
Vile in My Hero Academia

Once a Maverick hunter, Then a wanted Criminal. Now A Hero?

ChaoticHappiness · Video Games
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19 Chs

And Another one

[Weapon check][Weapon exchange]

(Arm) Lil zap -> Spoiled Brat

(Shoulder) Rising specter -> Fire murrain

(Leg/knee) Territorial Pow -> Sword Bouquet

(Leg/foot) Air hockey -x>

[Weapon exchanged successfully]

"First years, This are the rules. The game itself is 15 minutes." Midnight continued explaining until a timer popped on the screen and she recommended for us to start building our team.

"I have got an idea." I said to myself as i started walking toward Ochaco "Hey! Ochaco, Do zou want to team up with me. Duo to your power to make things experience zero gravity. I wouldn't be able to weight down the team" I said

"Yeah sure." She replied cheerfully

"Awesome. Now we need to find more members, Any ideas?" I asked

"How about Midoriya?" She asked

"Yeah sure why not" I replied as we went to him

"Midoriya, Join my team." I said

"Viktor? Do you really want me to join your team?" He asked seemingly confused

"Yes." I said

"Okay then." She replied

Then i thought for a bit and looked around. "Maybe Tokoyami, he seems to not have been chosen" I said to myself while looking at him standing alone

Yeah, that is what the team would need. I started walking toward him making the usual sound of clashing metal and he looked at me

"Join me, and the game is over with us victorious." I said to which he agreed, as no one else went up to him to ask to join

Then we grouped up, And I said my Strategy "Uraraka, Your quirk is so I do not weigh the team down. Midoriya you are chosen cause why not. And Fumikage, You quirk could be a great help along with mine. My weapon of choice is a quick punch. Like this" I said as I sent my fist flying, It was nearly invisible because of it's speed.

"But It's not the best idea for us to talk here. More of my weapons will be revealed once the match starts." I said as everyone nodded and we waited for the match to start

"Oh good It's to get the party started." Midnight said when the tiem ran out

"Let me hear you screamMMMM" President mic. said from the watch tower "Ok first years. THREE... TWO... ONE..."

"BEGIN." Midnight said

As She said that some started running toward my team. "Let go of me. And if I say, pull me in with your shadow." I said As I was let go of

In the air I used my (Arm weapon) And in one quick almost invisible action I took their head band.

It was Bakugo's team and The team of a student of B class

Bakugo jumped toward me and boosted himself with his quirk in the air, But in that moment "NOW!" and Fumikage's shadow Grabbed me and retrieved me back on the team.

"Good one." I said as the other team tried to attack us

I used (Arm weapon) And repeatedly hit them as some of them lost balance and I stole their head band, I put both the headbands on my neck as the rules said and we ran away

In that time others tried to attack us, But this time The ground became like quick sand.

"Ochaco, Remove the weight of the entire team." I said as she nodded and touched everyone's shoulder

At that time I used the jets on my back and lifted the team up. Then I used (foot weapon) to move us away from the location.

"Is everyone in formation?" I asked quickly, to which they nodded "Alright release." I said, as Uraraka did so

Now we were on the ground, but my team was struggling. I was too heavy for them.

"Ochaco remove my weight again." I said as I put my hand closer to her in which she did and once again the team wasn't weight down.

We were attacked once again but this time it was Shoji, Covering something up with his quirk.

"Alright turn to them." I said as my team positioned themselves I used (Shoulder cannon) To scare them off. I knew that the range of that weapon was smaller, but atleast it can destroy some things.

But no. Todoroki's team came behind us and I had to use (Knee weapon) To fend them off.

"Stay Away!" I said seriously as the purple fire moved past them and stopped as it hit the wall.

"This guy is a danger. You know the combo we did before a bit. We have to do it again." I said as they let go off me. I used Foot weapon to move myself around. Using my (Arm weapon to take some of their head bands)

"I know what you can do, Todoroki." I said looking at him. Behind i heard explosions. When I looked at the location of the sound Bakugo was already too close. I had to send him off and so I blocked his arms and threw him back at his team, But because of the impact he managed to push me a bit. My head bands were still intact and most of the enemies have non, Because I took almost all of it.

"TIME IS UP!" President mic. said "And with that the second round is officially over... Now let's take a look who our top four are." Then another screen appeared and my team was on top "In first place, Team Viktor... In Second place Team Todoroki... In third place Team Bakugo... In forth place it's team Tersutet, wait no it's team Shinso."

"Good job everyone thanks for the help." I said getting of my team's shoulders and onto the ground when Ochaco released me from the effect of her quirk.

"Now Let's take an hour." President mic said as everyone started going to the entrances of the stadium

"You were made a big difference by being here, Uraraka, Izuku and Tokoyami. I wouldn't have been able to do this with out you guys." I said

"You also made it possible, You have great skills and team leader abilities." Fumikage said to me

"Yes. You did a lot, Your strategies were great, And were very efficient." Ochaco added

"Thank you guys." I said "Why did you pick me?" Izuku asked

"Uraraka suggested you. And so I invited you." I replied.

As I started walking toward the waiting room