
Wakanda Forever: In Marvel as Tchala's younger brother

spaghetti_npc · Filme
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5 Chs


As time went past, Shenga was more endowed into his new life and the prospects it held for him.

Fascinated by the Wakandan's native toinge he took a liking to it and was glad of his chose to be in Wakanda.

As a baby he nestled himself in his thoughts and observing the world around him. He knew of the dangers in this world and was determined to keep his family safe at all costs. Even if it meant burning the entire world down, along with everyone else in it.

As he grew up he figured he could hide his intelligence and mask it off as that of a child and slowly reveal it with time. But what he didn't count for was how eased up he was that he rarely faked anything. It felt natural and not in a deceptive way.

Loved by his family dearly, he was treasured all as he spent time with Tchala who told of the great stories of the warriors of Wakanda and its fearsome protector. The Black Panther. Shuri who told all sorts of traits and tinkers that came to mind as if she were demented in a sense. But Shenga knew better than to place that on her as he knew just how brilliant she was.

All the small tinkers she would say, he stowed them to memory and pondered over them. More and more seaming feasible as he knew of their existence in the future just how she had thought of them so early on.

Ramonda dotted on him the most of all even, as a lion would keep its cub safe. Anyone who'd have any ill will towards her son would be lucky to keep their heads. Not that anyone in the whole of Wakanda would as they cherished as if he were their own.

The king, Tchaka was as proud of Shenga as he was of Tchala. Born and growing with a tenacity rarely scene in others. He loved his son and even lingered a trace of his brother in him. With his wits and out the box thinking, he knew he had a bright future. It made him sad how his brother was slowly losing sight of the mantle and the pride of Wakanda.

But he sought to instill the mantle in his sons so they never lose it as they grow older.

Already being a Prince of a warrior nation with battle latent in them, he had to learn to protect himself. And so he was assigned three trainers to whip him up in shape.

It wasn't forced on but he took it on with verv and added extra time on as well, making to sure to make the most it. Just because he had to train didn't mean he forgot about the integral part of Wakanda. It's technology.

By the time he was eight he'd already ransacked the entire royal library and was always on Shuri begging her to bring him more books from the labs and learning as much as he can from her.

Utilising his special adaptability trait, he trained his body and mind to the bare minimum that he could take. Making him experience grueling training and learning everyday. He knew it was finally time to take things a step further and start experimenting on all the theories he's had so far and use them.

Resulting in him requesting his own lab from his mother.

A few months prior he had finished his final alterations his AI with the capability to hack into any online database in the world without leaving a trace leading back to himor anywhere near Wakanda.

He first programmed his first AI and stationed it to turn his lights on and off in his bedroom. But it was from from what he wanted it to do. And so he stuck to his books broadening his knowledge and improving his programme little by little to what it was today.

Puzzled by her son's plea, Ramonda asked why "A laboratory, and what for would you use this laboratory?"

"I have made a few theories I'd like to attend to and give more attention to give my current circumstance to carry on is lacking in equipment and safety protocols in place. Also how vibranium could be used on a much large scale that we utilise it now" Shenga said in one breath.

Amused by his response and knowing what he'd been doing behind outside of their knowledge, a smile couldn'tbe stopped forming on her face. Having someone report on his every move and whereabouts, she knee just how smart and capable her son was.

Though she kept a straight face as she responded "Alright you will be granted a space to work in and have Shuri report on your findings when something interesting comes up. And do practise caution my boy"

"Yes mother, I will. Thank you." Like that he was secured to having a place to finally bring his creations to life.

After after that he was granted access to one of Shuri's former labs which she reluctantly gave up on her mother's urging. Shenga was over the moon as he settled in to his new work space.

Looking at the futuristic looking lab filled with high tech machinery all with a vibranium implements in them, he couldn't help but grin at the jackpot he hit.

'If any major state that a so-called name day boy had full access and control over such tech, much less vibranium. They'd probably shoot themselves in the foot.'

"And now, let's begin" He cracked his knuckles as he sat in his chair as he was transferring lines after lines of code onto a blank computer screen.

As he punched in the last lines of code on the keyboard and clicked enter to submit his work. He waited as the screen blank for a few seconds before the whole system went out.

"Paragon up and running sir. Initiating reboot of the system and checking for any system crackdowns" a mechanical voice was heard over the speakers in the dark laboratory.

"All systems at at a hundred percent sir, rebooting all protocols now" And so the power returned to the lab and the smile on Shenga's face couldn't be hidden from the darkness.

"Good job Paragon" Shenga said outloud in the now powered up lab talking to his artificial intelligence assistant.

"Thank you sir" Paragon replied to its master.

"How are system Heart and Gods Eye running?" Shenga inquired.

"System Hearts and Gods Eye running steady sir. Tapping into odyssey systems now...

Success sir" a replied came back.

"Alright launch them now for a test run now" Shenga said as he moved to the center of the lab with a wide area around him and a ring on the frame around him on the floor.

Projectors positioned angularly around the whole lab fired up and cast holographic projections around him and then placed a fist sized white light infront of him in mid air.

Reaching out to blob with both hands, he stretched it out and it exploded out with dozens of holographic pixel frames around him that floated in place in a contrast of the globe.

In a spaceship balloon orbiting the earth above at 20 000ft connected to 16 other aircrafts of the same nature hidden with cloaking tech. Encrypted data signals and messages were being sent back and forth between these crafts and Paragon nestled deep in Shenga's lab, with the lab as a central hub.

Twisting, turning and zooming in and out of the pixilated images floating around him, Shenga let out a heartfelt chuckle as he fiddled with his contraption.

"Everything seems in place Paragon. Now let's do a drive down search shall we" She said commencing a comprehensive search programme.

As a hybrid between Gods Eye and the Heart programme (from fast and furious and heart of stone movies, respectively), Chatter was able to pinpoint the exact location of of anyone or anything anywhere on the planet. And able to predict their next moves with a 98.3% accuracy.

"Affirmative sir, any one in particular you had in mind sir?" Paragon asked.

"Let's start with a person of interest.Everett Ross" Shenga said landing on his first target of the search.

"Locating now sir.

Agent Everett Ross of the CIA is currently on the M19 highway headed south sir. It is calculated that he just came from the pentagon from a meeting debrief about a terrorist group known as the Ten rings in the middle east and is likely now headed home to his wife in Alexadria Virginia."