when he was going to first start boosting cars, how he left this car here for himself if he ever needed an out, with a gun and cash just in case.

He chuckled a bit, taking the cash he tucked it away into his jacket and took the gun as well, putting it beneath his driver seat he used the remote sitting on the dash, hoping it still worked he clicked the button on it.

The garage rattled as it started to open and he grinned, tossing the remote out the window as he suddenly started the car.

It roared to life just like he remembered, he checked it just last year, so other then definitely needing to get a few things changed, he would be fine to drive it. So the first thing he did was pull out of the garage and do doughnuts in the front gravel path to get the attention of the house occupants.

He was only worried that he would need to sit there for hours, explaining to them his choices, to be the family person they thought he was.

But he isn't that, he wasn't in the past, and he sure as hell wasn't it now.

So eventually, when his Brother, Mother, and his 'Fiance' Erika came out to look at the commotion, they laughed when they saw it was just Jimmy having fun.

Only for him to pull around with the window down he leaned out, sitting on the door of the car as he watched over the roof of it towards his family with his arms out.

''Fuck you Lishmans!''

The look of confusion on their face was gold to him as he grinned.

''Erika, you're fucking your hairdresser, so this is the end of our relationship, but don't worry! I to have been banging better-looking, and far better-acting chicks behind your back!''

The look of shame, then rage on her face bubbled up and he only grinned more.

''Candace, you're a right fucking tic you know that? Sucking on this family like a fucking vampire for years, but it's okay because you're our mother, right? Well fuck you, I haven't been attending medical school at all, actually, I've been using your 'Allowance' to snort blow of hooker's assholes and party upstate!''

''And, dear old brother. You're wife, despite what you bitch about? Gave the best rimjobs in senior year, but don't worry man. I'm sure that Aaron, her 'boss' has totally decided to accept your relationship and definitely not fuck him.''

Steve gave a thumbs up to his aghast family before he spoke. ''From this moment on, I ain't no fucking Lishman, and I sure as hell ain't Jimmy... Who the fuck names their kid Jimmy? Ya'll can get bent. Tired of the lies, the cheating, and all the fucking bitching, don't contact me again unless it's for the will signing.''

Steve pulled himself back into the car, and with a final doughnut, he made his way out.


For those wondering, Slim Jim is a thin rod that goes between the window and car doors to unlock them, a lot of people who work in the towing business keep them on them, but it's only for older cars I think. Some newer ones require some 'fancy' stuff.

And, who the fuck is Erika? Honestly I don't know either, she only appeared ONCE in the first episode we see Steve going back to his parents place, and she kisses him. Then his brother walks up and mentions how he's got a wife and kids, but he's jealous that Steve is balls deep in that.

But it was never mentioned again in the show, so Idk. I just included her because fuck Erika.

If your name is either Jimmy, or Erika, I have no hate towards you.

Feel I could've done better? Let me know!

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