
Essex Exit pt 2

I never felt more power surging through me than right now. Every fiber of my being is brimmed with mana and primed to attack. My very presence is causing a magnitude 6 earthquake under the dam.

"HAHAHA. ALL OF THIS POWER! I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT!" I feared nothing. Felt nothing. The only sense of being was the immense pride i held in my power. My mana hair flared outwards wildly smashing into everything.

I raged destruction into the labratory not putting them into eyes at all. Naturally as someone powerful how can i be bothered with those beneath me. I know everything thats going to happen and with this power who can stop me?

"Impossible," Essex screamed "WHAT ARE YOU."

That threw me for a loop. What was I? I was a, Anodite, a Viltrumite, and part human all rolled into one package? I never stopped and thought about my identity? Since i could remember i was laying on a table being operated on by Essex.

But what about my memories then? Who was I? Why am I here? Were those my memories to begin with? The memories Anodite Gwen showed me verified my Viltrumite memories but what about the marvel memories? Where did they come from? Why cant i remember?

"I...." my throat closed as i looked at my purple hands. Who was i to be burdened with these responsibilities. I looked around the room to see the damage and i realize that im creating an earthquake.

Immediately reigning in my power i succeeded in making the shaking stop. Koriand'r was half hidden behind her sister who had a sharp gaze on me somewhat conflicted. Her body was combat ready but her eyes were unsure, protecting her little sister she just started getting along with is a natural instinct.

But protecting her from her lover? Her savior? Her benefactor? Naturally she was conflicted.

I closed my eyes and breathed in and out. Slowly reigning in my power, i eventually power down to my Viltrumite base. I wasnt ready for that power yet. Opening my eyes back up i turn my head to find Komand'r.

She had visibly relaxed but she still had an air of caution around her. Koriand'r looked oblivious but stood behind her sister either way.

I look over to Essex and frown. I slowly step one in his direction and his knees started shaking. Each step fell harder and harder in the eerie silence. I walked over to the man who fell onto the ground unable to stand.

Squatting down to make us eye level I look him in the eye and say "Nathaniel Essex. You almost made a monster of me. Thank you for showing me my next short term goal. Unfortunately for you old man, i think the world has had its fill of you. It's time to greet death Nathaniel. Please rest in pieces."

His eyes widen and he starts to plead for his life, "wait wait wait Damien! Damien I made you as powerful as you are now? Arent you close with X-23? C'mon how about it? A life for a life?" The doctor slowly outstretched his arm doing his best to keep it from shaking.

I look at his arm outstretched awaiting me to meet him halfway. I extend my arm right past him grabbing a piece of piping sticking out of the wall and with a little force i bend it around his body to keep him still. He tried resisting so i kept adding pipes around his body until hes firmly stuck in place. I then proceed to get up from my squat and walked over to Komand'r who tenses up a bit.

"Hey,...." i awkwardly murmur.

"Hey? Really that's the best you got handsome? I was expecting idk, more?" the purple eyed Tamaranian quipped back in her usual brand of sarcasm. She looked me in the eye and i could see the worry in her face. "But seriously Damien, are you okay? What was that? Really."

"I promise we'll talk about it in depth later. But for now just let me apologize for scaring you. I didn't think I would lose control."

She looked me deep in the eye and then smiled. Seeing her smile like that immediately put a grin on my face which made her get into a deep blush.

"What are you staring at? And shouldn't you be dealing with the guy who nearly pissed himself" Komand'r asked trying to divert the topic.

"I cant stare at a beautiful woman? Sigh i guess ill just have to beat the badguy, save the day and hope that the princess falls in love with me."

I can see Kori smirk at my teasing and Komand'r got even more defensive. Seeing the mood efficiently dispersed i pick up Essex and walked back to the girls.

"So what are your plans for him brother in law?" Kori asked still finding being here a neat experience.

"I plan to have our scientists along with whatever extra hands we have to extract all of his memories and thoughts and find the useful stuff." Thats right, Even in death was Essex going to pay me back.

"You always did have a habit of picking up the weirdest toys" Blackfire said sternyly.

I look around the room and told the girls "C'mon lets head out before the questions come flying in." I turn around and float over to the panicking man and grab the pipes picking him up like baggage.

I turn around to only see Kori standing there and when i was about to ask the question she beat me to it, "Sister is picking up the Supergirl."

With a nod of understanding the two of us have a nice casual chat for a minute or two for Komand'r to come back in with an unconscious blonde.

"She wont wake up no matter what i try, what do i do?" Komand'r asked

"Ah don't worry about it, its nothing serious since she's under Selene's magical insignia, so Harkness couldnt kill her without breaking the contract. Plus Kryptonians are horribly weak to magic." I inform the duo as we made our way through the exit passage.

"Wait then why did we leave her to fight the magic lady?" Kori asks tilting her head.

A smirk creeps onto my face and i give them my evilest toothy grin and said "She made fun of me during the last Crossover. Now look at her, guess neither of us were Invincible after all eh Kara."

The Tamaranians felt a shiver down their spine seeing how far i was willing to go for revenge.

"Remind me never to upset him sister" Kori whispered in Tamaranian.

Ignoring them i finally open the emergency hatch which lead to the surface of a nearby cliff. We exit the chambers one by one and Kara starts to stir awake under the effects of the sun.

"mmmmm...what the heck happened?" Kara enquired with a massive hangover headache.

"You Ms. Danvers just get knocked out in one move" i say much to her dismay. I enjoy the look of despair on her face for a bit before saying "Welcome to a truly marvelous life supergirl. You'll need more than the sun to live peacefully here."

I kiss her on the cheek much to her shock causing her entire face to turn as red as her skirt cape. With a quick chuckle i active the boom tubes sending them straight back to Mars.

With Essex in hand, soon ill know all of what he knows. There wont be a secret left unturned. Reed, Sable, Magneto, ill deal with them all.