
Victoria Alexandra Alexia ~ The Multiverse Traveler

This is the story of Victoria Alexandra Alexia, who gets reincarnated in the British royal family as a girl in 1892 with the ability to be a multiverse movie or TV show traveler. ================================================================ The MC is a Futanari and a lesbian, and yes, there will be harem. ================================================================ This is inspired by "Movie World I am king" and "Past life returner" for the start bit. ================================================================ This novel will have a business side as well as R18, and if there is something wrong, be sure to type it in the comment box.

groomable · Filme
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24 Chs


{Author-chan: Hello readers, I didn't write a chapter yesterday because I was just lazy and also making one of my decisions about whether I should pursue law or psychology. I am not able to decide, and it's eating my mind up.

About the story from the next chapter onward Alexia will start her multiverse adventure, and I also read a comment saying it would be better if the time stayed still in the original world. The thing is, you see, Alexia will still grow, and she will have to stay in the same house because of being a little girl and make a whole secret identity thing. I think it would kind of revolve the story around British royal drama. I want this series to be a mix of all three, not just family drama.

So you guys will know what I did to make Alexia go away from the Royal Family for at least ten years.

I've been reading the comments, and I liked the Scream movie series drama. So keep the names coming. What do you think about Game of Thrones and Dickinson just putting it out there?

Okay, let's start the chapters, You Fuckers.}


Sandringham House [pic in the comments.]

2:00 PM,

September 3rd, 1897

The royal horse carriage and the guards are waiting downstairs. I've been wishing for this moment for a long time and have thought of all the plans I have made for the worlds I will visit.

I thought I wouldn't feel anything while leaving this world and my family, but I don't know why I feel nervous. why? .. Why is my heart beating so fast that it feels like it will burst out of my chest? My palm is sweating. It feels like I will never come back here. Then I thought, "While I would come back to this world, but not with the same innocence that I have now or even after coming back to this universe, I would not come to the Royal Family for many years; maybe that's the reason." Some might think it's a drastic step; why not come back here after finding a trick or illusion to make me look the same age? But I know I would not be the same person who left here.

I would have experienced many things, and there would be no point in pretending. So, why not let them live their own lives? After all, I've got eternity. [Author-chan: She does have eternity. I mean, come on, just go to the In Time movie and get the time from the banks. It's too easy for her to be immortal.]

So there I was going down the stairs, and when I got out of the house, my mom, Edward, and Albert were there. Dad was upstairs. Albert was crying about why he couldn't go with me.. I let out a small laugh at his tantrum. Edward was there, holding back his tears; I could see them in his eyes.

We, the Three, have never separated since we were little. That's why he is sad.

Dad and I are going to the opera house. Even I was only allowed to go after this much pleading, and also me being the successor after Father helped much. I guess they thought this might be a good time to show the little genius to the people.

Yes, I have established a reputation as a genius in the outside world. You might be thinking, "Establishing a reputation as a genius as a girl in this era. Well, I don't know who made this rumor go out to the people. People liked the idea of a genius girl, and while they may be skeptical and wish to see me make fun of this rumor, too bad they are not going to be able to meet me.

The reason "someone" spread this rumor is part of my plan to make my kidnapping look real.

Yes, kidnapping. I've watched a lot of movies and TV shows in my previous life. So, I thought, why not make it seem like I was kidnapped? After my group has risen to power, Make it seem like this was the group who kidnapped me due to my intellect and powerful body, and I killed the leader and took the leader's place. This would explain my disappearance, and I would be able to solely focus on the company instead of dealing with sewing, marriages, and hiding my identity.

I arrived in front of Albert and said, "I will be back; you know that. Right, brother?"

He said while crying, "Really, but I wish to go with you."

I said, "You will go with me when you are older—me, Edward, and you."

He said in a way that almost made me cry because I was leaving this cute brother alone, "Do you promise me, sister?"

I said while holding my tears and doing the best smile I could, "Promise, I'll tell you, 'you told you so..'. So, stop crying before Father comes out."

I then moved towards Edward and only said one thing, "See you later," and hugged him. He cried for a bit but didn't say a word.

My mother did not say a word to me and was angry at me for asking my grandfather and father for this trip anyway; she would not have let me go on this trip if it were up to her.

Now, Father came out of the house. I don't know what to call him—uncle or stepdad. He nodded, because I think he saw everything from the window. He doesn't really know how to show his love. I guess what he shows is called "tough love.".

We got into the royal carriage and started moving. I took a deep breath, looked back at the house just one more time, and then sat up straight and slept. [Pic in the comments.]

We started our journey towards Bow Street, London.


Six hours later..

We were still on the road, and I just got out of my subconscious mind and thought, "It is about 11 more hours of travelling; I guess it is time to put the plan into action."

We were three hours away from the house where we were supposed to stay tonight. But when I come back here, I will be in the same place, and I would much rather leave without anyone seeing me in the house.

I asked the maid to tell the guards to stop the carriage. I wished to go to the forest for retiring.

The carriage stopped, and I got out of the carriage, and the maid asked, "Princess, Would you like to come with me? It's quite dark."

I thought, "I know it's, and the sky looked absolutely beautiful; after all, there's not much pollution here."

While I thought that, I said, "No."

I have been to a retiring room since I was little and did not need a maid for that. [A/N: Retiring room was an old term for washroom.]

I started walking and got behind a tree. I made sure no guards or anybody could see me, and I said that to Katie.



[Author-chan: I've chosen the first world, and I would leave it to you guys to guess which one it is. My super ex-girlfriend, Limitless, or Resident Evil?

It feels good to write. I guess it saved me from more overthinking, and like I said earlier, keep giving me suggestions. I would love them, and make sure to add this novel to your collection. Oh, wait, before leaving, don't forget to read today's weird quote from the author's thought. Okay, see you later.]

"Beware of advice-- Even this." ~ Carl Sandburg

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