

The next moment, catastrophe struck Xue Mo. His heart palpitated and sweat rolled down his forehead.

Before he knew it, large sets of holes stretched all over his body, making him seem like Swiss cheese.

Then, purple gas seeped out of the cauterized wounds, dissolving all remnants of him, leaving him with nothing.

His soul was annihilated. His body was annihilated. And every strand of energy making him, dissipated.

Whatever was left of Xue Mo that could have revived him died at that moment.

In another place, Lu Yao received a feedback and her soul began dissolving at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Infinite Darkness began panicking, but the moment Xue Mo died, most of its functions and soul died with him, leaving it with one millionth of it.

And as Lu Yao began dying, its remaining soul dissolved with it.

The three family members found themselves dying to an unknown assailant.

Meanwhile, back where Xue Mo was, a hooded man came to the scene.

He had a plague doctor mask and long claws for hands.


The man laughed hoarsely, tears of blood dripping down through the mask, despite its protection.

He had given his all in that attack and he succeeded!

He, Shamon, defeated the scourge that would've destroyed the universe in the future! Everyone's sacrifice was not in vain!

This was a happy ending!

Shamon thought, falling to his knees and dying.

The universe was saved and everyone was happy.

With the death of 3 insignificant beings, the universe survived for a long time.

I’m sorry for the messy ending. I think even the chapter uploads have mistakes. it’s a work from 4-5 years ago so there’s bound to be lots of mistakes.

Chaos_Primecreators' thoughts