
Vega Brothers And Their Mates

Marcus and his two brothers, Jackson and Lucien have been living a normal life for the past ten years since they lost their parent to an old enemy. They always made it a point to keep to themselves and stay within the boundaries and rules they have set for themselves as a three man pack, and that includes, not wanting mates or anything else that would call attention to their little secrets and put them in danger, especially with werewolves and other supernatural creatures returning to town. Everything was going just fine until an old friend of their came requesting for their help. Little did they know, it was the beginning of what would change their lives forever as well as everything they stood for, starting with Marcus the eldest of the three brothers who is soon to find out the biggest surprise of his life when he and his brothers went running to the secure without a second thought. This is going to be a three in one story, so brace yourselves and stay tune for the ride.

Agnes_Oti · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


On the drive back to her home. Laura couldn't keep her mind from thinking about the kiss she shared with Marcus a while ago. It was the best kiss he has ever had and to think he is not even her boyfriend is another thing she couldn't understand.

She loved how he made her feel, every fiber of her being seem to respond to his touch. Maybe it was too soon to say she loved him, but one thing she couldn't deny was the fact that, they connected so well even better than she had ever done with whatever existed between she and her ex Sam.

Laura never thought a day like this would come but It was scary and at the same time fascinating, meeting someone for the very first time and connecting with them so well. Maybe they had met in their previous life before even though Marcus said, they are mates.

Their car went over a bump, pulling her out of her train of thoughts as she turned to stare at Marcus. He has been awfully quiet and she could only imagine why. Laura really wished she could hear his thought. It would please her immensely if he was thinking about her as well.

Marcus on the other hand was deep in his own thought. Totally consumed by the scent of his mate who was clueless to exactly how he feels. In as much as it hurt him to ignore her, he just thought maybe it would help calm his nerves. He didn't want to act weirdly in front of his brothers and to top it off, his wolf was so restless after they met her and the only thing he can think about is to mate with her.

All he wanted to do was sink his canines into her sweet flesh and make her his forever.

He opened his eyes only to meet her frowning at him and upon realizing she had been caught staring, she widened her eyes in surprise before looking away from him, making him chuckle slightly.


She just pretended not to hear him as he did to her. The brothers couldn't help but eavesdrop on the pair. Jack was driving and Lucien was in the passenger seat. His head was resting against the seat entirely. It's not that they wanted to listen in on their conversation but rather being in the car it would be almost impossible not to.

"I'm sorry, if you were offended by my silence. It's nothing personal. I was just lost in thought"

In as much as she wanted to be upset with the man, she couldn't stay angry. But not wanting to say anything she just nodded.

He sighed as the car pulled over, which only meant one thing, her time to leave him was already so near.

"So you aren't even going to say bye" she said staring at him, as he closed his eyes once again, feeling frustrated.

Lucien and Jackson got down and were already walking ahead as they are now headed into the council building. Sighing, she moved to get down from the vehicle when his hands reached out and pulled her unto his arms abruptly, stopping her midway.

Laura couldn't resist the sensation that shot through her body as a little sigh escaped her mouth, his bodily warmth causing her to melt into him completely. They both sighed out in relief as his warms continue to hold her into the hug.

"I wish you don't have to go, Laura" Marcus said in a deep husky voice, his warm breath tickling the back of her ears and causing her to shiver from the very impact as well.

Inhaling her sweet intoxicating sent deep into his lungs, he felt the changing contours of his own body as it hummed in appreciation.

"Marcus" Laura let out a breath and his jawline clenched tightly.

"You don't know how difficult this is for me to let you go".

She smiled in the hug, "see you soon Mar....ate" she said before unwrapping his arms around her and reach over to brush her lips against his slight before getting down to join the others.

He smiled to himself as he watched her petite figure run into the house.

Looking down at his trousers he groaned in frustration as he saw the tent she had caused.

Marcus smiled quickly morphed into a deep frown when he looked up and discovering Laura getting wrapped up in another man's arms. he growled under his breath as he heard her whimper. It took everything within himself to stop himself from tearing the shadowy figure from his girl.

Laura allowed herself to be held by Sam for another minute before her strong facade finally crumbled to the floor and tears start to trickle down her cheeks.

Sam continued to cooed her with soothing words, trying to get her to calm down, just then she remembered Marcus was still in the truck staring at her exchange with Sam and she quickly backed away.

Laura doesn't know why she felt guilty at that moment even though she had done nothing wrong . she could feel his gaze burning through the back of her neck and immediately she took another step further away from Sam before sniffing back her tears.

Marcus wondered why she looked so sad and even cried. Was it because she felt emotional towards her boyfriend now turned ex or is it because of the time she spent with him. He just couldn't understand it. Too many questions he didn't have answers to were running through his mind.

Without being told, Marcus knew the man hugging her is the same one she had told him about. He was the same one she had said didn't liked her. Maye she lied about that part because he looked like he cares for her now.

They looked so cozy and even in love at the moment. So much so that his eyes were starting to hurt just looking at them.

He let out a sigh before getting down from the car as well and endeavoring to slam it at his exit, grabbing the attention of both Laura and Sam who only turned to glance back at him before turning to head indoors.

Marcus thought about walking in with them to meet Edwin but had to change his mind at the very last minute as he turned and took off into the bushes. It wasn't long before a painful howl was heard in a nearby distance before it fades into nothing.