

Original Title was 'VRMMORPG: DREAM ONLINE' ----- Roman was 19 years old when the game VRMMORPG: DREAMSCAPE went public. The game was an instant hit. With 500,000 new accounts by the end of the first week to nearly 20 million accounts by the end of the month. The game was so popular among parents because of how real it felt. It would even scan your body and make your character look just like you. That meant that kids who were out of shape would be out of shape in game. This motivated many kids to stay active and also made parents very happy. For the gamers though, it was the perfect game. A game that had everything. Quests! Dungeons! Monsters! Pvp! What really sold it though was the leveling system. The system allowed you to level up anything you wanted. You want to be an archer? Grab a bow and level up! You want to be an archer with a sword? Grab a sword and level up! You want to bake cookies and sell it to the rich? Grab the ingredients and level up! You want to be able to talk your way out of any situation? Start talking and level up! Over the course of a year, the game kept growing and growing. Eventually even government officials had to take part in the game. It stayed this way for a year. After one entire year, the game had gone offline. No one knew why or when it will be back. After one week, on that day, we all knew why it didn’t come back online. PATCH NOTES 1: THANK YOU FOR COMPLETING THE TUTORIAL. - Author’s Note: I took inspiration from other books on this site that are written in the same genre. I also took inspiration from the real mmorpgs that I have played. I plan to have this story be about 50/50. The time spent in the game and in real life will be about the same. Some arcs may only be in the game while others are only in real life. Please be patient with these arcs if they aren’t your favorite!

SamChang1 · Fantasie
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43 Chs

Past Grievances

I screamed out in horror. Not only did I get my eye crushed. This old man was a Saint too?! Why the hell is a Saint doing in the starting area?! I felt my body begin to shake, almost uncomfortably. It was getting harder to breathe. 

*wheeze* *sigh* *wheeze* 

I clutched my chest and fell down to my knees. I tried getting up using the bed while still clutching my chest. 

"A Saint... not again... I need more power... I didn't want to remember... Violet..." 


Raven stood in shock seeing Roman's strong reaction to him saying that he was a Saint. 

'Why? He shouldn't have ever seen a Saint before right?' 

Raven tries to help Roman up but he gets his hand slapped away. 

"Don't fucken touch me! Get away from me!" 

Raven backed away after seeing how aggressive Roman had gotten. The old man sighs. He reaches out and a small pouch suddenly appeared in his hands. He walks over and places it on the table. He looked at Roman once more. He was still struggling to get up. Raven could also see that his body was slightly twitching every now and then. He figured that Roman must of had some sort of past trauma and needed space. Watching him, Raven sees Roman clutching his eye as well. He felt a little bad now, seeing him in such a pitiful state. 

Using his Domain, Raven restores Roman's eye from afar. He then prepares to leave. As he does so, Raven speaks to him once more. 

"Come to the capital when you can. My mistress wishes to speak with you." 

After he told Roman what he was meant to do, he left without looking back. 

'I will see you soon young master.' 


After what felt like hours, I finally calmed down. I was sprawled out on the floor. I never could come back up after that. I just stayed down on the ground, staring at the ceiling. 

"I tried so hard to forget... I guessed I did in some way. If it wasn't for the powerful aura I felt from that old man... I would of never recalled such a horrible memory." 

Thinking back on it. I was still Unranked. I couldn't have done anything to save her. If only I was stronger, if only I had met her sooner. 

I slowly pull myself up and walk over to the table, I take the pouch and throw it into my inventory without looking at what was inside. I go ahead and log out. I wasn't in the mood to play anymore. 

Once I got off, I jumped in the shower and cleaned myself off. After 15 minutes, I was back on my bed, scrolling through my phone. 

"Hmmmm. Some articles are beginning to appear about the game." 

I checked the news outlets and Golddit to see if any articles were written about the world event in the game. I had been out for a day so I'm sure someone had written one by now. It didn't take long before I found a post on Golddit about the World Event. 

"Here are the names of the groups and solo players who placed within the top 10." 

I press it and looked through the list. The group list didn't have any note worthy names from my past expect for one name in particular. 

"The Touch of Kane..." 

The Touch of Kane in my past life was the name of one of the biggest guilds. I didn't know much about them since they were based in Europe. What I heard about them were only rumors. The founders were two brothers of warrior descendants. When they joined the game, it would seem that battling was ingrained in their bodies. They quickly rose through the ranks and became Advanced Ranks while fighting on the Demon Continent. When the rumors that the first guild token was found on the Beast Continent, the two brothers had actually bought it in a massive bidding war. 

They created the first guild in the game and had strict rules when it came to recruiting players. They accepted mainly those who were proficient with hand to hand combat and those who had mastery over weapons. There were magic users and bow users but the warriors were far more prominent. 

I heard that a battle royale had happened in Europe where all the guilds were forced to kill one another, of course the Touch of Kane came out on top and so that was why they had grew so big in the past. They became kings of Europe. 

I could only pray that I don't run into them while in the game. Once the two worlds collides, I won't have to worry about them. 

After looking through that list, I looked at the solo player's list. I felt shock after shock looking at the list. When I saw the first name I almost wanted to throw my phone away but then I saw second place. 

"Blue... and Violet? These two are still on top huh..." 

Blue was the most powerful player in the game. 

It was rumored that after the first World Event ended, he had already became a Saint but no one truly knew. Just like in the past, this time around he also killed half a million on his own. I never met him in the game of course since I didn't play it in my past life. However, I did meet him twice in person after the game went live. The first time was when he sat next to me in a bar when I was on a solo quest. He didn't say anything, hell I didn't even know it was him until I left. 

I paid my tab and prepared to leave when he called out to me. 

"Do you ever think about life before all of this? How simple life use to be?"

I remember feeling confused. Who didn't miss the simple times? Who didn't think about life before? I was a straight student with ambitions! At that point, I had lost everyone except my dad and I've already killed so many people. I couldn't even recognize myself. 

I thought he was mocking me and so I turned back around to confront him but he had vanished. I only knew it was Blue because the bartender saw his mask.

That was the first time I met Blue. The second time I met him was when Violet had just died…


(A/N: next two chapters will be a memory vault chapter. unless they are both to short then I will just add the two chapters together.)