
Chapter 5

Being able to leave the house alone, Runa was nervous about it. Her heart was thumping fast and her fingers were slightly numb. She had to hurry before sunset or it would be dangerous for her on her way back home.

New to being out alone Runa forgot to enjoy the moment, the road to town was the only thing she focused on. As she saw the three-meter wall from the distance she began to feel extra nervous. She was getting closer to it until she stood at the gate entrance.

The same guards were present at their post, and they greeted her, "Hello there miss, you're going into town alone? Where's the guy who's with you?" Asked by the older looking guard.

She was startled, she didn't know what to do. They feel ignored. Runa couldn't even look in their eyes but she tried to respond in a way, she accepted Wilhelm's help for her to overcome her fear.

"M-my master t-told me to buy u-us dinner" She really tried to reply clearly but she stuttered.

The guards were delighted to hear a response.

"Is that so? Haha, if you need directions you can always ask us. If no bother we could even guide you." said by the younger-looking guard.

"Hey Jonathan, trying to escape guarding duty? Don't even think about it, the young miss can manage by herself."

"Oh come on Mark allow me to at least guide her around. It's not like I've been lazy with duty, you know I'm diligently doing my job" Jonathan explained, he wanted to get close to Runa because she's his type of woman after all.

"Tch, fine, fine, but only if the young miss wants to be guided."

Mark agreed. He then asked Runa if she wanted someone to accompany her inside the town. Runa shook her head sideways refusing his offer, Jonathan lost his excitement and Mark laughed at him.

He didn't mean any harm, he seriously just wanted to get along with Runa. Although she wouldn't know about that because she's still afraid of them, she thinks that maybe they were plotting something like a way to kidnap and sell her off again.

She was obviously overthinking things.

"Well then, if you need any help ask us here in our post." Mark suggested.

"Can I ask where you're headed?" Jonathan asked but it's not his business to know where Runa is headed but he wanted to have an extra conversation with her,

"S-store... Ahm, Ms. Rachel's store" She replied.

"Ah! It's just near the south area only a few walk near the fountain."

Runa passed through them, walking inside the town, she noticed that it had a considerable amount of people inside. As she walked, she could feel the random stares at her. It forced her walk hastily. She was at the fountain as she looked for the store, she got surrounded by three men.

"Hello there, miss with the blue cloak, want to come with us?" They were emitting malicious vibes.

They were inviting her to go with them telling her to have some fun with them. She was very scared, she tried to flee but one of them grabbed her arms and pulled her hood. As soon as they saw her face and got even more interested in her.

They were being forceful. Runa didn't scream for help or rather she couldn't. She was hoping that they would go away but they wouldn't magically disappear, therefore Wilhelm's image popped up inside her head.

There was a sudden spark that made them take their hands off. Their arms were numb in pain, they were agitated and tried to hit Runa. Scared as she was she covered up using her arms, forcing her eyes shut but nothing reached her.

She slowly peeked and saw a huge man gripping the hands of the guy who wanted to hit her. Despite his huge body he swiftly and skillfully took them down by hitting their chin with his lightning-fast fist. He was too fast, they couldn't react to it.

"Are you okay miss?"

"Y-yes, t-thank you" she was trembling.

"I quickly came here the moment I felt his magic. Seriously, if I was a minute late then these guys would have died... Are you by any chance Runa?"

Runa nodded still shivering out of fear.

"I apologize for these punks over here, they seem to have a death wish causing a ruckus in this town. I'll throw them in jail later... Did Wil asked you to buy for your dinner?"

Runa nodded,

"Why not come with me, my wife's place is just right over there." He pointed across the fountain only a few meters away from them.

Runa followed him, knowing that he knew Wilhelm and he matched the description, he must be Tepht.

"You know, I was told to expect a visit from you, Wil told me things about you so I pretty much know a bit of what you've gone through. He may sometimes act weird but he's not a bad guy... Also, the reason why he sent you here in town is probably to help you regain your social skills."

"To simply put it, he wanted you to be normal again. This is for you to build connections inside the town and live normally so please don't hate him for making you experience that the very first time you walk inside the town alone"

"It was just a coincidence that those punks are around the area, most of the people here are kind and fun to be with."

The way he speaks and how he acted around Runa made him look like a gentle bear.

Runa didn't give a response, she just listened. She was slowly relaxing, Tepht had these warm and safe vibes around him and he's a good friend of her master. It put her at ease.

They went inside his place, he showed her around and gave her the menu. She had a difficult time picking food because she didn't know what food Wilhelm liked, he would usually buy anything.

"If you're thinking about what Wil likes then it would be the roasted chicken, also this, marinated skewers." Tepht pointed out.

"T-then please" Runa gave him the money, while waiting for it to cook Runa told Tepht that she'd also be buying clothes, he then called his wife and asked her to accompany Runa.

She was tall, had lean muscles, and busty. Her name is Rachel. She accompanied Runa to pick some clothes to her liking. Some stalls sell clothes near their place, and it didn't take a while before they chose some of the outfits, Runa tried some of the clothes and Rachel was the one to be the judge.

She had little to almost no exchange of words with her. Rachel is a quiet person, and considering that they both are the same gender, being around her was comfortable.

They went back, the food was cooked and had picked some of her clothes. Rachel suggested that she would escort Runa to Wilhelm's house. It took longer than expected and the sun is already setting.

"I-is it okay for you to guide me home? Wouldn't it be d-dangerous for you?" Runa said, it made Tepht laugh and Rachel chuckle.

"Instead of worrying for yourself, you had the time to consider Rachel's well-being. You're a kind person but don't worry Runa, Wil already had this planned."

"He placed magic on you enough to make you safe and my wife here is plenty strong, she doesn't even need to fear bandits attacking her. Rather the bandits should be the ones to fear her HAHAHA!"

Rachel was pounding her clenched fist on Tepht lightly, she was actually more feminine than she looks. They walked, the guards on post- Jonathan and Mark waved them goodbye as they passed through them.

While they were out in the open. Rachel noticed that Runa kept looking down, staring at her feet. She tapped Runa's shoulder and pointed towards the sunset.

It was a beautiful sight to see. Runa started looking around the area, there were open meadows and forests, mountains under the golden sun, grassland with wildflowers mixed with it, the town near the long river, and the blue sea in the distance. Everywhere she looked was beautiful.

When she was a slave she was always locked up in a room or a cage, she never got the chance to see the world outside the iron bars the way she did as a kid. It was a sense of freedom.

She saw Wilhelm's house that was between the forest and the sea. The small tower was the most visible since it was taller than most trees.

The wind breeze from the sea and the sound of waves hitting the sandy shore.

That's her home, a place where she's safe. The door clank open and Wilhelm got out of the house, he welcomed her home and thanked Rachel for guiding her on her way back. He teleported Rachel near the town gates she waved them goodbye before being teleported.

"How was it?" Wilhelm asked her about her experience on her way to town and inside the town by herself.

"It was nice, the guards talked to me. But some men tried to pick up on me, sir Tepht helped me and Rachel accompanied me to buy clothes and she let me see beautiful sights on our way back."

It was the first time Runa talked without stuttering, it must be the effect of witnessing nature's beauty. She's still mesmerized by it.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, let's have dinner." Then again, Wilhelm was glad and smiled at her.




Runa cleaned the plates right after they finished eating. Wilhelm helped her by arranging the plates and utensils as he placed them in the tub. He then headed straight to his study and continued what he was doing, he was cleaning. His research area was tidy, he cleaned them knowing that Celestine would make a fuss about it.

Runa noticed and was wondering why Wilhelm was cleaning all of a sudden, she didn't ask questions about why he was cleaning it and only asked him if she could give him a hand.

"D-do you need help master?"

He refused her saying, "I got this, Runa you need to have some rest for now you had a long walk and we will continue your training about magic tomorrow morning"


Runa went upstairs and entered her room, she took off her clothes and was lying on her bed, trying to recall her past. She still couldn't believe that she had gotten out of the hell she lived in and currently living peacefully in a peaceful area. It was all thanks to Wilhelm.


It was the middle of the night and Wilhem was sleeping, Runa barged into his room. She approached and had a glimpse of his sleeping face. She snuck into his bed and snuggled, making it a bit more warmer and comfortable during the cold night.

She could feel his warmth, the rhythm of his breath, and the sound of his heartbeats. She wonders why it feels okay for her to do just that, she doesn't feel scared of him being near her, not anymore. But then there's still a fear she possesses, the fear of him touching her. Even though she knew too well that Wilhelm wasn't that kind of person.

She was rather curious, desperate, and was impatiently wanting to discover if Wilhelm would succumb to lust. But the comfortable feeling she was experiencing made her drowsy. Her eyes shut and was fast asleep. Her night became a little bit warmer and comfy than usual.


Wilhelm woke up, he felt something different during his sleep and as he looked by the window and saw that the sun had yet to shine. He then felt something soft, warm, and heavy beside him. He peeked and saw Runa snuggling under his blanket, she had a comfortable look on her face.

Wilhelm smiled, he noticed that Runa didn't have any clothes underneath as he further raised the blanket, she was naked. He calmly used magic to dress her up gently and avoided startling her. He carried her back to her room and placed her on top of her bed. Wilhelm grabbed his cloak and covered Runa's body.

His cloak is made up of special materials from monsters which increases comfort. Its function varies to the surroundings, if the weather is hot then the cloak will cool you, if the temperature is cold then it will warm you. It adjusts according to the environment and body of the wearer.

"That surprised me a little. I didn't expect her to sleep right next to me. She also doesn't wear anything when she sleeps. She'll definitely catch a cold someday."

Wilhelm did not know why Runa snuck into his room, he only thought that maybe the girl was feeling lonely. He was clueless as to why she did and he didn't put too much thought to it.

A great idea then crossed his mind, he thought that it wouldn't be bad if Runa started working in Rachel's store, it could help her. She would have more time to interact with other people, which is a good thing.

Compared to being with Wilhelm, he figured that she must've felt lonely because all he did was read books and would only interact with her when it was time to eat or teach her magic.

He finally decided to not think about it and went back to his room and sleep.


Runa woke up from her sleep. She stretched her body and then slowly remembered what she had done last night. She was extremely embarrassed by what she did last night.

It was very bold of her. As far as she can recall she snuck inside Wilhelm's blanket and fell asleep. She quickly took a glance beside her, she noticed that she was on her bed inside her room.

She also viewed her body and saw that she had clothes on, Wilhelm's cloak was also on her lap confirming that it wasn't a dream. She then took a glimpse of the time, the sun was just about to rise. She also checked for any signs of getting touched or penetrated.

She felt relief that there was no such proof. This proves that Wilhelm won't make her experience something that would remind her of the past, she could trust him.

Runa got out of bed and fixed her room tidy before she went to grab the door knob. She's standing in front of Wilhelm's door, holding his cloak in her hands. She snuck inside again to have a peek at his sleeping face. She leans forward closing the distance to between his ear.

"Thank you, Master Wilhelm~" she whispered and smiled out of joy. She was very glad and thankful that Wilhelm saved her from the pits of hell she came from...

Runa started her morning chores, she would turn off this device that provides light inside the house, it looked like a floating star from the sky placed inside a glass box, they are located on every pillar of the house.

It has a switch button that turns it on and off, the star stops glowing and becomes a dull yellow stone. After turning the lights off Runa would fold the curtains and open the windows. She then will start brushing the scattered leaves in the yard and watering the plants.

Runa felt the cool breeze from the ocean and admired the sun above the horizon giving rays of light that brightened the dark shadows of the area.

After finishing her chores began to practice magic near the bay. She's become very diligent in magic training, and Wilhelm would praise her for every improvement she makes. Those praises make her happy.

She takes a deep breath and feels the mana inside her body. Slowly circulating it throughout the corners of her veins. Runa started to imagine water. It was easy to imagine since she could hear the waves of the ocean and a large source of water was just in front of her.

As she always practiced, she started lifting a small part of seawater and created a sphere. With her constant practice, the sphere began to grow bigger and didn't possess any misformation. The diameter is approximately three meters long and she could maintain it for half an hour.

After that, she would again repeat the process once she recovers her mana. She would at least have four to six hours worth of practice before Wilhelm woke up.

She doesn't know what to do right after she finishes her chores. She has zero knowledge of skills like cooking, laundry is not a problem since Wilhelm uses magic to clean their clothes.

It was around the time when Wilhelm would wake up, she rushed her way back inside the house only to wait for Wilhelm to wake up and open the door so that she could greet him. It should be around this time but she doesn't exactly know the exact time therefore she waits.

The knob clanked and the door opened.

"Good morning, Master" she greeted, this time Wilhelm noticed the difference in her tone, she sounded livelier than before.

Wilhelm yawns, "Good morning Runa" he searched her body, she was sweating.

"Did you go outside and have morning practice?"


"How's your training going?"

"It's d-doing great, I can create a three-meter ball of water and maintain it for half an hour now"

"Oh? That's amazing, you're working hard on it huh? Good job" Wilhelm patted her head. He did it unconsciously.

Runa was delighted with the praise, she tried covering her face with her front hair as she looked down.

"Anyways, you're all sweaty again--" the usual sweat-drying magic Wilhelm uses each time Runa is sweating. "-- There, all good"

"Thank you"

"You're welcome."

Wilhelm didn't mention what happened last night but Runa wanted to apologize about it. He doesn't actually care about it as long as it doesn't threaten his life or go against his beliefs.

Runa and Wilhelm went to town, their usual routine. The guards became friends with them. They would greet Runa and Wilhelm as they entered the town. Runa got used to their greetings and has tried returning some of them. He was proud that Runa was slowly regaining her social skills.

Tepht was on duty, there was a group of monsters appeared at the borders of Reolona. He was tasked to clean them up, and his wife Rachel was left to manage the store. Wilhelm and Runa greeted Rachel.

Wanting to ask a favor he approached Rachel and asked if Runa could work here. It wasn't a bad offer for Rachel and she's gone pretty fond of the girl.

"Well? What do you think?" Asked by Wilhelm, Rachel agreed.

"Alright then Runa, from today onwards you'll be working here, Rachel already agreed to the idea"

"Hm?? M-master, I'm going to work here?"

"Yep, it's not a full-time job so don't worry, you'll be working for four hours only. The money you'll earn here will be used for yourself, you can buy whatever you want with it. I can pick you up here after your shift or you can walk your way back home, Rachel also wants to walk you home as well, there are many choices for you to decide"

Runa couldn't refuse it, her only reason for refusing was mainly her fear but it's a different situation since Wilhelm was the one to tell her and Rachel already agreed with the idea.

It was already set. Wilhelm didn't want to be forceful but this is a crucial step for her to overcome her fear. He plans to make her study at Gressaia's magic academy after all.

"Well then your shift starts today this afternoon, Rachel will teach you so you can get the gist of how they do things here."

Runa nodded, she knew well that Wilhelm was doing this for her sake. She was happy and nervous about her on-the-spot job. She was extremely nervous that she might mess things up.