
Vigilante Stand User

Ryujin Yoshikage finds himself in a weird space after where he fills out a form for his wishes

DioFan101 · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs


-3rd pov-

Izuku walks over to the mediating Ryujin and spoke "um, excuse me." Ryujin opened his eyes and was taken aback for a second before composing himself. 'To think I would meet the protagonist this early' Ryujin thought.

"Can I help you with something?" Asked Ryujin still sitting in the lotus position.

"Could I ask you a question? Why were you breathing in that weird rhythm?" Asked Izuku nervously.

"Ah yes, I'm doing breathing exercises. Since I want to be a hero I would have to be strong and I saw this on the internet so I'm doing it." Said Ryujin partially lying about the hero business.

Ryujin wants to be a 'hero' but instead of going to UA and becoming a professional hero, he wants to be a vigilante. He wants to do things at his own pace instead of taking orders from the corrupt government and sitting in a boring class all day. 

He always found vigilantes cool ever since he read MHA: Vigilantes.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya by the way, nice to meet you…" spoke Izuku.

"Ryujin Yoshikage, nice to meet you too Izuku-san." Said Ryujin with a kind smile.

"Ryujin-san what is your quirk if I may ask?" Asked Izuku curiosily

"Oh…I'm quirkless." said Ryujin with indifferent eyes.

Izuku widened his eyes, to think he would meet another quirkless kid here. Immediately afterward he got super nervous and apologized.

"I am so sorry I didn't mean to-"

Ryujin interrupted him and said "it's fine I don't really have a problem with it. "

Ryujin is not really lying, what's the use of quirks if you have a higher level of power.

Afterward, Ryujin and Izuku talked for a bit, Ryujin even recommended Izuku to work out and do martial arts he doesn't have to be powerless even if his quirkless. When Izuku and Inko left, Ryujin started absorbing sunlight again.

-TIMESKIP 9 years-

For the past 9 years, Ryujin trained and trained, and TRAINED. He would wake up at 6 AM and start training with his stand in the morning, spider-powers in midday, Hamon in the afternoon, and finally his vampire powers in the evening.

Year 1: His stand got stronger and could punch faster and it was more precise. With Hamon, he could walk on water.

Year 2: his overall stats increased, he was stronger, faster, and more durable. On the vampire side, he could finally shoot lasers from his eyes.


Year 7: for the past 5 years he got stronger physically and his powers increased in overall stats (STR, AGI, DEF), This year he could finally, and I mean finally stop time for 1 second. He got a permanent boost in self-healing factor from his vampire side. On the Hamon side he got the hang of Life Magnetism, he could also use most of the Hamon techniques. He already mastered all of the Tobi Maguire spider-man powers.

Year 8: Ryujin decided to release the songs and music he made copying the anime songs from his past life under an anonymous name.


-mc pov-

Since I loved music and especially anime music I decided to finally share that with the rest of the world so I started making everything from scratch and sang too.

The first song I made was JJBA: Sono Chi no Sadame. I released it under the name Jojo on YouTube, days passed and I was finally done afterward I went back to training.

-3rd pov-

All around the world, a lot of people are listening to the new viral hit song SONO CHI NO SADAME. It gained millions of views on YouTube in hours.


Undeadhero69: ayo, this shit fire! Most of the songs on this site aren't even that good, this got my blood pumping.

AllMightFan180: JOJOOOOOOO! These bars fire!

StAinleSsBRUH: this just might be my favorite song.



The song's popularity kept rising and rising reaching the #1 trending song on YouTube.

-end of flashback-

Year 9: Ryujin released 2 other songs, Awaken (pillar men theme), and Gurenge from demon slayer. Ryujin could stop time for 5 seconds, he knows how to use All of his Hamon, vampire techniques. He's a master at Hamon.

This year he decided to make his suit for his vigilante work. The suit was made by the sub-space, it's the DIO outfit but the green belt and hearts are black with green highlights, and a black red-hood mask.

Ryujin's appearance is identical to young DIO.


-mc pov-

Tonight I'm going to start my vigilante work so I need to prepare and get everything perfectly.

*Few hours later*

I put on my suit and started swinging in the middle of the night looking for crime.

I heard a women's scream coming from the far distance and rush there. 'This is so cliché. I'm gonna do an epic entrance!' I thought.

-3rd pov-

"please *sniff* I beg you don't hurt me…it's it money you want? *sniff* I'll give you it, just please don't hurt me!" Said the crying woman frozen in fear.

The men just laughed at her stupidity, a bulky guy with a scar under his left eye who seemed to be the leader of the gang of 3 spoke " I'll tell what we want, we want your body HAHAHAAHA!" Licking his lips.

Before they could come any closer to the women they all heard a low but terrifying wryyyy.

"What is that?! Who said that?! Show your self coward!" Shouted the leader. When he heard no response for 5 minutes he decided to ignore it and get back to what he was doing. He walked closer to the woman till he heard the same sound again "wryyyy." Terrified he turned around to only find his men hanging upside down, mouths shut with webbing.

A dark figure stood 20 feet away from the

Leader, the figure walked closer and closer menacingly revealing a semi-buff man wearing a yellow vest and pants with a black mask.

The leader enraged rushed the figure activating his quirk, engulfing his hands with fire. He tired punching the figure to only miss when said figure sidestepped outta the way.

The figure uppercuted him sending him flying 5 feet off the ground but he didn't even let the gang leader breath before sending a barrage of punches his way whilst shouting "SUNLIGHT YELLOW OVERDRIVE!!!" Knocking him out immediately.

The woman watched this all go down with wide eyes. The figure walked towards her and asked "are you alright, mi'lady?"

The women got up from the ground a bit shacky and said "Ye, yes! Thank you very much for saving me." With a small bow. "If I may ask, who are you?" Asked the woman.

"The name is DIO, DIO the vigilante, can you walk home or should I escort you?" Asked the know named DIO.

"Thank you for asking but I can walk home." Said the woman with a small smile still a bit shaky about the whole ordeal.

DIO tied up the criminals with webbing before swinging ago with a small wave goodbye to the woman.