
Vega Brothers And Their Mates

Marcus and his two brothers, Jackson and Lucien have been living a normal life for the past ten years since they lost their parent to an old enemy. They always made it a point to keep to themselves and stay within the boundaries and rules they have set for themselves as a three man pack, and that includes, not wanting mates or anything else that would call attention to their little secrets and put them in danger, especially with werewolves and other supernatural creatures returning to town. Everything was going just fine until an old friend of their came requesting for their help. Little did they know, it was the beginning of what would change their lives forever as well as everything they stood for, starting with Marcus the eldest of the three brothers who is soon to find out the biggest surprise of his life when he and his brothers went running to the secure without a second thought. This is going to be a three in one story, so brace yourselves and stay tune for the ride.

Agnes_Oti · Fantasie
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14 Chs


As they walked on, Marcus realized, her steps were becoming slow as compared to when they first started out, so he decided to asked just to make sure she is fine.

"Laura are you ok?"

She smiled, "I'm okay, just exhausted from the walk but I will be fine"

"Do you want a ride? Like a piggy ride?" he asked nervously before adding, "its just a friendly offer though"

She smiled and almost squealed yes! but then with his brothers just a step ahead of them, they might think something else had happened, so she put her emotions in check.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother seeing how stressed you have had to go through because of me"

Marcus grabbed her hand, bringing them both to a quick stop as he turned her around to face him.

"You're never a bother to me, Laura and I can go to any length just for you so come on, just hop on" He said and bend before her knowing she won't probably refuse him as his offer will override the uneasiness his brothers were causing her especially stupid Jackson.

With a grateful sigh she hoped on and almost immediately she sighed in bliss at the warm contact from his body. Jack cleared his throat at the sight and Marcus gave him a warning glare as he walked passed them with Laura clinging on to him.

They continued to walk in silence as they head towards the clearing where their vehicle were parked and probably a meet up as well. Marcus already send Eddy a message and he would be arriving soon with some of the men he went on the search with.

"how much longer before we get to where the truck is parked".

"we are almost there" Lucian replied before saying, "curiosity is killing me here, i mean how possible was it that Lin had Laura and didn't harm her?".

Marcus fell into deep thought as Lucian continued to think out loud.

"You are right! The Lin we all know doesn't spare anyone. She would have been long gone before we know it" Jackson added.

"What do you say Marc?" Jackson asked as they noticed how silent he was and the brooding look on his face.

"Marc?!" Lucien called out loud and at the same time, pulling him out of his thoughts as well.

"are you okay? You seemed so lost" Luc said curiously and Marcus just nodded his head but said nothing making the brothers drop the topic. Slowly the truck came into view and Jackson raced towards it with Lucien hot on his heels, Marcus couldn't help but feel annoyed that the truck was finally in view.

He wished they had more time to themselves. The thought of letting her go troubled his wolf so much so, it makes his heart hurt. Just then Laura stirred and asked sleepily, "are we home yet?".

"No but the truck is in view" He said simply.

"oh" she replied hazely.

"i don't think i want to let you go just yet, Laura, we have so much to talk about, i mean after so many years, I finally found you when i'd least expected, I just.."

The soft snores erupting her mouth told Marcus he was talking to himself. Laura had fallen asleep once more.

He smiled to himself before walking on. As soon as he dropped her sleeping figure at the back seat and sat beside her, his phone rang. He retrieved it from his pocket and clicked received before attaching it to his ear.

"Hey Ed, I was just about to call you. We just arrived at the meet up point"

The call didn't last very long before it ended. Seems Eddy was waiting for them at their home instead which was good. Means, more time to spend with Laura in the car. Marcus let out a wry sigh as he stares back at Laura's sleeping form. He was dreading the moment he would have to let her go and he doubt if he would be truly ready for it.

Jackson smirked while staring at him from the rearview mirror, something was definitely up and he had a feeling it had to do with Laura.

"let's go" Marcus ordered and Lucien drove off prior to the command.

"You okay bro?, you seem off" Jackson asked staring at his brother whose eyes couldn't leave Laura figure even for a second.

"I'm fine, just a little tired" Marcus replied lazily before leaning backwards again the head rest with his eyes closed.

He felt Laura stir but he remained unmoved, "where are we?"

He heard her ask quietly but gave no reply as he was deep in his own troubling thought.

"Home baby, we are taking you home" Luc said simply and he felt her relax back against her seat.

He laid back and refused to move despite the fact that the truck had already pulled over, "Marcus" he heard Laura whisper after the door was shut at the departure of his brothers.

"I know you aren't sleeping" she began, and he turned on his side to stare back at her.

"How do you know I'm not?"

"its quite obvious because of the way you keep clenching and unclenching your fist even though your eyes were shut".

He still kept mute as his heart thumped against his chest but he gave no response, still staring at her as though he was trying to commit every part of her to memory.

"Did i do something wrong?" She whispered, her voice starting to break.

Laura couldn't understand the spell Marcus had on her. To think they only met some hours ago would be an understatement yet he has made her laugh, cry and even bargain with a vampire all for him just like he did her. Is he crazy to think they are really what he says they were?

Mates is the word he used to described them. Marcus said they were each other mates and even though she would love to think him to be crazy, she just can't help but feel it in her heart that he is right.

Tears filled her eyes and she quickly tried to turn away from him but Marcus was too quick to hold her back, preventing her from doing so.

Laura gasped with shock at the sensation that shot through her as she was left staring into his beautiful eyes, piercing through her very soul and leaving her even more vulnerable than ever.

"You did nothing wrong, Laura. You can never do me wrong. I'm the one who is consumed by my own emotions. I feel like my heart will overflow if I let another of your tears slip"

And without thinking, Laura let go of all logical reasoning and quickly locked lips with him. He felt his body grow tense before they finally relaxed and he took charge, starting to drive her wild as he bite and suck her lips into his mouth, wordlessly asking for permission to take the kiss even further.

Laura was a moaning mess as Marcus continued to ravish her lips over and over again, his kisses gentle yet demanding. Marcus lifted her to seat on his laps, straddling him even but not loosing his attachment to her lips even for a second.

Even in her daze mind, Laura could feel his member digging into her buttocks suggestively and she couldn't help but grind her hip slightly against him, the movement causing a low growl to erupt deep into his chest.

"Is everything okay back there ?" Lucien voice called at them and forcing the two to spring apart just as quickly.

"yeah, we are, um, we are okay" Laura called back, not exactly sure what to say.

Marcus let out an irritated growl when he heard his brothers chuckling. He knew those two are obviously trying to get on his nerves and he is going to make them pay later but for now, his only concern was Laura, Her cheek was still red with embarrassment.

"You okay?" He asked peering at her face and she nodded.

"Good, now come on"

Just about then, his phone chimed, indicating a new message.

It was time for Laura to go home. His expression became Moody instantly and Laura arched a brow at him.

"What is it?"

"It's time to go home" He said staring at her hoping for some sort of reaction and she simply nodded.

Marcus relayed the same information to his brothers before they joined them in the car once again.

"Well we thought Ed was meeting us here but seems he wants us to bring you over so we are headed to the council's office right now" Marcus explained to his brothers before they went on their way.