
Chapter 4

It's been a couple of weeks and Runa is getting used to her current life with Wilhelm. She became Wilhelm's servant and lost her status as a slave. Wilhelm had to bother and demolish the curse of slavery that shackled her.

Ever since then, everything has been like a dream to her. A place where there's no pain and someone who takes good care of her.

Maybe the gods finally heard her prayers. Being with Wilhelm became her happiness, she never got tired when she was with him. Especially his magic, it was a sight to see.

Runa got to know her master a lot more now. He was a mage from a far away place and he decided to continue his research about minerals with magical properties here in Reolona. His experiments were out of her understanding but it was making her look up to the results.

Later on, after Wilhelm discovered that Runa had affinity with magic he decided to take her as his student. He would teach her the basics of how to use mana. And Runa was trying her best to be of use to her master.

Runa was finally able to talk with Wilhelm while stuttering less than she used to, it was an improvement. The longer they spent time together the more she opened up with him and got to know him better.

Runa was washing the plates when Wilhelm suddenly told her,

"Runa, I think it's time for you to start communicating with the people."

She stopped and turned at him,

"I-I don't think I can do that just yet," she said.

She was sure that she couldn't and would surely fail even if she tried.

"Well I think you can, it's going to be a good practice for you."

The thought of it made her heart beat fast, she was anxious. She can't look at other people's eyes, she's still afraid of them. But the confidence that Wilhelm had that she could made her realized that maybe she was just trying to run away from her fears.

Wilhelm understands that she's still fearful but it's time for her to try and overcome that fear, he wants to make her stand by her own feet by the time he sends her to Gressaia, putting a little force is necessary to make her push herself.

Wilhelm had already thought this through, he plans to enroll her as a student in the magic academy he graduated. And with his influence, it wouldn't be that hard for her enrollment.

Runa can use magic and so far, she's doing good with her training. Since she now knows how to use magic, Wilhelm wanted her to go to the academy for her to grow and find a decent job as a mage. Something like making herself independent.

Runa couldn't refuse anymore than that, she obediently followed Wilhelm's instructions. After their lunch ended, it was magic training time. They would go to an open field near the shore close to his house to train her magic.

"Okay now, did you remember what I taught you about magic? A person could not use magic without 'mana' and mana is something blessed to us by birth, not all people have it. Do you recall the basic elements of magic?"

"Uhm, there are four major elements. The elements are Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind" she replied.

"That's right, those are the four main elements but that doesn't end there, other elements like lightning and ice are the by-product of the main elements. Lightning is created by mixing warm and cool air together or by improvising the fire element and forming it into a bolt of lightning."

"Another example is the control of temperature in water elements that creates ice magic, but temperature control is a characteristic of fire elements by using its concept you can create ice."

"You see everything is connected, if you widen your view you're able to use magic to whatever you like, therefore magic is affected by the mind, let me demonstrate"

Wilhelm created circles of different elements, Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind.

"Although I'm capable of using the four major elements it doesn't mean that everyone can. I'm a special case after all and since Runa has a strong affinity for water magic, I'll mainly teach you about water magic."

"As you already know, water is a fluid substance, by applying mana to water you're able to manipulate water however you like." Wilhelm showed her how he could move water by his will, he changed its shapes and controlled it skillfully.

"The basic concept of using water is understanding that water is free of form that it can be shaped according to its container. Since we're near an open field next to the shore, have it a go, use the water from the sea as practice"

Runa followed the magic circle Wilhelm taught her she raised her arms facing the shore and channeled the mana inside her. A part of the seawater was lifted in a wobbly form. She was very excited by seeing how she could apply mana.

"Now try to imagine a ball, the clearer the image the better the shape" Wilhelm informed her.

Runa imagined a round shape, something like the shape of a bubble. The water formed a round shape but it wasn't perfect, Runa felt her body slowly getting exhausted.

"You'll maintain that water floating until you run out of mana. That's one way to increase your mana capacity. By continuing to deplete and let it refill by itself your body would improve the capacity naturally. It's basically similar to how knights train their muscles by swinging a sword every day. The body just naturally adapts and improves on their own."

Runa depleted her magic, her knees gave up. Wilhelm waited until she recovered her magic to instruct her again. She then continued with her training as she regained some of her mana.

Wilhelm told her to try for a couple more times. He went back inside the house to read some books while watching Runa train. She was diligently training by herself, you could see her efforts.

Inside Wilhelm's study, there is a crystal sphere around six centimeters in diameter, it's sitting on top of a box-like pillow. It was giving out a dim shine. He decided to finally use it.

It was a communication device that allows you to interact with people who have the same item. It visualizes a specific view around the sphere. A beautiful golden blond hair, and eyes that resembles the blue sky, a woman's image was being visualized.

[Why didn't you use the communication crystal for a month? Do you know how many times I tried to get a contact with you?]

Wilhelm's attitude changed the moment he heard the voice coming from the crystal,

"What do you want Woman?" He was being impertinent with his reply.

[I was pretty sure that I was the one to ask a question first.]

"Then I might as well shut the sphere off..."

[You--- Don't you dare!]

"So? What do you want?"

[I've been dying to ask you something, it's about elven magic. You're the only one I know who's knowledgable about these kind of thing.]

"Why ask me? You can literally read some books at the library, there's a lot of them that contain the knowledge you're looking for."

[You're starting to piss me off! Didn't you hear what I just said?!]

"Really? But I'm currently too busy doing my business here, you can do it yourself!"

It was slightly a lie, he was just reading an old book that he already memorized ages ago. He did went on with his research but it was postponed for quite some time now.

[I can't! I'm not in Gressaia right now! I'm already back home and I don't have access to the library even if I went back... Also, I'm not like some stupid genius that even the faculty willingly allows him to enter whatever door inside the academy and whenever he pleases!]

She was specifically describing him.

"God damn it woman, stop with the genius thing and keep it short!"

[My win... You're really sensitive about the genius thingy, aren't you?]

"I'm not..."

[Well anyway I want to ask if elves can give out blessings?]

"They can."

Wilhelm had studied different kinds of magic, blessing is also a form of magic therefore he studied its concept, in his understanding blessings are long-term continuous provisions of magic effects to a certain target.

It consumes a considerable large amount of mana to keep the magic working, it's for as long as the caster's mana gets depleted then the effects vanish.

"Giving a blessing may vary depending on the caster, its effects and functions go in accordance to that."

[What if a blessing such as having the elven race recognize you the moment they saw you and would treat you like some kind of a celebrity?]

"What? That's a weird question you're giving me but if it can influence the elven race then the one who gave the blessing must be strong and most probably has a high social status."

"I mean if you think about it, it would either be the leader or an elder of the elves, it's possible to give a blessing to just be recognized by elves but to be treated highly is another story"

[Well you see, my sister received this ring thingy and some elves that come to visit our kingdom. They kinda acted strange when they first saw her and they asked to have a private conversation with me and my sister]

[I was also dragged into the conversation since I was with her at that moment, and after that, they were being way too respectful to my sister saying this and that to get on her good side.]

Wilhelm's mind processed a bit slower than usual, the story sounded so superficial it's almost like it was made up. Although, he was sure that it wasn't.

"What kind of nonsense is that? If you're trying to further interrupt me from doing my job then you should just sleep!"

Hearing things like that made him lose interest, it was unexpected that that was the case.

[As if! You're just roaming around the city the whole time you went to Reolona! Don't you dare fool me!]

"I didn't just roam around the city... I also did my job here!"

[Oh? Like doing your job for an hour and slack off for the remaining hours?!]

"How do you even know that?!"

[Oh? So you really were just slacking around? Carefree aren't we? I'll go and visit your place when I'm done with my business here! You, sir, got work to do!]

"Don't ruin my long-term vacation here woman! And why are you even bothering me anyway?! You're not my goddamn wife you got that??"

The way she said the last part of her sentence reminded him of his mother nagging at his father that's why he said it that way. That is also the reason why he didn't get himself involved with troublesome women but that woman specifically kept herself getting involved with him. Wilhelm doesn't understand why she does that, it was a mystery for him.

[Wife?! Me? To you?! That's the worst thing I've ever imagined like YUCK!]




Wilhelm shut the sphere off. He seriously doesn't understand why he's so annoyed by her but he doesn't hate her, just annoyed.

"God... She didn't even ask me if I was doing well in these areas. She just had to ask me about her sister and nag." He mumbled.

The door creaked open, "Master? Is everything all right?" Runa asked as she entered the room, "I've heard your shouts from outside."

Wilhelm didn't notice that his voice reached that far. It wouldn't have been a problem in the past because no one was around the area and he lived alone but now that he's living with Runa, he decided to carefully prepare a soundproof barrier whenever he gets a call from someone.

"It was nothing, I had just a tiny argument with someone."

Runa's head tilted, she didn't know what he meant by that since Wilhelm was the only person inside the room before and after she went in.

"Anyways never mind that, it seems like you're done training. Can you buy us dinner?"

"I--- Yes, I can." Runa hesitated at first but she ended up deciding to do it.

"You can go to Rachel's store, she's Tepht's wife. It's near the south area of the town close to the center of the first plaza. You can ask the guards for directions if you're lost, also come here for a bit"

Runa walked towards Wilhelm, she still got this hesitant feeling and was still a bit scared but she braced herself and stood in front of him, he was taller than her, and Runa's height only reached his shoulder, it was easy for Wilhelm to place his hand on top of her head.

He was casting a spell, it was the usual sweat-drying magic, he then silently whispered sets of words, there was a glow, a dim color of dark blue, and it didn't take a minute before it dissipated.

"With that you have my blessings, it will allow me to track your location. If things were to happen," he said with a smile on his face, surprisingly Runa's fear and hesitation reversed.

"Also I forgot to buy you new sets of clothes, I'll add extra money so go pick whatever clothes you like that fit the budget. You can borrow my cloak if you're still uncomfortable being stared at"

She's indeed been wearing the same set of clothes he bought ever since she stayed with him. In a few more months he's confident that he could make her fully open up with him but curing her trauma would take years according to his calculations. He concluded that he had a long way to go before winning the challenge Lagus gave him.

Runa left the house wearing Wilhelm's cloak, it was incredibly comfortable to wear. The town is about half a kilometer away from the house and she was told to walk. She understands that it was one way of helping herself, Wilhelm showed the path before and now she just has to walk through it.

"Alright now that Runa is gone. Let's have a little chat, Lagus."

The crystal sphere glowed, it showed a dark area where light couldn't reach, it was under the sea.

[Honestly, I can't believe you're doing such a great job. Seeing how that little girl is nowadays makes me smile.]

"Yep, she's doing a good job. By the way, why would you suggest using the communication crystal I gave you? When we could just use telepathy."

[No particular reason I just want to see your face. Your expression in particular.]

Wilhelm didn't catch up to him, he was left in the air. Lagus chuckled,

[Wil, Celestine is on her way here, with her sister.]


[The girl with golden hair and sky-blue eyes. She's on her way here, about two days before her arrival.]

"Eh?? It wasn't even that long before she contacted me though!"

[She asked me to tell you. Since I also have this ball thingy of yours she managed to get in contact with me somehow. You know she's someone near your level to be able to manipulate the crystal you created.]

[She even told me to use this ball so I could see something new for myself. I didn't regret using it, you look like your peaceful life's gonna end] Lagus is laughing brazenly.

Wilhelm clicked his tongue, she really knows how to get on his nerves. Celestine is one of his acquaintances in Gressaia, she keeps following Wilhelm around whenever she gets the chance.

Almost to the point that it makes him feel bound to her. He doesn't like the feeling of getting bound by someone although he doesn't possess any hateful emotions towards her, it is ironic.

If that woman comes to his house then it would be the end of his loafing days and it's not like he could block her way to his house. Celestine holds a considerable high social standing and according to how he knows her, she'll always find a way.

[You can just try not meeting her, you know.] Lagus suggested.

"As if I'd do that, she gets more annoying when you try to go against her or run away from her."

[You don't sound confident dealing with her] Lagus sounded happy.

"I don't know. I just find her difficult to deal with."

[By the way, I found something unusual when I got a glimpse of her. She has this insane amount of mana.]

"She's the one I told you about."

[So she's the one huh? The one blessed with mana?]

Wilhelm nodded, people blessed with mana are not bound by the body's mana pool. The mana pool is the capacity to hold mana inside the body and not being bound to it enables you to use mana however you want without using the body's mana pool, it's like a borrowed power from the world as it allows you to throw in an unlimited amount of spells without breaking a sweat.

One of Wilhelm's ongoing research is related to that matter. He wants to unravel the mystery about it so he can perform it himself. If he learns how to use the mana of the world then he would be the strongest magic user in history.

Wilhelm is proficient in magic, his mana may be large but it's still limited.

"Don't you find it unfair that she's blessed by the world? If it were given to me--"

[Yeah I wouldn't like that idea.]

"Huh? Why?"

[Isn't it obvious? It's because you're already strong and your mana pool is as big and deep as the ocean.]

"But there's this and there's that, comparing an ocean to the world is like comparing a cupcake to a cake."

[You're exaggerating it a bit. Your mana capacity is already large enough okay? You're so greedy for more you know that?]

"Well it's not like I'm misusing it, you know that too as well. I just want to know more about magic. Things like destroying or taking people's lives never crossed my mind."

[Still greedy.]

"Fine, fine, anyways what else did that woman tell you?"

[That was all she said so far, she turned the crystal off after our conversation.]

"Is that so? If that's that then I'll be turning the device off for now, I'll have a chat with you later. Sigh~"

Wilhelm turned the sphere off, stood up, and took a deep breath.

"I guess I'll go buy some sweets tomorrow."