
Very Bad : Redy

In a city where darkness lurks, a series of brutal murders shakes the community. Labeled as “Very Bad,” these supernatural crimes defy all logic. Inspector Lucas Moreau, known for his unorthodox methods, is called in to investigate. What he discovers is beyond belief: otherworldly creatures, bloody rituals, and a conspiracy that threatens to plunge the city into chaos. Lucas must navigate through a maze of violence and terror to stop the spreading evil. But each step brings him a little closer to his own destruction.

Charo666 · Horror
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11 Chs

Into the Depths

Lucas Moreau left his apartment located in a peaceful residential area of Saint-Lys. The morning sun peeked through the trees, creating patterns of light and shadow on the sidewalk. He took a deep breath, trying to rid himself of the residue of his nightmare.

Walking down the steps of the building, he turned left towards the small market square, a bustling place where local traders displayed their fresh produce and wares. It was a place where Lucas liked to go from time to time to feel the life of the city, far from the horrors he fought daily.

As he crossed the square, his eye was caught by a small colorful tent set up near the fountain. A hand-painted wooden sign announced: "Psychic – Future Readings and Spiritual Advice."Lucas wasn't one to believe in superstitions, but something made him approach.

The curtain opened slowly, revealing a woman of indefinable age, dressed in colorful clothes and adorned with sparkling jewelry. His piercing blue eyes seemed to peer into Lucas' soul.

"Hello, Lucas," she said in a soft but firm voice. "I was waiting for you."

Lucas shuddered when he heard his name. "You know me ?"

"I know a lot of things," she replied with a slight smile. "Come, sit down. We need to talk."

Intrigued and slightly guarded, Lucas sat down on the stool across from her, inside the tent. The air was filled with the scent of incense and herbs, creating a mystical and calming atmosphere.

"I am Madame Solène," she said, settling behind a table covered with esoteric symbols. "The maps told me you were going to pass this way."

Lucas raised an eyebrow. "And what else do they say?"

Madame Solène took a deck of tarot cards and began to shuffle them with impressive dexterity. "That you are in great danger, Lucas. The darkness surrounds you, and it only seeks to consume you."

Lucas swallowed, the psychic's words echoing his nightmare from the night before. "It's because of the worship of Azrael, isn't it?"

She nodded silently, placing three cards on the table. "The Devil, The Moon, and The Tower. These cards indicate that you are in the presence of powerful evil forces, forces that manipulate reality and sow madness."

Lucas leaned forward, sensing the urgency in his words. "How can I stop them? How can I protect myself?"

Madame Solène looked up at him, a shadow of sadness in her eyes. "You must strengthen your mind and soul. Avoid fear and doubt. But most importantly, Lucas, you must find the sacred artifact, the Silver Heart. This ancient object has the power to repel darkness and neutralize the rituals of the cult."

"Silverheart?" Lucas repeated, burning the name into his memory. "Where can I find it?"

"It's hidden in the catacombs beneath the ancient church of Saint-Lys," she replied. "But be careful. The cult members also know he's there and will do anything to stop you."

Lucas stood up, feeling a mixture of hope and determination. "Thank you, Madame Solène. I will do what is necessary."

She smiled at him, but her expression remained serious. "Good luck, Lucas. May the light guide you."

Leaving the tent, Lucas felt the urgency of the situation. He had to go to the catacombs and find the Silver Heart before the cult could use it for evil purposes. The battle for Saint-Lys had just taken a new turn, and he was ready to face the darkness that threatened his city.

Lucas Moreau left the market place at a rapid pace, his mind focused on what Madame Solène had just revealed to him. He knew that finding the Silver Heart would be crucial to fighting the cult of Azrael, but first he had to return to the police station. There were still unanswered questions, and the inmates may have vital information.

Arriving at the police station, he quickly greeted the officers on duty and headed towards the detention area. Members of the cult were held in separate cells, under close surveillance. Lucas approached the leader's cell, still asleep following the truth serum injection administered the day before.

"Julien, report on the inmates," Lucas asked when he found his colleague in the surveillance room.

Julien looked up from his files. "Nothing notable since last night. The leader is still under the effect of the serum, but he is starting to wake up. The others are calm, no signs of abnormal behavior."

Lucas nodded. "Good. Make sure they remain under constant surveillance. I will now examine the symbols we found."

Julien nodded. "I put everything we found in the meeting room. Professor Bernard left some extra notes this morning."

Lucas headed towards the meeting room where the documents and photos of the symbols found at the ritual sites were spread out on a large table. The drawings, circles, crosses, and other mysterious glyphs formed a complex and disturbing puzzle.

He took Bernard's notes and began to read them carefully. "Circles and crosses are classic representations of dimensional portals," Bernard explained in his annotations. "They are used to channel supernatural energy and summon entities from other planes of existence."

Lucas remembered Bernard's warning about the connection between these symbols and the Demon of Madness. He scanned the notes with renewed intensity, searching for clues on how to thwart these rituals.

He found an interesting mention of another symbol he hadn't noticed before: an inverted triangle with an eye at its center. "The Eye Triangle is a symbol of mind control and manipulation. Those who bear the mark can bend the will of others to their own."

Lucas scribbled notes, trying to figure out how it all connected. The presence of these symbols in different locations indicated a methodical and intentional preparation on the part of the cult to create a network of evil influence.

He then remembered the nightmare and Madame Solène's words. The Silver Heart could not only repel the darkness, but also shatter these symbols and neutralize their power.

Julien entered the room, interrupting his thoughts. "Lucas, the leader is awake. He seems more lucid now. Do you want to question him?"

Lucas nodded, putting his notes away. "Yes, I'll talk to him. Keep checking on the others and let me know of any changes."

They headed together towards the leader's cell. Lucas took a deep breath before entering. The leader, although still handcuffed, seemed to have come to his senses, his dark eyes staring at Lucas with cold intensity.

"Here we are again," Lucas said, sitting down in a chair facing the cell. "Last night you spoke about your mission and your numbers. Now I want specific details about your rituals and the symbols you use."

The leader gave a sinister smile. "You don't understand yet, Inspector. The symbols are only a fragment of our power. We are much more than that."

"And yet you have failed so far," Lucas retorted calmly. "So, explain these symbols to me. What is your true goal with these portals and summons?"

The leader was silent for a moment, then spoke in a low but clear voice. "We seek to free Azrael, the Demon of Madness, to rule this reality. Portals are the crossing points, and rituals are the keys. Each symbol, each drawing, reinforces its link with our world."

Lucas took note of every word. "What about the Eye Triangle? How do you control it?"

The leader narrowed his eyes, a glint of mischief in his gaze. "The Eye Triangle is the ultimate tool of domination. Those who master it can influence weak minds, twisting their will until they are mere puppets."

Lucas sat up, his mind racing. He knew that every minute counted. He had to find the Silver Heart before the cult could move forward with their plan.

"Thanks for the information," he said, standing up. "You stay here, but be sure we will put an end to this madness."

As he left the cell, he met Julien. "I have to get back on the field," Lucas announced. "Professor Bernard left important notes on the symbols, and we have a lead on an artifact that could help us. Continue to monitor the inmates and keep me informed."

"Understood, Lucas. Be careful," Julien replied.

Lucas left the police station with renewed determination. The next step awaited him, and he knew he had to be ready to face the dark forces that threatened Saint-Lys.

Lucas Moreau headed towards the ancient catacombs of Saint-Lys, his mind focused on the mission at hand. The city streets seemed darker, as if an invisible threat loomed over every corner. He knew that every minute counted and that he had to find the Silver Heart before the cult could move forward with their plans.

As he drove through a more deprived part of town, a woman stood on the side of the road, waving at his car. Lucas sighed, immediately recognizing the type of situation. He slowed down and rolled down the window.

The woman approached, her professional smile in place. "Hello, handsome. Need some company?"

Lucas rolled his eyes and did his best to keep his tone sarcastically light. "I'm flattered, but I'm currently on my way to save the city from a demonic cult. Not really the time for company, you know?"

The prostitute frowned, confused. "A demonic cult? Is that another excuse to say no?"

Lucas smiled. "No, really. It's one of those days. We all have them, right? But seriously, you should avoid hanging out here tonight. Things can get dangerous."

The woman shrugged her shoulders, obviously used to the eccentricities of certain customers. "Okay, superhero. Take care of yourself. If you ever need to save anyone else, you know where to find me."

Lucas burst out laughing despite himself. "I'll remember the address. Have a good evening and stay safe."

The prostitute winked before walking away. Lucas continued on his way, the exchange having momentarily distracted him from the intensity of his mission. It was a reminder that amidst the madness and darkness, there were still moments of humanity and humor.

As he approached the catacombs, he concentrated again. The entrance was hidden behind an abandoned church, overgrown and forgotten. He parked his car at a distance and quietly walked towards the church, scanning the surroundings to make sure he wasn't being followed.

Lucas pushed open the church door, the smell of mold and dust immediately overwhelming him. He used a flashlight to light his way, quickly finding access to the catacombs through a trapdoor hidden under the altar.

He carefully descended the stone steps, each step echoing in the oppressive silence. The walls were covered in ancient symbols, some looking familiar from his research with Professor Bernard.

The catacombs stretched out into a maze of dark, winding tunnels. Lucas progressed slowly, guiding himself using the maps he had studied earlier. The Silver Heart must be hidden somewhere in these depths.

After several minutes of walking, he arrived in a larger chamber, decorated with ancient statues and engraved inscriptions. In the center of the room, on a stone pedestal, sat a gleaming artifact – a heart carved from pure silver.

Lucas approached cautiously, feeling the energy emanating from the object. He reached out his hand, ready to grab the Silver Heart, but a voice behind him stopped him in his tracks.

"Inspector Moreau, here you are at last," said a soft but menacing voice.

Lucas turned slowly, discovering a hooded figure standing in the shadows. "Who are you ?" he asked, keeping his calm.

"A servant of Azrael, as you should have guessed," the figure replied. "You can't take what's ours."

Lucas gritted his teeth. "We will see."

Confrontation was inevitable, and Lucas knew he had to act quickly. His mission had only just begun, and the darkness would not dissipate without a fierce fight.