
Vile in My Hero Academia

Once a Maverick hunter, Then a wanted Criminal. Now A Hero?

ChaoticHappiness · Videospiele
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19 Chs

More upgrades

[Time skip after the announcement about the school festival]

I was at home brainstorming for ideas that could help me in the competition, But I got nothing until my mother walked past me with a glass of water with ice.

Then I got it.

"Perhaps I have to my foot slippery and then use my jets for some fun sliding." I said to myself, But didn't know how to do it. So I got another idea. To add more weapons, But this time on the bottom of my boots.

"Alright I know what to do." I detached my legs, And removed the crystals on their middle and added some devices, Then closed it with a metal plate, That i can open at will. And it worked, I had a new set of weapons and techniques to use

I Attached my legs back and went to the beach and tried it, I used air, And it made me fly a few centimeters of the ground, Then I used my Jets and here I go. I was gliding.

"That's fucking amazing I said to myself." As I enjoyed it, Even though I can't feel anything from outside, I can feel anything that affects the inside. The gliding cooled off my armor which cooled my insides. An amazing feeling.

Then I got back home to brainstorm once again. Getting the idea of a foot weapon. Ice trail.

It's something like Todoroki's ice path, But it all happens below you and you don't have to make extra moves to keep sliding.

"For this suit update that's good enough." I said as I sat back on the couch and waited for the day of the sport festival to come.

But then it got boring so I decided to go glide somewhere.

[Weapon check][Weapon exchange]

(Arm) Lil zap -×>

(Shoulder) Rising Specter -×>

(Leg/Knee) Territorial Pow -×>

(Leg/Foot) Air hockey -> Ice Trail

[Weapons exchanged Successfully]

"Alright let's try it." I said to myself as I activated it

I was slowly sliding toward my left because of gravity.

"Works perfectly." I said as it got quicker.

"Alright." I said as I prepared to stop it and take the momentum, I positioned myself and stopped it.

I didn't fall.

I used it again but this time with my jets. Which made it even nicer. behind me was left a trail of frost and ice, That melted really.

I glided around the city enjoying myself, And then. I was proud of myself, For achieving such nice stuff. I have more mobility then ever before.

Then once I enjoyed myself enough I went back home and waited for the time that the sport festival starts.

{Time skip a few days}

It was time, the day of the sport festival has begun. I used (Foot weapon) And slid to place

Once i was there i checked the floor plans, and with that knowledge got to the waiting room of 1A

"Yo, what's up." I said as i entered, some greeted me and others didn't. They left

Everyone were there except Lida.

"Hey they left a note for you." Midoriya said as he gave the letter to me

"Alright, thanks." I replied as i read it "As i expected, no clothes for me, cause it will block most of my quirk" I said to myself in my mind

After a bit we were called onto the arena, And so we went. I was the one in front. My boots still making this loud sound of metal clashing with something else, but it is unavoidable

once everyone gathered in the middle of the arena. A woman in a weird costume said "Now the introductory begin. Silence everyone, And For the student pledge, we have Viktor."

"Fine then." I said as i started walking toward the stage, climbing the rather and taking the microphone "Let it, be a great fight." I said as i put back the microphone and walk back to my class. People were silent and yet respectful

"Without further i do, it's time for us to get started. This is where you begin feeling the pain." She said as a screen appeared out of nowhere. "The first faithful game of the festival.. What is it going to be." The picture was a spinning, but when it said an obstacle race. She started explaining what it is. And she said 4 kilometers around the school

I started laughing. My new weapon is made just for fast travel

"Now then. Take your places." She said as green lights appeared above a red gate. I was isolated outside, as everyone rushed to take a place

But when it started everyone shoved them selves inside. I laughed a little and then prepared for some tricks. I jumped above everyone else, and grabbed onto the wall, then i jumped on the opposite, and repeated this process a few times, until i jumped in front of everyone

Then i used (Leg weapon) and my jets. and boosted forward. The speed became pretty high, and if i was bigger you would think me for a race car

everyone looked in shock. Todoroki was the only one that could stay on my for a little bit, But he failed. I was too good at this.

As i was flying through. a robot tried to knock me off balance, But he missed. and i continued the rush. Then i reached a huge hole with a feel pillars and ropes. I already had the momentum so i jumped for it. Skipping through it.

"That is fun." I said to myself as i commanded my system, to play me the music

While i was listening my movements became smoother and smoother.

Until i reached a mine field, but i have something for it.

i waited a bit as some were about to catch up

[Weapon exchange]

(Leg/Foot) Ice trail -> Air hockey

[Weapons exchanged successfully]

Then i used it with my jets and continued ahead not affecting the mine field. I passed through it like it's nothing

"How enjoyable." I said to myself as i got back into the stadium

"The first to make it to the stadium is our first place winner. VIKTOR!" The voice from the speaker said as everyone screamed for me

After a bit everyone else came

"The first game for the first year is finally over, And what a game it was. Now let's look at the stats shall we." Midnight said as the screen appeared once again. I was on top, First place "Only the 42 will advance to the next round, But Don't be too let down if you didn't make it, We have prepared other opportunities for you to shine, Now the real fun is about to begin. The chance to fully move yourself into the light." Then the spinning animation appeared again. "Prepare for this." She said as cavalry battle appeared on the screen.

Then she explained how it works. Once she explained that, the points given to a person is raised by the place they are. the first person has 10,000,000 points. "I have to switch to bullet's" I said to myself quietly as every one looked at me like they would kill me

Well, I might as well plan what to use, for what midnight said. I will change my weapons

"Viktor will be worth 10,000,000" Midnight said as everyone continued looking at me