
Villain Upgrade System

In a nuclear apocalypse, mass detonation of stealth missiles the survivors liked to call Angel Fire rained down and exploded on planet Earth. There had been no warnings, no prophecies, no deductions either. A deadly virus spread, enveloping the world as evolution radiation mixed with oxygen A retired X Soldier who had previously being a failed result of a military experiment tries to navigate his way back to his daughter... An entire city apart. [You have eliminated an Armoured Zombie, 2 Evolution points have been extracted from radiation gathered.] [Warning! Evolution points contains Memory fragments, do you wish to perceive, delete or start skill extrapolation of memory fragment?] "Start Skill Extrapolation." [Scanning Memory Fragments...] [Scan completed. Skill found] [Skill: Godly Devourer(Divine Skill)!] [Godly Devour: Devour Evo points to strengthen the user!] [Learning Godly Devour will occupy you entire skill slot, do you wish to learn the technique?] "Yes!" [Skill successfully learned!]

Typhlix · Fantasie
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57 Chs

Underground Vault

"Bang! Bang!!"

Two resounding bangs echoed and the two mercenaries were sent dying backwards, their chest caved in, crushing their lung and their internal organs. Blood spilling from their mouths as they gasped for breath.

Ryver tilted his head and the female mercenary managed to get to her feet even with the injuries, her hand reaching for the pistol on her waist. She removed the tactical mask on her face and without wiping the blood on her lips, she was about to pull the trigger, when there was a sudden thud from the ground as Ryver seem to vanish from his previous position, sending a roundhouse kick at the lady.

But the lady seem to have seen it coming and her body fell backwards to the ground, the leg missing her head by just a centimetre, drawing a line of blood across her nose.

Feeling no feedback from his attack, Ryver squinted his eyes and he was about to pursue her when he suddenly twisted his waist and spun twice in mid-air.


Two bullets tore through the air, streaming past his waist as he spun, tearing holes in his cloth.

The woman's back landed on the ground, and like a snake she slithered backwards with the momentum, creating distance between Ryver and herself as she opened fire once more.

Ryver has just landed when he saw her pulling the trigger. From basic to hard, bullet evasive techniques only work when the gun is about to be fired, not when the bullet was already out of the barrel, evasive technique would be useless by then.

And by the time Ryver had landed, it was already late, the lady had aimed and had pulled the trigger already. The bullet created sonic booms, in mid-air as air resistance creates a small barrier around the bullet as it pierced through Ryver's body.

With the close range, it was impossible to a bullet at close range even if his agility somehow reached 20 points.


The bullet immediately penetrate Ryver's chest, and the glass barrier guiding the down descending part of the escalator shattered as a bullet passed through it, lodging into the ceiling above.

The lady was immediately confused but then her eyes widened in shock as she realised the biller has just passed through Ryver as though he was some sort of ghost.

Before she was able to react, Ryver's uninterested face interrupted her shock and with a crack, her chest caved in even more as a huge force landed on it. Even if she had more vitality than she already did, there was no way she would be able to survive that.

"Hmph!" Ryver snorted slightly, but it would be a lie if he said he wasn't impressed by her. She had put up a great fight and even with the difference in ability, she was still able to react to his attack and had almost turned the situation around. Although he didn't go all out and was using less than fifty percent of his attributes, the fact that she was able to react was still impressive to him but that was far from enough to stop him from killing her.


Ryver stood before an opened elevator and he glanced downwards down the wide shaft. The hole seem to go deeper than he had initially thought. But it wasn't really weird. If they wanted to hide an underground lab within the confinements of the company without it being detected by various probing devices, it has to be very deep underground or very high up in the sky.

Echoes of unknown voices and noises could be heard from within the shaft.

Glancing upwards at the shaft, he couldn't see the elevator upwards which meant it was below him. Ryver punched a wall and grabbed a tile shard that had fallen to the ground from his punch.

He then dropped it to the ground and waited until he received a response after which, he grabbed into the cable made to move the elevator and then he dropped into the hole.

The sounds of friction against his palm were similar to that of metal sliding in close contact with each other. Of course, he didn't drop in all at once, the friction was causing intense heat on the surface of his palm, peeling off a few parts of the skin on his palm, with Sparks flying off sometimes.

A few minutes after dropping, Ryver was able to see light within tunnel, and he hung on the cable with a smirk forming on his lips. He could sense that there were a few people waiting for him.

He withdrew two grenades from his waist and pulled the pins. He held the grenades for two seconds before dropping them into the tunnel.

A second and a half later, the sounds of the two grenades hitting the ground resounded and as the people waiting in ambush made any sense of it, half a second had passed.



Two voices rang out but before they could retreat, a massive wave of pressure blasted around as the grenades released explosive energies, flames licking out and then compressed by the atmospheric pressure.

Ryver dropped to the ground with a soft thud, glancing at the tunnel he had dropped in. He saw four dead bodies on the ground, a few of them twitching from reflex.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" Ryver retracted the pistol, placing it back on his waist. As he passed by the four corpses, bullet holes could be seen on their foreheads.

Ryver wouldn't give them the chance to transform into zombies and attack him from behind. Moreover, there was also the possibility that they were faking being dead therefore Ryver just made sure they stayed dead.

The tunnel he was in was illuminated which meant there was. A running power source nearby, cut off from the one used in the company.

There was a large metal door before Ryver, it looked very much like a large vault door and seem almost impossible to breakthrough. This was the underground lab