
Vulcan Odinson - The God of Fire [MCU]

This a story about a guy reincarnated as a God in Asgard as Hela's twin brother. It is in the MCU. NO HAREM NO HERO COMPLEX NO HUMBLED MC

Zerufuke081205 · Filme
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13 Chs

Trouble in Asgard-1

545 BC

Inside the Himinbjorg stood two men as they watched Bifrost gate in silence until Vulcan asked Heimdall about what's the situation to which Heimdall replies that the invasion is moving towards the final stage as Dwarves will be unable to resist after a few years. He then asked about Hela's situation along with the status of troops and dwarves resistance which exceeded all his estimations for a race famous for its weapons.

Vulcan gazed at Heimdall's eyes as he knew that Heimdall's powers comes from awakening god force and divinity which gives the power to peep in all nine realms except some places. Heimdall is one of the few asgardian who awakened his divinity and thus is beyond tier 5 in power.

During the past years he had been busy with responsibilities like going around Asgard killing some enemies that invaded Asgard in Odin's absence . He also started preparing for his future since he started gathering men loyal only to him as he used his status to get them positions in Asgard's inner circle where important decisions regarding Asgard are made. He only got them positions with low power but they should rise in position till the time of my ascension comes.

He also investigated deep into Asgard's nobility and he got to know that Asgard is full of corruption as nobles commit all kinds of crime but use their power to get away from it.

He found that Odin didn't take any action against them as long as they didn't oppose him.

They asgardians committed crime using their thousands of year old wisdom which put any mortal crime Vulcan saw in his previous life memories to shame. They aren't better than Olympians and other pantheons who they portray as barbarians and beasts in books while asgardians as noble and filled with honour.

Vulcan also found out that there were a lot prisoners which were framed unjustly by nobles , All of them were before Odin's rule so Odin shouldn't know about them as even Odin wouldn't allow crimes against fellow asgardians in his rule. Vulcan then used his status to free those who sweared their loyalty to him and promised to treat them well mostly the warriors as non-warriors were useless to me for they can't have any real power in Asgard . He also blackmailed in secret a lot of nobles using this information and with my power, they could only accept my demands . They never covered their exploits because before only King can punish them but now they will be sneaky. Some who didn't listened to my demands were exposed and punished publicly for their crimes against common population

Vulcan got infamous among the nobles but he didn't care about the leaches that he was going to eliminate in the future. The common population liked Vulcan a lot for going against the nobles for their many injustices but he only pretended to care about the people as he thought all of them to be tools for his goals. Frigga supported his actions but also got worried as he offended almost all the nobles which might make his future rule difficult.

Heimdall then informed Vulcan that the new troll lord has come to cause trouble and only he is strong enough to stop it. Vulcan then calls Embra who was flying above the rainbow bridge as they both left for the battle. He is already used to dealing attacks like these .

Upon arriving , Vulcan stopped as he saw around 200 einherjar under Bjorn battling against Ulik and around 500 trolls. Ulik had already beaten Bjorn to a pulp and was going to end him in a few more strikes and the asgardians though were winning against the trolls wouldn't last against Ulik as soon he finished Bjorn.

Vulcan then arrived on battlefield on Embra's back as he gained some attention from Ulik as his identity was realised from his armour and cape belonging to a royal asgardian. Ulik as the new troll lord wanting to prove himself to his subordinates chose to challenge me on a duel which Vulcan accepted for his asgardian honour that he didn't care about. He dismounted Embra as he ordered her to rain fire on alone trolls from above but don't disturb any already ongoing battle as the stupid asgardians would see it as dishonourable.

Vulcan gazed onto Ulik as he activated his god mode and readied his sword towards the troll standing the tallest in battlefield with his full concentration. Ulik being impatient to wait for the opponent charged straight with his axe towards Vulcan wanting to overpower with his superior build and strength even among trolls. Vulcan though confident in his strength still chose to use his swordsmanship to redirect the blow since he wasn't a brute like Thor who relied on strength despite having the skill to use many weapons masterfully which got him dependent on the hammer.

Vulcan then initiated a counterattack on the troll as he dealt a wound which bled but didn't slow down the troll in attacks. Ulik then uses two hands with axe as he attacked with all his force which Vulcan dodged where it created crackes in ground. Ulik seeing his attacks not hitting used a his foot to stomp the ground hard which created a pressure spreading towards all directions in the battlefield with Ulik as the centre .

It pushed Vulcan back creating distance as Ulik used this chance to throw his axe straight at Vulcan who unable to dodge since he was still disorientated from the pressure. He used his god breath at full power thus melting the axe barely before reaching his head. Vulcan then used his speed surpassing Ulik as he came infront of Ulik intending to end this quick as he was using flames to coat his sword thus melting it at the same time. He used his flaming blue sword to attack on the weapon less Ulrik who tried blocking using his hands but ended in Vulcan cutting his left hand below his upper arm which also a left a blue flame burning on Ulik which was slowly spreading towards his whole arm. Ulik decisively cut his arm as he looked hatefully at Vulcan for forcing him to cut his arm off. Seeing that Vulcan was mostly unharmed as he only lost a sword while Ulik lost his arm made Ulik chose the option to retreat with the remaining trolls to whom Vulcan didn't chose to chase as he got a emergency warning from Heimdall in his mind.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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