
WBWL Young Lord

Kaidyn_Puntarich · Filme
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3 Chs

Time-Skip, Wizengamot

As days turned to weeks, and weeks to months, Lily, and James could not find Hadrian. They called in the Order to watch Diagonally, Gringotts, and Knockturn, but he never showed. Lily was turning the whole manor upside down looking for photos, or memorabilia of Hadrian. She became cold, and distant when she found nothing. James, and Sirius threw themselves into work, while Dumbledore was very worried, as he no longer had the authority to use the Potter-Black votes. 

During this time Hadrian was mastering all forms of magic, only using the elder wand after mastering the spells wandlessly. He was also looking for rituals to improve himself. He performed 2 rituals so far. A cleansing ritual, to rid his body, mind, and soul of all foreign magic, along with enhancing his appearance. The other ritual was an element revealing ritual, this ritual would determine your elemental affinity, and allow you access to wield them. Hadrian was continuing to be exceptional. He not only controlled the elements of air, water, and lightning, but also ice. 

He spent many months mastering his abilities. He had read all the books at his disposal in Potter castle, which were substantial, and rare, now he was mastering all he read. He perfected his wandless, and wand based spells, earned a deeper understanding of the importance of potion making, and the ingredients involved. He also started to develop a few spells, based on elemental magic. 

After 9 months of being missing, Hadrian made an appearance at the Wizengamot. 

Inside the Ministry, in the Wizengamot chambers, Lords and Ladys took their seats, as Dumbledore approached. "As Chief Warlock, I welcome this Wizengamot session to order" He then banged his gavel. As they made their way through any formalities, and announcements, the doors to the chambers were pushed open. All attention was on the young man that entered. He looked around 15 years old, had neatly combed black hair, and piercing green eyes, high cheek bones of aristocracy. He wore a very expensive Tuxedo, along with a black cloak, all on his 5"8' person. 

Dumbledore spoke "This is a closed session of the Wizengamot, my boy" He knew who this was, and did not want him stirring things up. "I Lord Hadrian, claim the seats of Potter, Peverell, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Black!"

Their were outcries, as many of these seats have been dormant for hundreds of years, this would disrupt the power balance. Dumbledore had to do something quick "The law states that you must be 17 to take a seat here, i'm sorry Hadrian" He spoke with his twinkling eyes, and kind grandfather facade. "That would be the case, if not for mother magic herself recognizing my claims, therefore the laws of this body are a moot point, and you will address me as Lord Peverell, Chief Warlock" 

There were many gasps among the audience, they knew what it meant for magic herself to judge a claim. Dumbledore knew he was beaten so he conceded. "Very well, please take your seat Lord Peverell" he said. "Don't worry, I shan't be long. I hereby rescind all marriage contracts for my houses, but call in all monetary debts!" 

Everyone looked wide eyed, many of Hadrian's houses were dormant for long periods of time, any debts that were unpaid, would have collected a lot of interest, calling in the debts could bankrupt magical Britain. There were outcries, and complaints from all in attendance, especially Dumbledore, he had borrowed quite a lot of money from the Potter and Black vaults. "You have 1 year, good day" Hadrian spoke, turned on his heal, and left. 

The next day the Daily Prophet was issuing story after story on the 'new' Lord. 

 New Lord of 6 Most Ancient and Noble Houses, calls in centuries old debts!

 Magical Britain facing bankruptcy!

 Ministry Officials not available for comment!

 Who is this new 'POTTER'

 Lordship of the founders claimed!

As Hadrian read this he felt a weight come off his shoulders, he was free to do whatever he wanted. He started by writing a letter to King Ragnok, who agreed to be his account manager, to start buying majority shares in Diagonally and Knockturn. Thanks to the founders inheritance he owned the alley's land, and most of the shops have not been paying rent to his vaults for many years.

 He decided to visit Potter manor to see the reactions that he has caused to his former family...