
A short setup

[Veleda] When I woke up, I could see land in the distance. Relieved and excited, I paddled forward, eager to be on solid ground again. I took a break around midday and settled down to drift the rest of the way now that I was at an okay speed.

The land slowly came closer. I used the scope attached to my rifle to look at it. The coast wasn't tall but there were many rocks along the side, and in the water leading up to the shore.

As I got closer yet something seemed off. All around there were shipwrecks yet not on the rocks, something else had caused these. I began to get an ominous feeling as I approached, the sky grew darker, the water grew deeper, and a weird quiet settled over the area. I slowed down, strapped my rifle to my back, and unholstered my M-8 pistol, ready for whatever was ahead.

I saw a ripple moving swiftly through the water towards me.

[Delano] I sat in the back of the Sierra Viper as it moved smoothly through the air. It wasn't a large ship, but it wasn't a tight fit for two people without any metal in the cargo bay. It was almost a small shuttle, the prongs and fins just barely getting it to have qualifications for a viper. It had a rounded square body the cockpit was in the middle, and the body had leaf shaped prongs on the side. The short stubby fins were the seal of approval to make it a viper.

Besides the cockpit the rectangular body housed a decent sized cargo bay, suitable for transportation of materials or a small number of people. This is where I was sitting. Once the auto pilot kicked in, Jaku came back to sit with me for a little bit. "You good?" He asked

"Yeah, just getting ready for the mission."

"Okay," he responded "I'll be in the cockpit if you need me."

After about an hour of waiting, we finally reached the area where autopilot ended and Jaku took over the controls manually. I joined him in the cockpit to get a good view of where we would be landing.

"Wow" Jaku said as we approached the area, "wonder what happened here."

Coming into view was a small island with some buildings on it. Coming from the island was a giant plume of smoke. Let me restate that, a GIANT plume of smoke. It shot into the air, much further than the few miles that we were above it.

All around there were pieces of various types of ships. I the water there was debris from boats and planes, and floating in the air due to functional anti gravity machines were spaceship debris. "Well, at least the anti gravs will provide many rare and useful materials."

A very short chapter I'm on vacation so don't blame me for being lazy. (Actually you can blame me)

Lieutenant_Jakucreators' thoughts