
Villain in a South Indian movie

Our protagonist, originally a bright student from the top management college from India suddenly transmigrates into the good-for-nothing son in the movie Ala Vaikuntapuramulo. how will he deal with this sudden change? and all the adversities it brings

Tejus_R_Mandal · Filme
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22 Chs


Nandu was very surprised and shocked at what Raj had asked just now, she never expected Raj to openly ask her for about dating other girls like this, she also deep down understood that she could only be an emotional support to him at home and she could not help him with work or support him in any other way. She thought about it for a long time and responded, "I won't care about the other women as long as you promise you'll always come home to me".

Raj was really moved by her words as he knew she loved him dearly, Raj nodded and said "you will always be my best wife" Nandu rolled her eyes and started chatting with each other about random stuff, after a while Raj's phone rang and he saw that it was Valmiki. Curious about the call he picked it up and asked what's the matter, on the other side Valmiki said "Raj, Bantu is back from his 2-week work trip and will be going to office tomorrow"

Raj thought for a little bit and said "Ok, don't worry about it I'll take care of it". Raj was smiling and started to eat again, but Nandu noticed it and asked "what happened? Why do you look happy?", Raj just replied "it's just a fun game will be organized tomorrow that's all" Nandu was even more confused but she didn't care much about it. After they finished there, they went for a drive along the city and enjoyed their time before returning home to rest for the day

The next day, Raj went to visit Amulya's office in the morning, everyone in the office knew Raj by this point as he was their boss in the first place, they all greeted him while he walked through the office and came to Amulya's cubicle, he saw that there was already someone with Amulya in the office but he didn't bother to knock and ask permission and just walked in, when he did, he heard Amulya talking "- that's why if you have some responsibility on your head you won't look down at my legs anymore"

He saw that the other person was actually Bantu who had a stack of books over his head. Bantu was almost as handsome as Raj but Raj had a good strong temperament around him which was ethereal, he could see that Bantu was already a little starstruck over Amulya and looking at her with so much intensity that he didn't notice Raj walking in, but Amulya instantly noticed Raj and smiled at him and said "Hey Raj, what does our mean boss want with us that you decided to surprise us with your visit"

Bantu came out of his stupor and finally noticed Raj, Raj smiled at him and then talked to Amulya "well, I heard that our CEO was a bit naughty and disrupting the work efficiency around here, so I had to see for myself how you do it", Amulya asked haughtily "and how do you think I disturb the efficiency?" Raj looked into her eyes and said "hey, such a strong and beautiful lady always being in my presence, I would not be able to work too".

Amulya blushed a bit when she heard this and Bantu by the side also chimed in "Indeed", Raj looked at Bantu and laughed. Amulya glared at him and kicked him out of the office. She then sorted herself and asked Raj "so, why did you come here really?", Raj smiled at her and said "why else would I come, it's to talk to you" Amulya was a little moved and after talking for a while about life and company affairs, Raj walked out and called Bantu on the way out to talk to him

Bantu just followed him out, Raj then told him "Bantu, do you know who I am?". Bantu casually responded "you're Raj, the heir of ARK industries" he had enough time to inquire about who this sudden "mean boss" was when he came out of the meeting before. Raj nodded and said "then you also know that your father Valmiki works for us and we are close too?", Bantu nodded, he knew that his father worked in their house and for some reason he was never allowed to step into the house. How weird

Raj smiled and responded "well, I talked to your father the other day, to introduce his son to me and the family casually but he said you were very busy, but now it looks like there's some other story, come let's go to a coffee shop to talk", after that they both left the office and went out to a coffee shop, after ordering some drinks Raj said to Bantu "actually I had looked in to your past already and found out that you were always good at studies and got a scholarship and also how it was snatched by your father to pay your sister's fees, and many more stuff like that". Raj paused and had a sip of his coffee and asked "my question is why do you think he acts like this?"

Bantu also took a deep breath and thought about it and answered "I honestly don't know, he's been like that since I was a child and no matter what I do it's not enough. Even I would like to know why one day. Sigh". It is pretty sad to trat a person like this since he was a child, never giving any sort of validation and always holding him down all the time, it's a surprise he hasn't gone rogue yet. Raj nodded and said "well, don't worry about it, we could have been real good friends if we knew each other since young, but we can start now at least. Since I was young because of my status and background, I couldn't truly have friends too. So cheers to new friendships" Raj of course wasn't lying all the way, the old Raj was too shy and awkward so he didn't have any friends

Bantu was also moved and just nodded and cheered, he smiled and asked "we're only cheering coffee?" Raj just laughed and said "soon, we'll have a good party"