
Waking up as a Ghallager (Shameless USA, 2011 SI)

guy got tortured died met a goddess got some wishes and reincarnated into Shameless as Issac Ghallager twin brother of Ian Gallagher. Tags: #Hire, #Loyal Protagonist, #Revenge, #Massive Crossover, #Possible Harem, #Wish Fulfillment, #Traumatized Protagonist On an Indefinite Hiatus (heavily inspired by relaxing in Shameless, some close similarities, that I didn't really realize until I re-read the beginning chapters.. Savannah and the Wrights were also inspired from it but they aren't exact copies. of that ff.)

Shane_Town · TV
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26 Chs

[18] M

M watched Issac through the screen of one of three monitors in front of her at her workstation, she was the only one who ever directly watched, looked after and communicated with Issac here at the company.

It was always hard for her not to daydream about finally meeting him in person, especially now that he's changed and started living in the moment instead of letting life pass on autopilot.

Even if she did feel jealous of the women he was sharing his life with and giving so much of himself to.

'Haa, I wish I could be there even if from a distance.' I thought to myself as I saw Isaac's beautiful smile and glowing eyes as he joked and playfully tossed some pieces of food at his family before Dom, Elena, Han, Roman, and Tej sat down at the table with them and Izzy threw a piece of bloody steak right at Dom's face hitting him on the nose which made everyone but Issac stop laughing and freeze before Dom broke out into laughter and retaliated by throwing a piece of bbq rib back at him which Izzy dodged soon a full-blown food fight that spanned two city blocks broke out.

M couldn't help the soft smile that appeared on her lips as she watched Issac duck and weave while throwing and dodging food, his face constantly split into a wide smile, as his laughter combined with dozens of other people's laughter rang through the computer speakers on her desk.

Before she looked over at one of the monitors that displayed Cypher and her goon Owen Shaw that were the last of the the five priority Alpha targets, both extremely well connected and dangerous.

"It's a relief that Toretto and his crew agreed to join the company." M heard her boss say from behind making M whip around and stand up to salute the strange woman with hair of molten metal and glowing orange eyes like that of a sun.

"Ma'am." M saluted while standing ramrod straight.

"At ease M, you're no longer in the military and I assume by now you realize how special this organization is and that you no longer age." Her boss, codename Phoenix said to her while motioning for her to sit as she pulled a chair from the cubicle next to M's and sat down next to her.

"Y-yes Ma'am, I mean boss." M replied while sitting straightly in her chair as she tried to both look at her boss and watch Issac on the monitor.

"He looks so happy, I'm happy, he didn't lose himself on a quest for revenge." Phoenix said softly and in a way that made M worry she had another competitor for Izzy's affection.

"Keep up the good work M, I'm sure it won't be long now until you can meet him and confess your feelings to him." Phoenix said before standing up patting her on the head gently, pushing on the borrowed chair and walking away.

'That was scary.' M thought to herself as she got up to grab a snack before returning to her station.

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"Haha." I laughed as I sat down on the steps of my porch along with my siblings and the crew, all of us laughing and relaxing and I noticed Han shooting Fiona tentative looks and Fiona intermittently returning them and biting her bottom lip.

'While I planned on trying to set her up with Roman or Tej, but since I'm stealing Gisele I guess Han is a good choice and he was shown to be loyal and loving…even good with kids.' I thought to myself as I noticed Gisele leaning against the fence line completely free of any food on her figure cupping leather jacket, leggings or knee high leather boots, while she smiled at me softly.

"So any word on Frank? He piss off Sheila yet and get the boot?" I asked as I leaned backwards using the step as a backrest.

"Who's Frank?" Gisele asked as she came over and leaned against the railing next to me, making me sigh.

"Our father." Fiona answered, making the rest of us except Debbie sigh.

"He and Karen fucked…she could be knocked up with our brother or sister." Ian said jokingly and Lip lunged at him throwing a punch…well a pussy version of a punch while Ian put up his arms in self defense.

When Dom and the others acted like they were going to try and break in, I put my hand on Dom's shoulder and shook my head no when he looked at me.

"We might scrap like cats and dogs at times but it's out of love more times than not, we didn't have the greatest of role models on how to express ourselves healthily, besides Ian can handle himself, or I'll step in if they start going too far." I said to him calmly while trying not to laugh as Ian put Lip on his back and restrained his arms.

"Damnit Lip, open your fucking eyes Karen is a whore that doesn't give a fuck about you for fucks sake she fucked Frank of all fucking people." Ian shouted in his squeaky girly shrieking voice.

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"Hey Tej, you notice little Homie and the ginger look almost identical." Roman whispered softly while pointing at Ian.

"We're twins Ghetto Sherlock." I joked with Roman making everyone laugh before I stood up and pulled Ian off of Lip who jumped up to swing at Ian but froze when I grabbed him around the neck.

"Enough, Ian is right…even if he's going about it the wrong way, we've all been dropping hints about her and her ways and you yourself knew what kind of gutter skank she was in the very beginning, but seem to have forgotten since she popped your cherry wild girls are fun but it's time to pull your head out of your ass.

And you stop needling him cause you're having problems playing two boy toys at once, now make up you two you're ruining my buzz." I told my twin and my older brother who nodded and looked down as I let them go and they gave each other a hug and muttered apologies between each other.

Mia stood looking out of the bedroom mirror and almost felt like she was watching a young version of Dom breaking up a fight between Vince and Jakob.

"Everything alright Mia?" Brian asked softly as he got out of bed and hugged Mia from behind.

"He reminds me of Dom." Mia said as she leaned her head back against Brian's chest.

"I don't know…he has too much hair." Brian joked softly making Mia giggle softly.

"Shh, Dom's sensitive about his hair." Mia giggled as she spoke, completely ruining the fact that she was trying to be serious.

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