
The Plot Thickens

Damien Nyxxus Pov

After Xavier's attempt to end the world in fiery hell i had a new level of disregard for the cripple. How dare he greater good the threat we were facing. At the end of the day he still said it was best we kept her mind sealed and needless to say i was livid but not as livid as Ororo who slapped him.

That was a sight to see, theres nothing worse than a bitch slap from a mad black woman. I asked Emma if she could handle it and according to her breaking them is easy. But breaking them without mind fucking Permantly is too much for her. So back to plan 1.

First i tell Xavier to leave the tower. I no longer wanted to associate with him. If it wasn't because he was taking care of all the kids we found and rescued i wouldve already took his head off. Sigh the hard way it is.

"Nat, i want those girls rescued. Make it a top priority i want to see them getting checked up in the med bays by tomorrow. Frost youre free to stay for now. Once those girls get themselves acclimated i want you to connect to their hive and treat Jean. If the 6 of you together cant do it then youre not as good as you think." Nodding to my orders Nat disappeared and went out to collect who she needed for this mission.

Emma didnt like taking orders but nonetheless she understood the severity of leaving Jean like she was. It took 4 telepaths including Jean herself to push the barely awakened Phoenix to sleep. If it fully awakens and Jean cant control and access that power then God help us all.

I feel a headache rising. Magneto is planning to attack the U.N. gotta deal with that. Jean is awakening gotta deal with that. Reed is still missing and he's a loose cannon that has to be dealt with. Not to mention Hydra is becoming more and more active since The WatchTower went online. I also need to think of a more permanent solution for these Meta humans. Well one problem at a time as i take out a pen and ruler and start drawing up some blue prints. Hopefully my ideas are feasible.

Natalia Romanova Pov

Today has been nothing but a wild ride. Waking up under a pile of bodies is nothing new to me. But the pile of bodies all still breathing and cuddling was new.

Shadowing Damien was nothing new. I do it all the time, i love the look on others faces when they realize ive been there the whole time. However being attacked by a sentient fire bird was new for me.

Ive seen people act in their self interest with stubborn ideals. Happens all the time, but for that old man to sit in his chair believing that what we saw today wasn't enough to warrant him to fix his mistake. That was a first. But i have a feeling it wont be the last.

I walk over to the Watch Console. This thing has seen a few upgrades. There are 5 levels of OverWatch badges. White for newbies, they have basic access to the Tower, Blue for experienced members then Green for people who are more Technical support like Cho and that Shuri kid. Gotta admit she constantly surprises me. Its a shame we cant keep her forever, but having an alliance with Wakanda isnt a bad deal.

The last two colours are Red for squad Leaders and Orange. Red badges give 90% access to the WatchTowers systems. Everything except the black servers. You can call everyone to assemble or even forcibly warp someone with a lower badge. Theres only 4 of those in circulation. Laura, Domino, Ororo and Logan have those four Red badges.

And finally Orange, only two people have Orange badges. The Orange badge allows one to track all other badges, have full system access including the black servers but it also has a built in supercomputer of its own. I could halt a country with this Orange badge.

Walking over to the console i place my badge and it shows up with a list of all of the active Watch memebers currently on standby.

"Tracer, contact Domino, X-23, ShadowCat, Nightcrawler and Invisible Woman. Mission details Infiltration and rescue 5 telepathic Meta girls. Priority level Alpha."

"Copy Black Widow sending message. Message sent. Replies recieved. Members are waiting down in the hangar Ms. Widow."

"Thank you, Tracer." I don't know why he designed the A.I. to be a peppy british girl but shes effective and gets shit done.

I head down to the meeting site to find my team already dressed in their stealth suits.

"How big a facility is it this time?" Domino asks. We've been going to facilities all around the globe setting Metas free. We had to give a few Meta-Inhibitor bracelets like Anna's to control their powers but even then they were happy.

"Twice as big as Ontario and extremely secured. According to Selene the whole facility was made with magic and ability surpressors so make sure you have your Bio fields active if you dont want to be powerless. The targets are Quintuplet telepaths. Daughters of Emma Frost being held to keep her in check. The main thing to stay focused on is they have collars set to blow at a moments notice. Kitty that's your job. Once we have them all you need to get those collars off and underground as fast as possible. Once we're gone theyll try to blow the collars leading to their base getting a decent hole. Kurt youre our way in, Sue will make the walls invisible so you can see the other side. Domino me and you are on locating duty you find one you report. Laura keep your nose sharp allow no one to press their red buttons. If those alarms go off then we lose the girls."

I look at my team standing ready and i couldnt be more proud. "Alright people lets move out, lets do this quickly i wanna make a stop since we'll be in Russia anyways." I walk into the jet and strap myself in the front with Domino as my co-pilot. This is a mission we cannot fail.

Bonus Scene - Shuri

"Damien, if this blueprint of yours is feasible then you have practically changed everything. I mean a planetary dual-terraformer making breathable atmospheres on void planets. If this works then we can actually pull off your Mars idea. But even with FitzSimmons i dont think we'll have enough hands." I've always thought myself smart but this 23 year old man in front of me keeps blowing my mind. But i wont lose. Ill make sure my name gets remembered with the greats.

"If its manpower don't worry i have Ororo and Anna tracking down some genius hands. He's a bit lost but they'll find him."

"Thats great we'll need all the help we can- beep beep beep beep beep- Oh im sorry its home give me one second. Hello? Baba what's the matter. Wait wait wait slow down what do you mean come home? My experience at StarLabs is going so well. Wait what? How did he get past the barrier? How much did he take? If thats the case i might know some people who can help. Yes ill bring them with me if i have permission. Yes....yes sir...no sir.....I understand."

Damn i dont want to go home just not yet not when im facing such a era breaking technology. I make a bright smile and turn towards Damien Nyxxus aka Invincible and i ask "So Damien, what do you think of a road trip?"