
Waiting For Lover

That twilight was the starting point of the meeting, as if fate said that she was the Savior for the Western Knights. Being the only one alive made her little heart move to help and care for the man who was covered in reddish spots all over his robes and clothes. If he hadn't quickly fled somewhere with his body reeling from the wounds that covered his entire body, he probably wouldn't have met her. This meeting became the starting point for the turmoil of feelings that rumbled in his head every day, very noisy! Author: Lekha Raveena

lekharavee · Geschichte
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21 Chs

9 - Vilda Varhadt

The 3x3 meter room felt eerie, dry blood, tightly bound chains and a dying person sitting limply on the hard and cold floor. In front of him, the figure of a man wearing black beads was staring at him intently.

"You look like him." The man's voice was hoarse, he said the same thing over and over again.

"SHUT UP!" Harvis, the man with black beads, was angry, he kicked the man again.

"Eugh! You look like him, you told me to." Again and again the man kept spouting nonsense.

"Bastard!" Harvis was really angry, he had never been this angry before, he was known for his calm and tense demeanor. The kick this time was so deadly, he was sure the man was dead.

Horse hooves could be heard from a distance, it seemed like they would arrive soon. After checking that the bastard was dead he cleaned his shoes, not wanting the bastard's blood to get on them. The bastard's words really made him angry, he was not an evildoer, he had never betrayed his kingdom. He even joined the war, putting his life on the line easily.

Klek!, the sound of the doorknob being turned, the door opened and four men entered the room they had rented as a place for interrogation. The two men inside looked very different, one of them was sitting with an angry look, while the other was stiff and covered in blood.

"Is he dead?" Jack asked.

Harvis nodded.

"Who ordered him?" Ivander asked.

"That bastard didn't tell." Harvis replied, he wasn't lying and the bastard was just talking nonsense!

"Impossible, that lowly bastard would die for his loyalty." Ivander said.

"Are we going back to base?" Galar asked.

"Tch, what do you mean by reporting failure?" Now Ivander turned to ask sarcastically.

"There's nothing left, they're all dead." Harvis said.

"Those trash bastards are dead, but the boss? You don't even know who their boss is." Jack exclaimed, not accepting Harvis' words.

"All their lackeys are dead, won't they be afraid if they keep doing this." Harvis explained, he looked at the four men in turn.

"After all, they have lost, the traitors will no longer rebel because their wealth is gone. There will be no end to eradicating the traitors, revenge will always remain." He continued-Harvis, there is some truth in how much the messenger is paid handsomely.

"If there's no more business here, we'd better go back. This isn't a matter we can resolve easily. Remember, Iv, the Commander ordered us to find out whether this betrayal in the eastern region was aided by eastern troops, we're only here spy." Galar said.

"Isn't that funny, are the eastern troops spying on us too?" This time the question came out of Jack's mouth.

"Wouldn't being suspicious of each other eliminate feelings of trust and loyalty?" Roberth spoke his mind, actually he didn't really like this patrol, for him this would divide them.

"You are right." Ivander said, "let's go back and report this."

They nodded.


It's been three days since Riana hasn't lived in her small house, she has returned to the mansion. The big mansion that said "Loren Family" belonged to her. She is a descendant of a low-level noble, her late father was a Baron. The middle-aged man she called uncle was the butler of her house who married her aunt.

"Excuse me Lady, the doctor has arrived." said the middle-aged man.

Riana nodded to invite the doctor to come into the room and examine her. Riana felt unwell, her appetite dropped drastically.

"Lady, you have to eat a lot. Your body is very weak, you are exhausted. I will prescribe medicine for you." A doctor she had known since childhood showed a concerned expression.

"I also prescribed a sedative for you." He continued.

Riana nodded, she had nothing to hide when dealing with Mr. Wilson, her family doctor.

"I will send the medicine this afternoon, eat lots, Lady." He said ending the meeting.

Riana nodded weakly, "Thank you, Uncle."

Mr. Wilson said goodbye and immediately left Riana alone to rest, he already considered Riana as his own child. Anxiety and trauma from past memories are what make her sick like this.

"Excuse me Lady, there is a letter from Lady Vilda Varhadt for you." Uncle Parlo (the butler) knocked softly on Riana's door.

"Bring it here." Riana said softly.

Uncle Parlo came in and gave the letter to Riana, he placed it on the small table near her bed. Vilda Varhadt is the only friend Riana has, she is a year older than her. It's been a long time since she wrote to her friend, how is she now?

Vilda Varhadt was the daughter of Viscount Varhadt, their family was well known for having the rare twins, a boy and a girl. Vilda has a twin named Victor who is her younger brother. Apart from being a family known for twins, Victor is also the talk of the social world because of his good looks and expertise in mediating cases.


For Red Haired Girls,

How are you?

I hope you are okay with your garden. Don't ask me, I'll make sure my hands aren't shaking while writing this, yeah I'm fine.

I will come, so wait for me with a bright smile.

From your Sun.


The contents of the letter were none other than asking how Riana was and telling her that Vilda would be visiting her residence nearby. Reading the letter made her happy and entertained, she didn't want to make her friend worry about her condition, she had to get well quickly.

Riana rang the bell to call the waiter. Not long after, Uncle Parlo came with cake and hot tea.

"I brought snacks for you, Lady." he said.

"Thank you Uncle." Riana smiled.

"Will Lady Vilda come here?" As usual, if Miss Vilda Varhadt sends a letter, she will definitely visit Riana not long after.

Riana nodded, "you definitely know the answer."

Uncle Parlo smiled, their habits had not changed even though they had gotten older. Vilda Varhadt is Riana's school friend, they are very close. When the protracted war was going on, learning activities were stopped for the safety and security of children. Riana only studied at home with the few books her family had. When the war ended, school activities resumed but Riana did not continue, she was already 17 years old and that was the age when she debuted in the social world.

"How is Lady Vilda?"

"She's very nice, I haven't seen her for a long time." Riana remembered the last time they met. While the long war was going on, Vilda still often visited her residence, sometimes bringing books or telling her the hottest gossip. Even though Riana often didn't respond, Vilda never gave up talking about the gossip. It seemed like they hadn't seen each other for a year, Vilda came to her residence at that time to attend the funeral of her father and mother, after which she only sent letters.

"I hope Lady's meeting goes well and warmly, I really look forward to it."

Riana smiled, "Uncle, how is Zacky?" Zacky is Uncle Parlo's son, he is Riana's cousin. Now Zacky is studying in the city center, he is currently fourteen years old.

"He's still the same as before, still likes causing trouble." Uncle Parlo smiled, it could be seen from the look on his face that he missed his only child. His wife, who was none other than Riana's father's sister, died while giving birth to his son.

"I hope I can meet him soon, I'm sure he'll grow taller."

Uncle Parlo chuckled as he imagined his son growing taller than him. "Lady, get some rest. I'll bring you something to eat after you sleep." He politely left Riana alone in the room, he did not close the bedroom door tightly in case Riana's condition suddenly worsened. Riana is Baron Loren's only bloodline, she is the one who has to take care of this mansion afterwards.


A girl with golden yellow hair was looking out the window of the horse carriage. Blue eyes that were like the sky looked at the wide street, a beautiful smile appeared on her lips. Looks like today will be a fun day for her, right? she is going to meet her friend.

"Miss, what flowers should I buy?" Asked a servant who was no longer young, she was Vilda Varhadt's personal servant.

Now the horse-drawn carriage has stopped near the flower shop, the flower shop belongs to Riana but the owner doesn't know about this.

"Asha, please bring me sunflowers." The answer was Vilda, her blue eyes looking at the fresh flowers that were neatly sold.

Asha the servant nodded, she immediately went downstairs and brought her a bunch of sunflowers. The large, brightly colored petals really reflect her lady's personality, the flower is her favorite flower.
