

in the distant past

way before concept of time exists

there was an existence

it was a mass of energy

this energy took shape and form white silhouette

it look like some kind of bird if we say with our current cognition

it was all alone in the void of space

it travel from an end to other

drifted away, eons passed without change

trying to find something else, but no avail

as it travel through the empty space for several rounds, for eons

it finally realized; it was bored

since there was nothing even if it search for it, it try to make something

it decided to make personal toybox to play with

so it may freed from this boredom

it infuse concentration of energy in empty space

the energy form sphere, goes unstable, and explode

the remnant form gigantic ball of fire and relatively smaller remnant of it

it collected all the remnant, squeeze it together, and turn it into one solid object

it command the object to rotate on place and to revolve around the gigantic fireball

it set its orbit course to be near enough to receive fireball energy, but far enough to not get melted by it

it watched the solid object revolving around the gigantic fireball

after watch it revolves around millions of times, it finally got bored of it

thus it decided to add something to this toy

due fireball being too hot to be added something, it decide to decorate the solid object instead

it fill the surface of solid object with liquid

it then observed the change it brought as it keep revolving

as it revolves around millions of times, it slowly notice change

the center area that got decent energy during revolution slowly dried up and turning back to dry land

while liquid on top and bottom of object that lacking energy intake instead slowly got frozen and turned solid and cold

while area inbetween stay as liquid

to preserve the change, it adjusted the solid object orbit

it keep changing with slightest adjustments

after some trial, the liquid and land division stay permanently

it named dry land as earth, liquid as sea, while cold land as ice

after another millions of unchanging revolution, it got bored again

so it decided to add a species to live on the object

a single cell organisms, with will to survive and predate each other

it called the organism as "slime"

it spread several trillions of it around the object, which it named "Lefatse"

after several revolution, it notice something weird

the slimes not moving despite the will it installed in it

it move if it directly move it, but unable do so by itself

how to remedy this problem?

after pondering for several revolution, it come with solution

it introduce concept of "time" toward Lefatse

as "time" applied, the slime finally capable of moving by itself

it stays and watching the wonder of life

it full of chaotic development

point of view will jump to the slimes next chapter

hardly make sense, but stay tuned

tsukii_sancreators' thoughts