
Enemy in the mist

Chronos continued to resist attack after attack that the orc was launching at him. Gradually his energy was being depleted by the orc's attacks, but for some reason, it wasn't visible on the face of that ugly green creature at all. The creature didn't look exhausted at all like there was something constantly recharging its energy. Strange, but what was going on?

"Fuck, if it's like this I'm going to lose badly." The crease on Chronos' forehead, showed more and more clearly on his face. "Argh, it seems I've made another mistake."

Strike after strike kept coming at the orc until it began exhausting Chronos and he decided to walk backward, trying to create some distance from the orc. However, the orc didn't let Chronos off the hook at all and continued to bombard him with strike after strike of his own. Sadly, Chronos didn't realize there was a root standing out, so he immediately lost his balance and fell to the ground.