
Waiting For Lover

That twilight was the starting point of the meeting, as if fate said that she was the Savior for the Western Knights. Being the only one alive made her little heart move to help and care for the man who was covered in reddish spots all over his robes and clothes. If he hadn't quickly fled somewhere with his body reeling from the wounds that covered his entire body, he probably wouldn't have met her. This meeting became the starting point for the turmoil of feelings that rumbled in his head every day, very noisy! Author: Lekha Raveena

lekharavee · History
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21 Chs

10 - Becoming Lady

The horse-drawn carriage belonging to the Varhadt family stopped in front of the Loren family mansion. A beautiful blonde girl descended gracefully, in her hand was a bunch of bright sunflowers.

"Welcome Lady Varhadt, Lady Riana is waiting for you inside." The middle-aged man who managed the mansion politely welcomed Vilda Varhadt in a friendly manner.

"Thank you for your warm welcome, Uncle. How are you?"

"As you can see, Lady, I'm fine. I'm very happy that you're visiting us again." A sincere smile appeared on Uncle Parlo's face.

Vilda returned the smile, "I also really miss coming here."

Vilda Varhadt already considers Uncle Parlo to be her own uncle, all because her friendship with Riana is so close. They stepped into the mansion followed by a servant named Asha behind them.

The mansion had not changed much, it was the same as the last time she was here, what was different was the family portrait that was not visible. Vilda understood the reason, she knew Riana was still grieving the loss of her parents. If it weren't for the social world that was starting to become active again, she would definitely visit often, but it was also because Riana wanted to be alone, so she couldn't come here.

"Vilda." The greeting sounded very happy, as seen from the beaming expression on her face.

"Riana, my friend, how are you?" Vilda immediately hugged Riana tightly, her longing was overwhelming.

"I'm glad you're here, I'm fine."

Vilda frowned, "You're lying, how can you be thinner like this?"

Riana smiled, "I just had an ordinary fever, and now I'm cured."

Vilda pouted, she knew that the news of her parents' death had made Riana down, one year was not enough for her to accept it gracefully.

"I brought you my flowers, if you miss me, you can see this, just pretend it's me." Vilda said.

Riana received it happily, she then ordered one of the servants to place it in a beautiful vase. She also ordered the waiter to pour tea and snacks for her friend.

"There are many things I want to tell you, are you ready to listen?"

Riana nodded with a smile.

Well, this is Vilda Varhadt, she will definitely bring you some big news, gossip or stories about herself. This is also what makes them very close, Riana is not good at telling stories, she prefers to listen, very different from Vilda who likes to talk. They benefit each other, Vilda needs someone who can listen to her and Riana can get information or news by listening to Vilda without having to look at the situation.

"Ah!, before I tell you, can you tell me about your situation, Riana?" Now Vilda's eyes were full of worry, she couldn't possibly force Riana to listen to her in this condition.

"I'm fine Vilda, I'm healthy. Mr. Wilson has taken care of me." Riana said convincingly.

"Then I want to hear your story first."

"I don't know what to tell you." Riana said doubtfully and confusedly.

"Okay, then you have to answer my question." Vilda said.

"Are you living in the garden house well?" The small house that Riana lived in was named the garden house by Vilda, because it was in the middle of a garden.

Riana nodded, "I live there well, my harvest is also good."

"Don't you want to take me there?" Vilda whined a little, she had never been to Riana's garden house.

"Maybe I'll take you there."


Riana nodded, "Yes, I'll invite you next time."

There was no reason why Vilda had never been to the garden house other than because they had never gone together except to school. In the past, Riana didn't often go to the garden house, she only went once a year with her parents to have a small picnic.

"Did something happen while you were there?" Vilda asked.

Riana was silent for a moment, was she going to tell about Ivander or just keep quiet?

"Did something happen?" Vilda asked again.

Riana shook her head, "Nothing, I'm just gardening." I'd better not tell.

"Really?." Vilda asked to confirm, she felt that Riana was hiding something.

Riana nodded, "I have nothing to hide, I just sometimes miss my parents a little."

"I understand your feeling." Vilda held Riana's hands tightly, she was sure it must be a very deep longing.

"You know, I'm very annoyed with Count Montena's daughter."

"Who's she?."

Vilda widened her eyes, she shouldn't have been too surprised by Riana's question, hasn't Riana never entered the social world?

"Before I tell you, I think I have to tell you something." Vilda said full of confidence.


Two young girls are now in a room with piles of books. Riana's face looked tired, unlike Vilda who was excited.

"You know Riana, you are a noblewoman, so don't ever get tired of things like this." Vilda said encouragingly.

Riana smiled slightly, she knew that all this time she had been running away from reality, but how long could she run away.

"I'll come here every day."

Vilda's words made Riana wide-eyed, was she serious about what she said?

"Remember, you are not a 14 year old girl, you are 18 years old, Riana."


"You have to know how to manage this house, manage your own family's finances and one more thing, you will also get married later."

Wait! Does he also have to get married?


"Don't avoid it, you can't avoid this, how are you going to pay your servants, do you want Uncle Parlo to take care of all that for you?" Vilda looked at Riana sharply, she didn't want her friend to escape reality.

"But, can I?"

"You can, I'm here." Vilda said firmly.

Riana sighed, she then went back to reading the book she really avoided, managing the household.

"Do you know where I bought the sunflowers from?" Vilda's eyes stared at the bouquet of sunflowers that was beautifully placed in a vase near the bedroom window.

Riana followed Vilda's gaze, she shook her head.

"That's your flower shop."

"Do I have a shop?" Riana couldn't believe it.

"You have a flower shop and a fruit shop, they belong to your family." Vilda answered.

"It's time for you to manage it all, don't you feel sorry for Uncle Parlo?" He continued-Vilda.

Riana was silent, she realized that all this time she had only relied on Uncle Parlo to take care of everything, she had completely handed over her parents' business and even household matters. Even now she also had to take care of herself yesterday because she was sick.

"Forgive me." Riana said.

"You don't need to apologize to me, but you have to show yourself as useful to everyone." Vilda held Riana's hand tightly, giving full support.

Riana sighed, "okay."

Now the two of them smiled at each other, they then busy themselves again with their postponed activities. Riana is truly lucky to have a friend like Vilda, maybe if Vilda hadn't made her aware she would never have wanted to be like this.

Tok!, Tok!, Tok!.

A knock on the door came from inside, distracting Riana and Vilda.

"Come in." Riana said.

A waiter entered slowly, "Sorry to disturb Miss, it's already lunch time, will you eat here?" The waiter asked politely.

Riana glanced at Vilda, it seemed like the one who had to decide was Vilda.

"We will eat in the dining room, please prepare well." Vilda answered kindly.

The waiter then nodded and said goodbye.

"This time I don't need to teach you good eating habits, right?" It wasn't a question, but a joke.

"I know, let's go." Riana immediately tidied up her books, and didn't forget to tidy up her slightly messy clothes.

They walked towards the dining room which was not too big, the serving of various kinds of food looked tempting, grilled meat, smoked fish, crab, fresh vegetables and fruit were presented beautifully.

"Did you spend your money on this lunch?" Vilda asked.

Riana shook her head, "I didn't even ask for lunch like this."

"Isn't this a bit too much, just the two of us." Vilda said.

"Enjoy your lunch, ladies." A friendly greeting from Uncle Parlo was heard, Riana and Vilda immediately looked at him.

"Is there something missing, Lady?" Uncle Parlo asked.

Riana and Vilda shook their heads.

"Then please enjoy your lunch, if you need anything you can call me." He said-Uncle Parlo.

Riana and Vilda looked at each other, they knew who was serving this food, it must have been Uncle Parlo's doing.

"Looks like Uncle missed you." Riana said.

Ugh! Vilda choked, she then hurriedly got water.

"He welcomed you better than I did." Riana continued.

"Then you have a lot to learn from him."

"It seems like I have a lot to learn."

Vilda smiled seeing the look on Riana's face, she was frowning. Her friend is now starting to change, she is happy.


The Varhadt family's horse-drawn carriage is now leaving the mansion, Riana's waving hand still accompanies its departure until it is out of sight. Vilda's arrival this time was different, it quite drained her energy, she seemed to be going to bed early, her body felt tired.

"I'm going to rest, bring it to my room for dinner later." Riana said to her servant.

Uncle Parlo didn't see Vilda off, he wasn't at the mansion, it seemed like he was away taking care of some business. Riana didn't mind that either, after all Uncle Parlo had a lot of work to do.

"Lady, your garden house has been cleaned, we have also taken care of the flowers and plants there." One of the servants who accompanied Vilda to leave reported that the garden house had been empty since a week ago.

"Thank you, please take good care of the garden, looks like I will stay here longer." Riana said.

The maid nodded, she was one of her nannies since childhood, her name was Martha.

"Is there anything else you need?"

Riana shook her head, "Nothing, you can rest early, Martha."

"Okay Lady, if you need anything you can immediately call me."

Riana nodded and smiled, now she was in front of her room, it felt like her body would soon be crushed if she didn't lie down now. Ah!, being a noble is really tiring!
